HYMN LV. Indra.
1. LOUD singing at the sacred rite where Soma flows we priests invoke
With haste, that he may help, as the bard’s Cherisher, Indra who findeth wealth for you.
2. Whom with fair helm, in rapture of the juice, the firm resistless slayers hinder not:
Giver of glorious wealth to him who sing a his praise, honouring him who toils and pours:
3. Sakra, who like a curry-comb for horses or a golden goad,
Indra, the Vrtra-slayer, urges eagerly the opening of the stall of kine:
4. Who for the worshipper scatters forth ample wealth, even though buried, piled in heaps:
May Indra, Lord of Bay Steeds, fair-helmed Thunderer, act at his pleasure, as he lists.
5. Hero whom many praise, what thou hast longed for, oven of old, from men.
All that we offer unto thee, O Indra, now, sacrifice, laud, effectual speech.
6. To Soma, Much-invoked, Bolt-armed! for thy carouse, Celestial, Soma-drinker come.
Thou to the man who- prays and pours the juice hast been best giver of delightful wealth.
7. Here, verily, yesterday we let the Thunder-wielder drink his fill.
So in like manner offer him the jifice today. Now range you by the Glorious One.
8. Even the wolf, the savage beast that rends the sheep, follows the path of his decrees.
So graciously accepting, Indra, this our praise, with wondrous thought come forth to us.
9. What manly deed of vigour now remains that Indra hath not done?
Who hath not heard his glorious title and his fame, the Vrtra-slayer from his birth?
10. ‘How great his power resistless! how invincible the Vrtra-slayer’s matchless might!
Indra excels all usurers who see the day, excels all traffickers in strength.
11. O Indra, Vrtra-slayer, we, thy very constant worshippers,
Bring prayers ne’er heard before to thee, O Much-invoked, O Thunder-armed, to be thy meed.
12. O thou of mighty acts, the aids that are in thee call forward many an eager hope.
Past the drink-offerings, Vasu, even of the good, hear my call, Strongest God, and come.
13. Verily, Indra, we are thine, we worshippers depend on thee.
For there is none but only thou to show us race, O Maghavan, thou much invoked.
14. From this our misery and famine set us free, from this dire curse deliver us.
Succour us with thine help and with tby wondrous thought. Most Mighty, finder of the way.
15 Now let your Soma juice be poured; be not afraid, O Kali’s sons.
This darkening sorrow goes away; yea, of itself it vanishes.
HYMN LVI. Adityas.
1. Now pray we to these Ksatriyas, to the Adityas for their aid,
These who are gracious to assist.
2. May Mitra bear us oer distress, and Varuna and Aryaman,
Yea, the Adityas, as they know.
3. For wonderful and meet for praise is these Adityas’ saving help
To him who offers and prepares.
4. The mighty aid of you, the Great, Varuna, Mitra, Aryarnan,
We claim to be our sure defence.
5. Guard us, Adityas, still alive, before the deadly weapon strike:
Are yc not they who hear our call?
6. What sheltering defence ye have for him who toils in pouring gifts,
Graciously bless ye us therewith.
7. Adityas, Gods, from sorrow there is freedom; for the sinless, wealth,
O ye in whom no fault is seen.
8. Let not this fetter bind us fast: may he release us for success;
For strong is Indra and renowned.
9. O Gods who fain would lend your aid, destroy not us as ye destroy
Your enemies who go astray.
10. And thee too, O Great Aditi, thee also, Goddess, I address,
Thee very gracious to assist.
11. Save us in depth and shallow from the foe, thbu Mother of Strong Sons
Let no one of our seed be harmed.
12. Far-spread! wide-ruling! grant that we, unharmed by envy, may expand
Grant that our progeny may live.
13. Those who, the Princes of the folk, in native glory, neer deceived,
Maintain their statutes, void of guilt-
14. As such, from mouth of ravening wolves, O ye Adityas, rescue us,
Like a bound thief, O Aditi.
15. Adityas, let this arrow, yea, let this mali. gnity depart
From us or eer it strike us dead.
16. Fori Bountiful Adityas, we have evermore enjoyed your help,
Both now and in die days of old.
17. To every one, O ye Most Wise, who turneth even from sin to you,
Ye Gods vouchsafe that he may live.
18. May this new mercy profit us, which, ye Adityas, frees like one,
Bound from his bonds, O Aditi.
19. O ye Adityas, this your might is not to be despised by us:
So be ye graciously inclined.
20. Let not Vivasvan’s weapon nor the shaft, Adityas, wrought with skill,
Destroy us ere old age be nigh.
21. On every side dispel all sin, Adityas, all hostility,
Indigence, and combined attack.
1. EVEN as a car to give us aid, we draw thee hither for our bliss,
Strong in thy deeds, checking assault, Lord, Mightiest Indra, of the brave!
2. Great in tby power and wisdom, Strong, with thought that comprehendeth all
Thou hast filled full with majesty.
3. Thou very Mighty One, whose hands by virtue of thy greatness grasp,
The golden bolt that breaks its way.
4. Your Lord of might that ne’er hath bent, that ruleth over all mankind,
I call, that he, as he is wont, may aid the chariots and the men.
5. Whom, ever furthering, in frays that win the light, in both the hosts
Men call to succour and to help.
6. Indra, the Strong, the measureless, worthy of praise, Most Bountiful,
Sole Ruler even over wealth.
7. Him, for his ample bounty, him, this Indra do I urge to drink,
Who, as his praise was sung of old, the Dancer, is the Lord of men.
8. Thou Mighty One, whose friendship none of mortals ever hath obtained
None will attain unto thy might.
9. Aided by thee, with thee allied, in frays for water and for sun,
Bolt-armed! may we win ample spoil.
10. So seek we thee with sacrifice and songs, chief Lover of the Song,
As, in our battles Indra, thou to Purumayya gavest help.
11. O Thunderer, thou whose friendship and whose onward guidance both are sweet,
Thy sacrifice must be prepared.
12. To us, ourselves, give ample room, give for our dwelling ample room
Give ample room to us to live.
13. We count the banquet of the Gods a spacious pathway for the men,
And for the cattle, and the car.
14. Six men, yea, two and two, made glad with Soma juice, come near to me
With offerings pleasant to the taste.
15. Two brown-hued steeds, Indrota’s gift, two bays from Rksa’s son were mine,
From Asvamedha’s son two red.
16. From Atithigva good car-steeds; from Arksa rein-obeying steeds,
From Asvamedha beauteous ones.
17. Indrota, Atithigva’s son, gave me six horses matched with mares
And Patakratu gave besides.
18. Marked above all, amid the brown, is the red mare Vrsanvati,
Obedient to the rein and whip.
19 O bound to me by deeds of might, not even the man who loves to blame.
Hath found a single fault in you.
1. I SEND you forth the song of praise for Indu, hero-gladdener.
With hymn and plenty he invites you to complete the sacrifice.
2. Thou wishest for thy kine a bull, for those who long for his approach,
For those who turn away from him, lord of thy cows whom none may kill.
3. The dappled kine who stream with milk prepare his draught of Soma juice:
Clans in the birth-place of the Gods, in the three luminous realms of heaven.
4. Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the kine,
The Son of Truth, Lord of the brave.
5. Hither his Bay Steeds have been sent, red Steeds are on the sacred grass,,
Where we in concert sing our songs.
6. For Indra Thunder-armed the kine have yielded mingled milk and meath,
What time he found them in the vault.
7. When I and Indra mount on high up to the Bright One’s place and home,
We, having drunk of meath, will reach his seat whose Friends are three times seven.
8. Sing, sing ye forth your songs of praise, ye Briyamedhas, sing your songs:
Yea, let young children sing their lauds as a strong castle praise ye him.
9. Now loudly let the viol sound, the lute send out its voice with might,
Shrill be, the music of the string. To Indra. is the hymn up-raised.
10. When bither speed the dappled cows, unflinching, easy to be milked,
Seize quickly, as it bursts away, the Soma juice for Indra’s drink.
11. Indra hath drunk, Agni hath drunk. all Deities have drunk their fill.
Here Varuna shall have his home, to whom the floods have sung aloud as motherkine unto their calves.
12. Thou, Varuna, to whom belong Seven Rivers, art a glorious God.
The waters flow into thy throat as ’twere a pipe with ample mouth.
13. He who hath made the fleet steeds spring, well-harnessed, to the worshipper,
He, the swift Guide, is that fair form that loosed the horses near at hand.
14. Indra, the very Mighty, holds his enemies in utter scorn.
He, far away, and yet a child, cleft the cloud smitten by his voice.
15. He, yet a boy exceeding small, mounted his newly-fashioned car.
He for his Mother and his Sire cooked the wild mighty buffalo.
16. Lord of the home, fair-helmeted, ascend thy chariot wrought of gold.
We will attend the Heavenly One, the thousand-footed, red of hue, matchless, who blesses where he goes.
17. With reverence they come hitherward to him as to. a Sovran lord,
That they may bring him near for this man’s good success, to prosper and bestow his gifts.
18. The Priyamedhas have observed the offering of the men of old,
Of ancient custom, while they strewed the sacred grass, and spread their sacrificial food.
HYMN LIX. Indra.
1. HE who, as Sovran Lord of men, moves with his chariots unrestrained,
The Vrtra-slayer vanquisher, of fighting hosts, preeminent, is praised with song.
2. Honour that Indra, Puruhanman! for his aid, in whose sustaining hand of old,
The splendid bolt of thunder was deposited, as the great Sun was set in heaven.
3. No one by deed attains to him who works and strengthens evermore:
No, not by sacrifice, to Indra. praised o all, resistless, daring, bold in might.
4. The potent Conqueror, invincible in war, him at whose birth the Mighty Ones,
The Kine who spread aftar, sent their loud voices out, heavens, earths seat their loud voices out,
5. O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were thine-
No, not a thousand Suns could match thee at thy birth, not both the worlds, O Thunderer.
6. Thou, Hero, hast performed thy hero deeds with might, yea, all with strength, O Strongest One.
Maghavan, help us to a stable full of kine, O Thunderer, with wondrous aids.
7. Let not a godless mortal gain this food, O thou whose life is long!
But one who yokes the bright-hued steeds, the Etasas, even Indra yoker of the Bays.
8. Urge ye the Conqueror to give, your Indra greatly to be praised,
To be invoked in shallow waters and in depths, to be invoked in deeds of might.
9. O Vasu, O thou Hero, raise us up to ample opulence.
Raise us to gain of mighty wealth, O Maghavan, O Indra, to sublime renown.
10. Indra, thou justifiest us, and tramplest down thy slanderers.
Guard thyself, valiant Hero, in thy vital parts: strike down the Dasa with thy blows.
11. The man who brings no sacrifice, inhuman, godless, infidel,
Him let his friend the mountain cast to rapid death, the mountain cast the Dasyu down.
12. O Mightiest Indra, loving us, gather thou up, as grains of corn,
Within thine hand, of these their kine, to give away, yea, gather twice as loving us.
13. O my companions, wish for power. How may we perfect Sara’s praise,
The liberal princely patron, never to be harmed?
14. By many a sage whose grass is trimmed thou art continually praised,
That thou, O Sara, hast bestowed here one and here another’calf.
15. The noble, Suradeva’s son, hath brought a calf, led by the car to three of us.
As a chief brings a goat to milk.