28. Sweet be the night and sweet the dawns, sweet the terrestrial atmosphere: Sweet be our Father Heaven to us.
29. May the tall tree be full of sweets for us and, and full of sweets the Sun: May our milch-kine be sweet for us.
30. Seat thyself in the deepness of the waters, lest Sûrya, lest Vaisvânara Agni scorch thee. With wing unclipped, survey created beings: may rain that cometh down from heaven attend thee.
31. He crept across the three heaven-reaching oceans, the Bull of Bricks, the Master of the Waters. Clad in the world with his, the Well-Made’s, vesture, go whither those before thee have departed.
32. May Heaven and Earth, the Mighty Pair, besprinkle this our sacrifice, And feed us full with nourishments.
33. Look ye on Vishnu’s works whereby the Friend of Indra, close allied, Hath let his holy ways be seen.
34. Firm art thou, a sustainer. Hence engendered, forth from these wombs at first came Jâtavedas. By Gâyatrî, by Trishtup, by Anushtup, may he who knows bear to the Gods oblation.
35. Take thou thine ease for food, for store of riches, for might in splendour, and for strength and offspring. Thou art all-ruling, independent Ruler: both fountains of Sarasvatî protect thee!
36. O radiant Agni, harness thou thy steeds which are most excellent! They bear thee as thy spirit wills.
37. Yoke, Agni, as a charioteer, thy steeds who best invoke the Gods: As ancient Hotar take thy seat.
38. Like rivers our libations flow together, cleansing themselves in inmost heart and spirit. I look upon the flowing streams of butter: the golden reed is in the midst of Agni.
39. Thee for the praise-verse, thee for sheen, thee for bright splendour, thee for light. This hath become the energetic spirit of all the world and of Vaisvânara Agni.
40. Agni, all-luminous with light, splendid with splendour, golden One. Giver of thousands art thou: for a thousand thee.
41. Balm thou with milk the unborn babe Âditya, wearing all forms, creator of a thousand. Spare, him with heat, nor plot against him: give him a hundred years of life while thou art building.
42. The wind’s impetuous rush, Varuna’s navel! the horse that springs to life amid the waters! The rivers’ tawny child, based on the mountain, harm not, O Agni, in the loftiest region.
43. Unwasting Drop, red, eager, pressing forward, Agni I worship with repeated homage. Forming thyself with joints in proper order, harm not the Cow, Aditi widely ruling!
44. Her who is Tvashtar’s guardian, Varuna’s navel, the Ewe brought forth from out the loftiest region, The Asura’s mighty thousandfold contrivance, injure not in the highest sphere, O Agni.
45. The Agni who from Agni had his being, from heat of Earth or also heat of Heaven, Whereby the Omnific One engendered creatures, him may thy fierce displeasure spare, O Agni.
46. The brilliant presence of the Gods hath risen, the eye of Mitra, Varuna, and Agni. The soul of all that moveth not or moveth, the Sun hath filled the air, and earth and heaven.
47. Injure not, thousand-eyed, while thou art building for sacrifice, this animal, the biped. Accept as pith man’s counterfeit the victim, Agni: therewith building thy forms, be settled. Let thy flame reach man’s counterfeit: let thy flame reach the man we hate.
48. Harm not this animal whose hooves are solid, the courser neighing in the midst of coursers. I dedicate to thee the forest Gaura: building thy bodies up with him be settled. Let thy flame reach the Gaura, let thy flame reach him whom we detest.
49. Thousandfold, with a hundred streams, this fountain, expanded in the middle of the waters, Infinite, yielding butter for the people, harm not, O Agni, in the highest region. This wild bull of the forest I assign thee: building thy bodies up therewith be settled. Let thy flame reach the wild hull, etc. (as in 48).
50. This creature clothed in wool, Varuna’s navel, the skin of animals quadruped and biped, The first that was produced of Tvashtar’s creatures, O Agni, harm not in the highest region. The forest buffalo do I assign thee: building, etc., as above mutato mutando.
51. From Agni’s warmth the he-goat had his being: he looked at first upon his generator. Thereby the Gods at first attained to Godhead: those meet for worship to the height ascended. The forest Sarabha do I assign thee: building, etc.
52. Do thou, Most Youthful God, protect the men who offer, hear their songs, Protect his offspring and himself.