28. To Îsâna he sacrifices wild asses; to Mitra Gauras; to Varuna buffaloes; to Brihaspati Gayals; to Tvashtar camels.
29. To Prajâpati he sacrifices men elephants; to Vâk white ants; to Sight flies; to Hearing black bees.
30. To Prajâpati and to Vâyu a Gayal is to be offered; to Varuna a wild ram; to Yama a black ram; to a human king a monkey; to the Tiger a red doe; to the Bull a female Gayal, to the Kshiprasyena a quail; to the Nilangu a worm; to the Sea a porpoise; to the Snowy Mountain an elephant.
31. The Kinnara belongs to Prajâpati; the Ula, the Halikshna, the cat belong to Dhâtar; the heron belongs to the Quarters; the Dhunkshâ to Agni; sparrow, red snake, Sâras, these are Tvashtar’s; the curlew belongs to Vâk.
32. To Soma an antelope is to be offered; wild goat, mungoose, Sakâ. these are Pûshan’s; the jackal is the Mâyu’s; the Gaura Indra’s; Pidva, antelope, cock, these are Anumati’s; the Chakravâka is for Echo.
33. The female crane is Sûrya’s; Sârga, Srijays, Sayândaka, these are Mitra’s; to Sarasvatî belongs the human-voiced Maina; to Ground the porcupine; tiger, wolf, viper belong to Passion; to Sarasvân the human-voiced parrot.
34. The eagle is Parjanya’s; the Âti, the Vâhasa, the wood-pecker, these are for Vâyu; for Brihaspati Lord of Speech is the Paingarâja; the Alaja belongs to Firmament; pelican, cormorant, fish, these belong to the Lord of Rivers; the tortoise belongs to Heaven and Earth.
35. The book belongs to the Moon; iguana, Kâlakâ, woodpecker, these belong to the Vanaspatis; the cock belongs to Savitar; the swan is Vâta’s; crocodile, dolphin, Kulîpaya, these belong to the Sea; the porcupine to Modesty.
36. The Black-doe belongs to Day; frog, female rat, partridge, these belong to the Serpents; the jackal belongs to the Asvins; the Black-buck to Night; bear, bat, Sushilikâ, these belong to the Other Folk (i.e. fairies–JBH); the polecat belongs to Vishnu.
37. The cuckoo belongs to the Half Months; antelope, peacock, eagle, these are the Gandharvas’; the otter belongs to the Months; tortoise, doe-antelope, iguana, Golathikâ belong to the Apsarases; the black snake belongs to Death.
38. The frog belongs to the Seasons; the vole, the rat, the mouse, these are the Fathers’; the Python, the Balâva belong to the Vasus; Kapiñjala, pigeons owl, hare belong to Nirriti; the wild ram to Varuna.
39. The white animal belongs to the Âdityas; the camel, the Ghrintîvân, the rhinoceros to Mati; the Srimara belong to the Forest-God; the Raru buck is Rudra’s; Kvayi, cock, gallinule, these are the Vâjins’; the cuckoo belongs to Kâma.
40. The Khanga is the All-Gods’; the black dog, the long eared, the ass, the hyena, these are the Râkshasas; the boar is for Indra; the lion is for the Maruts; the chameleon, the Pipoaka, the vulture, these belong to Saravyâ; the spotted antelope belongs to the All-Gods.