6 Venus-The Lover
Venus is much closer to the Sun than the Earth. The size of Venus is similar to that of the Earth. Venus has a diameter of 7,600 miles. Venus can never be more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system.
Mythologically, Venus is considered to be the Goddess of love, marriage, beauty and comforts. It is called Maha Lakshmi, wife of Lord Vishnu. Venus is also called one eyed. Creeks call Venus the Aphrodite. Venus is called Kama, for one’s passion depends on its strength. Venus produces people of average height, of plump body, and with a round and pimpled face, kind and pleasing eyes, pleasant voice, sweet smile and curly hair. Venus is termed as a feminine planet. Venus rules the sense of touch and to a great extent the disposition. Venus inclines to all that pertains to the higher attributes of the mind, music, poetry, painting, singing, drama, opera, acting and all refined amusements and adornments. The influence of Venus is expressed as generous, kind, good humoured and loving. Venus is considered benefic, warm, moist and fruitful. Venus governs the throat, kidneys, veins and ovaries. His day is Friday, metal silver, colour white and gem diamond.
Men and women ruled by Venus are noticeably kind and social. When well placed Venus endows the native with a pleasant and handsome countenance, symmetrical form and graceful manners. Venus inclines to harmony and as this planet rules the sense of touch, he favours art, music and decoration. By their pleasing personality the subjects of Venus are natural peacemakers; their refined nature softens the ruffed feelings of friends and convert anger to pleasure. As Venus is the promoter of pleasure, these people are splendid entertainers and excellent hosts.
When afflicted, Venus produces unsatisfactory domestic conditions, anxiety in love, difficulty with friends of through finances. Venus rules the skin, throat, veins, ovaries and internal generative organs and these are adversely affected by over indulgence in amusements, eating and drinking. Venus is called Kalathra Karaka, that is the chief governor for marriage. Venus also indicates the partner in business. Venus is the chief planet connected with vehicles (Vahana). For those born during day time Venus is the significator for mother. Venus owns Taurus and Libra. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the highest exaltation point being 27 degrees of Pisces. Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the lowest debilitation point being 27 degrees of Virgo. First 20 degrees portion of Libra is his Mūtrikona and he rest is his Swakshetra. The whole of Taurus is also his Swakshetra. Mercury and Saturn are’ friends of Venus. The Sun and the Moon are his enemies. Mars and Jupiter are neutral to him.
7 Saturn-The God Yama
Saturn is called ‘Sanaischara’ as it moves along the Zodiac leisurely and more slowly than other planets. He is the outermost planet amongst the planets recognised by Hindu Astrology. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and his diameter is around 75,000 miles. Saturn takes 291/2 years to go round the Sun. Hence on an average Saturn remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years. Saturn is called ‘Yama’ as he is the chief governor for longevity. Saturn is said to be ‘lame’ and the son of The Sun. Saturn is sometimes symbolised as Father Time. According to Western belief in olden days Sater or Satan was the name given to Saturn and he signified devil, darkness, secrecy, loss and misfortune.
His nature is cold, dry, phlegmatic, melancholic, earthy and masculine. When Saturn is well placed or well aspected, the person is grave, profound, prudent, cautious and of excellent organising and executive ability. If Saturn is afflicted, the native is apt to be bigoted acquisitive irritable, discontented and complaining. Saturn governs the teeth, bones spleen, knees, right ear and sense of hearing. He rules brick laying, pottery, masonry, plumbing and other laborious and uncongenial employment. He denotes aged persons, thin, nervous, dark, reclusive-also farmers, miners, coal and junk dealers, property owners etc. He rules land, property, mines, lead and dealings in real estate. Day Saturday, metals iron and steel, colour dark blue or black, gem blue sapphire or other blue and black coloured stones. The influence of Saturn is commonly called evil and in this respect he is much maligned, but in reality there is no evil since all things work together for good ultimately. Saturn acts as a deterrent and because he brings denial and necessity into some lives, he has been considered as an oppressor, a Satan “He that filleth with pride will suffer a fall”; for Saturn will bring the native to his knees, humble him, and by means of restrictions, limitation and adversities, will cause the individual to ponder, study and seek to find the source of woe that in future may be overcome. Thus while Saturn is a destroyer (of false ideals), he is also a redeemer, in that he brings to mind a state of introspection and stimulates effort towards perfection and victory. Saturnians are extremely sensitive but they hide their feelings and emotions under a mask of reserve. If frequently censured, they withdraw from association and their progress and development are much delayed. Saturn is considered to be favourable for people born in the signs owned by Venus whereas Saturn is evil to those born in the signs governed by Mercury. He is also beneficial when he is in his own sign, or when he occupies the signs of Jupiter or when he is exalted. Saturn when benefic makes a person true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful and chaste. He aids concentration, meditation prayers, etc. Saturn is the chief governor for longevity (He is called Ayush Karaka). If he occupies the house of longevity, namely, the 8th house in a horoscope, the native gets a long span of life. Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra, the highest exaltation point being 20 degrees of Libra. He is debilitated in Aries, the lowest debilitation point being 20 degrees of Aries. For Saturn the first 20 degrees portion of Aquarius is his Mūltrikona and the rest is his Swakshetra. The whole of Capricorn is also his swakshetra. Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are his enemies. Jupiter is neutral to him.