Chapter 12 – Query relating to Marriage
1. If the Moon is placed in the houses 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 11th from the ascendant aspected by the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury the querist is to be told that marriage is sure to take place. Similarly benefics placed in quadrants and trines cause marriage to occur.
2. Under these combinations, if a benefic is posited in the 7th house, he will get a good (beautiful) wife. If a malefic is in the 7th house, he will get a woman devoid of any beauty.
3. If Saturn is placed in the 7th house identical with an even sign, the querist is sure to get a damsel for marriage. If it be in odd sign he will not get any girl. So say the masters on this subject.
4. If the Moon is placed in the 2nd, 7th or the Uphachaya houses aspected by Jupiter, he gets a young woman. If the same Moon is associated with a malefic planet or is aspected by malefic planets, he will not get any woman.
5. If at a query (relating to marriage), the Moon is placed in the 6th or 8th house, the person dies in the eighth year after marriage.
6. If a malefic is placed in the ascendant, and another malefic is placed in the 7th house there from, the person dies within seven years after marriage.
7. If the Moon is placed in the ascendant and Mars is placed in the 7th
house, the person lives just for eight months after marriage.
8. If Venus or Mercury is placed in the ascendant or the 8th house, in a query relating to marriage, the girl will surely become a widow. If Mars is placed in the 7th house the girl dies before marriage.
The location of a strong Mars in the 7th house of a female nativity where it is not exalted or in his own sign is dangerous for the longevity of the husband. This is quite understandable as Mars in the 7th house harms the house of the husband (7th) as well as the house of his longevity (8th from 7th) i.e. the second. We should therefore, examine both the 2nd and the 7th houses for this purpose.
9. If the Sun is placed in the 7th house, the children born to this girl will die. If the Sun is placed in the ascendant, he will make her immoral and unchaste. There is no doubt regarding this.
10. If Moon and Mercury placed in the 6th house are associated with malefics will make the girl ill-tempered and unlucky. If the Moon and Venus are placed in the eleventh or 7th house, the girl will become unchaste. If in these places, Mercury and Venus are associated with malefics the girl surely becomes a widow. In all the houses mentioned in the shloka if there exists association with malefics the girl becomes a prostitute.
11. If the Moon occupies any one of the house 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 11th counted from the ascendant aspected by Jupiter, Sun and Mercury and not by other, it indicates that marriage is to take place immediately. If it is aspected by malefics, it will cause obstacles in the arrangement of the marriage.
12. If strong Venus aspects Mercury or the Moon placed in the ascendant, he will get a girl without any delay. If it is aspected by malefics, he will not.
13. If the ascendant and the Moon fall in movable sings and if both are aspected by Venus with a malefic placed in an angular house, he will get a good girl as bride.
Chapter 13 – Birth of Male or Female children
1. In a query relating to pregnancy, if the ascendant falls in a fixed sign and is aspected by benefics it should be told that the woman is surely pregnant – This is the opinion of Yavanacharya.
2. If Saturn occupies an odd sign, he causes the birth of a son. If he occupies an even sign, he causes the birth of a girl – Thus it has been told by Brihaspati, the great celestial astrologer.
3. If the ascendant falls in a number of male vargas (rasi, drekkana, navamsa, dwadasamsa etc., are owned by a male planet) and be strongly aspected by male planets, surely a son will be born. If the query concerns marriage the girl will surely get a good bridegroom
4. Yavanacharya has declared that if the ascendant falls on a female sign, or female Navamsa or female Drekkana and is not aspected by any male planet a girl child will be born.
5. If the ascendant, Jupiter and the Moon be placed in odd signs and in the signs and Navamsas owned by male planets and be endowed with strength, a son will be born. If these are placed in an even sign and the Navamsas owned by female planets, a girl will be born. If Jupiter and the Sun be in an odd sign, birth of a son is to be predicted.
If the Moon, Venus and Rahu are placed in an even sign and an even Navamsa birth of a girl is to be predicted.
6. The number of nurses attending the lady during delivery will be equal to the number of planets placed between the ascendant and Moon. So many nurses will be outside the delivery room as there are planets in the visible half of the zodiac and so many will be inside as there are planets in the invisible half.
7. Time of conception : If in a male nativity Sun and Venus are placed in Upachayasthanas identical with signs of their Navamsas and be endowed with strength conception will take place. (i.e., their wives will conceive and child will be born). Similarly, if in the case of females Mars and the Moon are similarly situated conception will take place.
8. If Moon is placed in the Navamsa of Saturn or in its own Navamsa or be conjoined with Saturn in the 4th house, the lamp has been already extinguished. This condition can be applied to Natal and Prenatal charts also.