Krittika nakshatra is 3rd of the 27 nakshatras.
Its 1st pada is in Aries or Mesa from 26:40. The balance 3 padas of 10 degrees fall in Vrishabha.
The Devata is Agni
Ruling planet is Sun.
Gana: Rakshasa
Symbol: Goat
Varna: Vaisha
Alphabets: Aa, Ee, Oo, Ay
Element: Earth
Ayurvedic classification: Kapha
Given bellow are the qualities of the nakshatras as given in the scriptures. This is the only site where you will get authentic information about Nakshatras from 3 great scriptures.
The one marked 1 is from the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
The one marked 2 Is from Yavan Jataka of Yavana
and the one marked 3 is from Taittiriya Brahmana an ancient Vedic text.
1 The person born in Krittika will be a voracious enter, fond of other’s wives, attractive and renowned.
2 Krittika: One born in Krittika will be splendorous, intelligent, liberal, an avid eater, fond of women, sagacious, skilful and honourable.
3 Krittika is ruled by Agni, the God of Fire. It has the power to burn (dahana shakti). Its basis above is heat and below is light. The result of these three is burning or purification. Krittika Nakshatra burns up negativity, purifies what is mixed, and cooks or prepares that which is not yet ripe. Agni is mainly the God of the sacred fire, so purification is perhaps the dominant action, not destruction, though purification does involve the destruction of impurity. Agni is also the fire that cooks our food and so there is a nourishing side to its effects as well. This fire has a childlike nature.
Nakshatra is of a mixed quality. Good for immediate actions, competition, hot arguments, work with metals. It’s suitable to perform the routine activities, day-to-day duties, but it’s not recommended to start new important deeds.