Sloka 13 : When the lord of the Lagna or of the sign occupied by the Moon at birth is weak and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th 8th or 12th house), the child will die within as many years as are represented by the said sign (when counted from Mesha). If the planet owning the Lagna-decanate or the decanate occupied by the Moon be weak and badly placed, the period of exit of the child will be as many months as are represented by the sign owning the decanate in question. The period of life will be so many days from birth as are signified by the Rasi owning the Navamsa Lagna or Chandra Navamsa when the planet owning this is weak and similarly badly placed. After a careful examination as to which among the two or three possibilities predominates and what malefics are posited in the 5th and the 8th houses, one ought to divine about the ills of the child.
Sloka 14 : Consider the following 3 pairs (A*) the decanate Rasis of the Lagna and the Moon; (B) the Navamsa Rasis of the lord of the Lagna and the
Lagna Drekkana Rasi Chandra Drekkana Rasi
Lagnesa Navamsa Rasi Chandresa Navamsa Rasi
Lagnesa Dwadasama Rasi Chandra Dwedasamsa Rasi
Chara Chara Dirgha
Chara Stthira Madhya A
Chara Ubhya Alpa
Stthira Ubhaya Dirgha
Stthira Chara Madhya B
Stthira Stthira Alpa
Ubhaya Stthira Dirgha
Ubhaya Ubhaya Madhya C
Ubhaya Chara Alpa
lord of the sign occupied by the Moon and (C) the Dwadasamsa Rasis of the lord of the Lagna and of the lord of the 8th house. The life of the child may be pronounced as Deergha, Madhya and Alpa according as (a) when one of the Rasis in the said 3 pairs is Chara sign the other is a Chara, Stthira and Ubhaya sign, (b) when one of the Rasis is a Stthira sign; the other is a Dwandwa, Chara and Stthira sign and (c) when one of the Rasis is a Dwandwa sign the other is in a Stthira Dwandwa and Chara sign respectively.
Sloka 15 : The life of the native may be pronounced as long, medium and short according as the benefics and the lord of the Lagna are all posited hi Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima house respectively. If the lord of the 8th house, and the malefics occupy similar positions, the reverse should be predicted. Ascertain the friendship or otherwise of the following pairs: (1) the lord of the house occupied by the Moon and that of the 8th house from the Moon, (2) lord of the Lagna and that of the 8th house from the Lagna and (3) the Sun and the lord of the Lagna. If they are friendly, the native will be long-lived; if inimical, he will be short-lived; if neutral, he will have medium life.
Sloka 16 : If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the rising Navamsa be stronger than the lords of the 8th house reckoned from each, the native will be long lived. The same remark holds good with respect to the lord of the Rasi occupied by the Moon or the lord of the Moon’s Navamsa; If otherwise, the reverse will be the result.
Sloka : If the lord of the 8th house possessing greater strength than that of the lord of the Lagna occupy a Kendra, and if malefics be posited in the 8th and 12th houses, the life of the native will be short, or he may be of medium life, or even prolong his life to the full period with the vicissitudes of happiness and misery.
Sloka 18 : ln the case of an Alpayuryoga, the person meets with his death when Saturn during his transit reaches in his first cycle the particular portion of the zodiac signified by the sum-total of the figures (representing the position at nativity) of Saturn; Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon. If the native is found to be of medium life, the event will come off in the 2nd cycle. It will happen in the 3rd, if the native is pronounced to be a long-lived one. A clever astrologer will predict the event after also satisfying that the Dasa and Bhukti at the time is untoward.
Sloka 19 : If the lord of the Lagna be associated with a malefic and be eclipsed by the Sun’s rays or be in depression or an inimical sign, the demise of the native will have to be predicted, when he same lord in his transit happens to occupy one of the Dusstthanas (6th, 8th or 12th) or the Lagna or be somehow connected with it. The same event may also be predicted from the rising Navamsa the decanate Lagna or the Rasi occupied by the Moon.
Sloka 20 : If the following three planets, viz., the Moon, the lord of the sign occupied by the same and the lord of the Lagna be all well placed by being associated with or aspected by good planets and possess many points of strength, the birth at that time is declared to be very auspicious and rich with special merits.
Sloka 21 : The lord of the rising sign being possessed of great strength and unaspected by malefic planets but aspected by benefic ones and occupying a Kendra position, wards off death and secures to the child long-life graced with numerous virtues and an illustrious or powerful sovereignty.
Sloka 22 : If Jupiter, the minister of the Gods, endowed with all surpassing strength and glittering with his full collection of rays, is posited in the Lagna, he can singly ward off many of the evils which would otherwise be difficult to be got over; just as a humble salutation placed with all sincerity before the lord Vishnu.
Sloka 23 : The waxing Moon if posited in a Trikona, the 11th house or a Kendra position with respect to the Lagna and at the same time in a sign or Navamsa belonging to the Sun, the Moon or Jupiter, will conduce to the performance of meritorious deeds every day, and ward off completely all ills.