Sloka 24 :
Sloka 25 : Through the Dasas enunciated by Sripati, through Ashtakavarga, through Kalachakra Dasa and through the Ududasa system, a wiseman ought to predict the Ayus of the native by the application of suitable rules after a correct calculation of the several planetary positions, careful working, and a minute scrutiny,
Thus ends the 13th Adhyaya “the Length of Life” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
Sloka 1 : Anything about diseases ought to be divined through (1) the planets posited in the 6th house, (2) those posited in the 8th and 12th houses, (3) the planet owning the 6th house or (4) those in conjunction with that planet. The particular disease may be predicted if the same happens to be signified by two, three or more independent Yogas.
Sloka 2 : High fever dominated by vitiated bile, burning of the whole body, epilepsy, heart-disease, eye-trouble, danger from enemies, skin – disease, lucaria Astthisruti, danger from wood, fire weapon, and poison, trouble to one’s wife, children and fear of quadruped, thief, the sovereign, the God Yama, serpent and God Siva-all these may be caused by the Sun.
Sloka 3 : Excessive sleep, laziness, phlegmatic affliction, Kapharoga, diarrhoea, carbuncle, typhoid-fever danger from horned and water animals, indigestion (Agnimandya, tastelessness (Aruchi-Anorexia); trouble from women, jaundice, mental aberration, impurity of blood, danger from water; fear from Balagrahas, Goddess Durga, Kinnaras, God Yama, serpent and from female Yaksha may be expected through the Moon.
Sloka 4 : The disease and untoward events originated by Mars are excessive thirst, morbid irritation of blood bilious fever, danger from fire, poison, weapons, leprosy, eye-diseases, appendicitis, epilepsy, injury to the marrow, roughness of the body, psoriasis (Pama), bodily deformities, trouble from the sovereign, enemies and thieves, fighting with brothers, sons, foes, and friends, fear from evil spirits, Gandharvas, and frightful demons and diseases affecting the upper limbs of the body (such as lungs, throat; teeth, tongue, ear, nose, etc.)
Pamika is a synonym of Vicharchika-Psoriasis.
Sloka 5 : Mercury brings on mental disease; trouble to the vocal organs, eye-disease, diseases of throat and nose, fever, diseases arising from the three humours Vata, Pittha and Kapha, poison, skin diseases, anaemia, bad dreams, itches and scab Psoriasis, accidents due to the fire; troubles arising out of violence and imprisonment and harm from evil demons moving in the abodes of Gandharvas; and in fiery pits (where these evil spirits usually dwell), or Gandharvas, the Earth, mansions and horses, etc., as well as evil spirits.
Sloka 6 :
Sloka 7 : Venus signifies the following: anaemia, diseases caused by the irritation of phlegmatic and windly humours, trouble to the eyes, urinary diseases, diseases in the generative organ, strangury trouble in cohabitation, exudation of semen, loss (fading away) of bodily splendour as a result of intercourse with courtezans, rickets, fear from witches; female ghosts and female deities and break of friendship with a dear friend.
Sloka 8 : Saturn brings on diseases caused by wind and phlegm, paralysis of the leg, misfortune, weariness, mental aberration stomach-ache, excess of internal heat, desertion of servants, injury to the ribs, danger to wife and children, injury to some limb, mental anguish. He is responsible for causing a blow from a piece of wood or stone and trouble from (foul) ignominious goblins and the like.
Sloka 9 : Rahu causes palpitation of the heart; leprosy, aberration of mind, danger from artificial poisoning, pain in the legs, trouble from goblins and serpents and ills to wife and children: Ketu indicates trouble through dispute with Brahmins and Kshatriyas, or from enemies. Mandi (Gulika) causes fear from (seeing) corpses, poison, bodily pain and pollution (arising from the demise of one’s near relations).
Sloka 10 : If the 12th and the 2nd houses be occupied by the Moon and the Sun, being conjoined with or aspected by Saturn and Mars, the person born will suffer from eye disease. The 3rd and the 11th houses and Jupiter if associated with or aspected by Saturn and Mars will cause ear disease to the native. Mars (a malefic) in the 5th house in conjunction with the lord of the 6th or the 8th house will make the native suffer from stomach-ache. Similarly the lords of the 8th and the 6th houses if posited in the 7th and the 8th along with malefic will bring about rectal disease. Venus under the above conditions will make the person born suffer from a disease in the private parts (veneral disease.)