Sloka 41 : The Dasa of a planet owning a Kendra will be inauspicious if he is a Shubha, and auspicious if he is an Asubha. The Dasas of all planets who own Trikona houses (1, 5, 9) will be auspicious. The lords of the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th houses even if they be Shubhas will cause only evil. The lord of the 8th house, if he should also happen to be the lord of the Lagna will prove auspicious. The Sun or the Moon even if he should happen to own the 8th house will give only good effects. These are the effects of the several Dasas according to Parasata’s opinion.
Sloka 42 : The lord of a Trikona house posited in a Kendra or the lord of a Kendra in a Trikona house will prove auspicious to the native. These two planets during their Bhuktis in each other’s Dasas will help each the other and thus co-operate to make the period auspicious.
Sloka 43 : All planets do not produce good or bad effects to the native befitting the Bhavas they own, during the ripening of their own Bhuktis in their respective Dasas.
Sloka 44 : Find what all planets are related (vide XV-3D supra) to the particular planet whose Dasa is under consideration. Note also the planets if any which are similarly circumstanced (whether for good or bad), i.e., holding a posit on coordinate to the one under reference. It is only in the Antardasas or Bhuktis of these planets that this original planet will in his main Dasa manifest his effect.
Sloka 45 : The lords of a Kendra house and a Trikona house even if they should by themselves be capable of causing evil (owing to their happening to be owners of other bad houses) become powerful, by their mere relationship (vide. XV-30 supra), to produce Yoga and make the native prosperous.
Sloka 46 : If out of the lords of the 5th and 9th, one of them happen to be related (vide XV-30 supra) to a strong planet owning a Kendra, he becomes a Yogakaraka, i.e., powerful in promoting the prosperity of the native.
Sloka 47 : If the lord of a Kendra be (in conjunction) associated with the lord of a Trikona, both of them become powerful in promoting the prosperity of the native. Should a lord of another Trikona also be related (vide XV-30 supra), where is the doubt about the native’s prosperity being still further advanced.
Sloka 48 : If planets though by themselves bad are related (vide XV-30 supra) to a Yogakaraka planet producing prosperity), they will produce, during their Bhuktis, good effects leading to affluence and happiness.
Sloka 49 : The lord of a Trikona house will during his Dasa and in a Bhukti of the lord of a Kendra house, produce good-effects. Even if the said two planets are not in any way connected (vide XV-30 supra), they will not cause harm.
Sloka 50 : Jupiter and Venus if they should happen to be owners of Kendras become powerful to cause evil. If they should also occupy Maraka houses (2nd and 7th), they become powerful to cause death.
Sloka 51 : Mercury (if he should happen to own Kendra houses) is less powerful. (than Jupiter and Venus in doing evil). The Moon in such a condition comes next to Mercury. Malefics, when they happen to own Kendras will become more and more auspicious in their effects.Sloka 52 : lf Rahu and Ketu should be posited in a Kendra or Trikona they become Yogakarakas, i.e., instrumental in bringing about good to the native if they are connected (vide XV-30, supra) with the lord of one of these (Kendra and Trikona).
Sloka 53 : If Rahu and Ketu occupy houses owned by benefics and are connected (vide XV-30, supra) with any planet, they become auspicious and produce good results in their Bhuktis in the main Dasa of the said planet.
is another reading in the first line.
Sloka 54 : During the Dasa of a Yogakaraka planet, the Rajayoga begins when the Bhuktis of the Karaka planets are in progress. The Bhuktis of malefics which succeed them in their turn increase the same.
Sloka 55 : The following will cause misery to the native: (1) the planet occupying the 8th house; (2) the one aspecting it; (3) the one owning it; (4) the one owning the decanate of the 8th house; and (5) the planet owning the sign occupied by Mandi. Even among these, the one that is the weakest will be responsible for causing the demise of the native and this may happen in, his Dasa or Apahara.
Sloka 56 : The Dasa of a planet fallen from exaltation is termed Avarohini: or descending; while that of a planet in a friend’s or exaltation house is named Madhya or middling. The Dasa of a planet proceeding from his depression is called it Arohini or rising. The Dasa of a planet that is actually in his depression or inimical Rasi or in his depression or inimical Amsa is termed Adhama or worst.
Sloka 57 : When a planet even if eclipsed or posited in its depression or inimical house occupies an auspicious sign or Amsa, his Dasa should be pronounced as of mixed effect Mishra phala and is capable of giving good effect in the latter half of the Dasa.
Sloka 58 : Death (of the relative signified by the particular Bhava) will take place in the main Dasa of the planet in the 12th house (reckoned from that Bhava) or of the one owning it, whichever is weaker.
Sloka 59 : If the lord of the Dasa in his transit comes to the Lagna the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th house from it, or if the lord of the Dasa comes to the Sapthavarga places of the Lagna or when a friendly planet or a benefic comes to the Lagna, the Dasa will prove auspicious at that time.
Sloka 60 : During the several periods over which a Dasa may extend, the good or evil effect is to be determined which reference to the particular house counted from the Moon, which the lord of the Dasa may occupy for the time being in its progress through its orbit.