Sloka 8 : Find out the Navamsas occupied by the lords of the 4th and the 8th houses reckoned from the Moon when the Sun transits through a position triangular to these, the loss of the mother should be predicted. The father’s demise should be similarly guessed by reckoning from the Lagna instead of from the Moon.
Sloka 9 : In the Ashtakavarga of Mars, the number of brothers may be guessed by the number of benefic dots in the 3rd house from Mars. Similarly, the number of relations or maternal uncles can be guessed from the number of benefic dots in the 4th house from Mercury in the Asthakavarga of Mercury.
Sloka 10 : Find how many planets have contributed benefic dots in the 5th house from Jupiter in Jupiter’s Asthakavarga. From that number take away as many benefic dots of planets as are occupying inimical or depression houses. The remainder will represent the number of children one may have.
Sloka 11 : In the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter, add up all the benefic dots remaining after the two reductions have been made, and from this sum take away the number of dots in the malefic Rasis. What remains will represent the number of children the native will have.
Sloka 12 : In the Ashtakavarga of Venus, find out the Rasi that has the largest number of benefic dots. If the wife should be born, in the direction of quarter signified by that Rasi, increase of progeny through her is assured. If the number of dots be meagre wealth and progeny through her will be poor.
Sloka 13 : ln Saturn’s Ashtakavarga, multiply the Sodhyapinda figure by the number indicating the benefic dots in the 8th house from the Lagna and divide the product by 27. When Jupiter or Saturn in his transit passes through the star (counted from Aswini) signified by the remainder, the demise of the native may be expected.
Sloka 14 : (ln Saturn’s Ashtakavarga) add up the figures indicating benefic dots in the several houses from the Lagna to that occupied by Saturn both inclusive. Similarly add up the figures in the houses reckoned from Saturn to the Lagna both inclusive. In the years represented by these two figures should danger or destruction’ be expected.
Sloka 15 : The figure indicating the Sodhyapinda (in the Ashtakavarga of Saturn) should be multiplied by the number signifying the benefic dots in the 8th house from the Lagna and the product divided by 27. The quotient will represent the total period of longevity in years of the native. The time of demise may also be defined as before (vide sloka 13, supra.).
Sloka 16 : Of the 3 signs in a Trikona group, find which sign contains the least number of benefic dots. The figures in the other two signs should be reduced to that extent, if there be no dots in any sign; no such reduction need be made in the other two signs of the triangular group.
Sloka 17 : If there be no dots in two of the signs of a group, remove the figure in the third. When all the three signs of a group have the same number of dots, remove all.
Sloka 18 : After performing the Trikona reduction, the Ekadhipatya reduction should be proceeded with. When both the houses owned by a planet contain benefic dots, then only this reduction should be made by a wise man.
Sloka 19 : Of the two signs having a common lord, if one alone be occupied and contain a less number of benefic dots than the number in the other, the figure in the latter is to be made equal to the former.
Sloka 20 : If one of two Rasis having a common lord be occupied and contain more benefic dots than the other, remove the figure in the latter. If the two Rasis one of which is occupied, have the same number of benefic dots remove the figure in the unoccupied Rasi.
Sloka 21 : If both the Rasis (having a common lord) be unoccupied and have the same number of benefic dots, remove both If the two Rasis having a common lord be both occupied by planets, no reduction need be made.
Sloka 22 : If one of the two Rasis (whether occupied or unoccupied) have no benefic dots, then also there is no redaction. If both the Rasis be un-occupied and have an unequal number of benefic dots, the greater figure is to be replaced by the less.
Sloka 23 : Plenet figures after tae two reductions in the several signs are to be multiplied each into its Rasi factors Rasimana. The net figures in the Rasis that are associated with the Sun and other planets are to be multiplied by the appropriate planetary facters (or Grahamana).
Sloka 24-25 : In the case of the signs Vrishabha and Simha, the multiplier is 10, while it is 8 for Mithuna and Vrischika, 7 for Tula and Mesha, and 5 for Kanya and Makara. The multipliers for Karkataka, Dhanus, Kumbha and Meena are 4, 9, 11 and 12 respectively. These are called Rasi-multipliers. The Graha-factors are quite distinct (vide, next Sloka).
Sloka 26 : In the case of Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury 10, 8, 7 and 5 are respectively the multipliers while in the case of each of the remaining planets, the multiplier is Mercury’s figures, viz 5. The multiplication by the Graha factors should be effected separately, and should be treated as distinct from the Rasi multiplication.
Sloka 27 : After thus multiplying and then adding the two products, the total should he again multiplied by 7 and divided by 27. The quotient obtained will be the Ayus in years contributed by that planet.
Sloka 28 : Multiply the remainder by 12 and divide by 27 to get the months. Multiply the remainder by 30 and divide by 27 to get the days and so on to get the Ghatikas etc. Twenty seven years constitute a Mandala. Some reductions have to be made further.