When the occultation is by a malefic in the asterism known as Desa, the person concerned will be expelled from his country. But if the Vedha in the above cases be by benefics, the results will be all auspicious. Should the Vedhas with the Upagrahas (see supra) also occur simultaneously, the result will be death and nothing short of that.
When at the time of a battle, there is a Vedha) caused by one, two, three, four or five malefics, the corresponding effects will ‘be fear, failure, killing (blood-shed), death and ignominy respectively.
When the Moon happens to be in a Vedha simultaneously with a Tithi or Nakshatra, a vowel, a Rasi and a consonant on any day, that day will prove auspicious or otherwise according as the planet causing the Vedha is benefic or malefic.
While the use of the Sarvatobhadra Chakra and the light it may throw on the human cycle of life on the person concerned has fully been explained in pages 396-397 supra, the technique and the pointers to such deductions (of results) have not had full explanation to make the same both handy and useful for easy reference. The same has been explained below.
There are 112 letters (or sounds) belonging to the 28 asterisms at the rate of one letter, for each Nakshatra pada. These are mentioned for ready reference. Persons whose names begin with any one of these letters have got a bearing on the corresponding Nakshatra pada and judged accordingly.
Sloka 49 : If planets should be badly situated whether dining their Dasa, Bhukti, Ashtakavarga or transit, one ought to invoke by prayers and incantations agreeable to the concerned planets and perform Shantis or propitiatory rites for averting the evil otherwise threatening, by doing virtuous actions, observing religious vows, making gifts and doing proper adorations.
Sloka 50 : Planets are always favourable to one who is harmless (who does not injure others), who posessess self control, who has earned wealth through virtuous means and who is always observing religious discipline.
Thus ends the 26th Adhyaya on “Transits of Planets” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Manteswara.
The first, line may also be interpreted as – when four planets are posited in Kendras or Konas or when the lord of the 10th house is conjoined with four planets.
Sloka 2 : If at a birth four or mere planets occupy a single house, the person born should be said to become an ascetic of the class signified by the dtrongest of them; while others are of opinion that if the lord of the 10th house be one of the four or five planets conjoined in a house, the person born will belong to that class of ascetics indicated by the lord of the 10th Bhava.
Sloka 3 : The Moon posited in a decanate owned by Saturn and aspected by Mars, and Saturn will make the person born an ascetic. If the Moon occupy a Navamsa owned by Mars and be aspected by Saturn, the person born will enter the class of asceticism signified by the planet Mars.
Sloka 4 : If at birth the lord of the sign occupied b the Moon having no aspect of other planets on itself be aspected by Saturn, the person concerned surely becomes an ascetic of the particular class signified by the
The remarks made above apply here too.
Sloka 5 : The Sun will cause the native to become a chief or lord among contemplative saints or one who has taken initiation of asceticism; the Moon will make him a traveller visiting places of pilgrimage ; Mars will make him an ascetic of the Buddhist .class and an expert in base spells; Mercury will enable the man to become a mendicant who does not know anything about the various philosophical schools; Jupiter will make the man versed in Vedanta philosophy or an eminent ascetic; Venus will make him a religious hypocrite, (i e., one who assumes the dress, etc.; of an ascetic to gain a livelihood), an outcast or a public dancer; and Saturn will enable him to become on outcast or a heretic.
Sloka 6 : The Moon becomes exceedingly powerful in the bright half of the month. If the lord of the Lagna should aspect the Moon when he is devoid of strength (i e., the waning Moon, say), the person born will become a miserable ascetic engaged in the practise of rigorous penance, distressed and wretched, without wealth or helpmate and getting his food and drink with great difficulty.
Sloka 7 : In the ascetic Yoga alluded to in the previous Sloka, if there should exist a Raja yoga, it will pull up by the roots all the bad effects and then make him a Lord of the earth initiated into asceticism and virtuously inclined, at whose feet other kings make salutations with their head bent.
Sloka 8 : If four planets with the lord of the 10th Bhava occupy a Kendra or Trikona, or if three planets endowed with strength be posited in a good house, the person born will seek admission in to the holy order and become a successful ascetic. If the planets forming the group contain more benefics and occupy good houses, the holy order will be one that is respected by all and honoured by the great. If it be otherwise, the ascetic order will be one that does not command reverence.
Thus ends the 27th Adhyaya on “Ascetic Yogas” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.
Sloka, 1-4 : This work consists of 27 chapters treating respectively of (1) Definitions (2) Karakas, (3) the different kinds of sub-divisions of the Zodiac, (4) the various kinds of strength of the planets, (5) profession and means of livehood, (6) Yogas, (7) Rajayogas, (8) the eefect of planets in the several Bhavas, (9) the effects of Mesha and the other signs happening to be the Lagna, (10) all about the wife’s house, (11) female horoscopy, (12) children, (13) death incidental to childhood, (14) all about diseases, (15) the Bahvas, (16) the effects of the 12 Bhavas, (17) exit from the world , (18) conjunctions of two or more planets, (19) on the Dasas (20) the effects of the Dasas of planets with reference to the Bhavas
owned by them, (21) the Antardasas or Bhuktis, etc., (22) the Kalachakra system, etc., (23) on Ashtakavarga, (24) on the Ashtakavargas as treated in the work “Horasara”, (25) on Mandi and the other Upagrahas, (26) on transits and (27) on pravrajya or ascetic Yogas, I shall now mention the place of my birth.
Sloka 5-6 : After worshipping the Goddess Sukuntalamba who bestows on her devotees all that they desire and through her grace, this work Phaladeepika has been prepared by me – Mantreswara – an astrologer and a Brahmana who was born in Tirunelveli – a district in the South of present Madras State – for the enjoyment of other astrologers.
Thus ends the 28th Adhyaya on “Upasamhara” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantrewara.