The nature of the year under consideration for the native is to be discussed from the annual chart given in the previous page.
It is to be understood that the nature of the Lagna will always give an indication as, to the nature of that particular year. At the out¬set, the year augurs bad as the lord of the Lagna has exchanged place with the lord of the 12th. To add to this, we have the complete aspect of Venus, the lord of the 8th, over the Ascendant. Venus, being the lord of the 3rd, is aspected by Saturn, the lord of the 12th, and is without any benefic aspect. The 3rd house also is aspected by Saturn. Saturn, the lord of the 11th, receives the aspect of Venus, the lord of the 8th. The sun, the lord of the 6th aspects the 11th the 3rd house and Mercury denote the afterborns (V-4. 36), while the 11th and Jupiter, the eldest brother (V-19, 39). The year under reference will therefore be a bit unfavourable to the native’s brothers (younger as well as elder).
The Sun, the lord of the 6th, is posited in the 5th, thus indi¬cating that the native’s children will not be keeping good health. The year IS not beneficial to the native’s partner also, as the lord of the 7th has gone to the 6th. Venus, the lord of a Dusstthana, is posited in the 7th, and the 7th is badly aspected by Saturn (the lord if the 12th). Much of the strain of this unfavourableness ‘will have to’ be borne by the native himself, as all these above remarks are made with reference to the native’s Chart. To be short, the presence of Saturn may cause lot of expenditure mostly unexpected.
Coming to the particular periods, the year begins ‘with Mercury’s Dasa. He is gone to the 6th which is the 12th from the (Kalatra Lagna). The native will have to pass a difficult time, the difficulty being mostly due to his partner. The severity’ is considerably reduced as Mercury is aspected by Jupiter;
The next period is that of Jupiter. The native ought to have, got the best he could get during this year as Jupiter governs t e native’s position and body. But the position of Jupiter in the 12th will have to cause some disappointment in this direction. To support it, this Jupiter is badly aspected by Mars who is conjoined with the lord of the 6th. Particularly during Jupiter’s period, the native will have to experience a bit of anxiety on account of his eldest brother, as Jupiter, the planet representing the eldest brother has gone to the 12th and is aspected by Mercury in the 6th.
Nothing good can be expected during the period of Venus as this planet rules, over the 8th house and is further aspected by a powerful Saturn. Venus in the capacity of the ownership of the 3rd may cause ill health and some distress to the brothers of the native during his Dasa.
Saturn’s period win be an anxious one so far as the health of the native’s elder brother is concerned, as Saturn is the lord of the’ nth and is aspected by the lord of the 8th.
But Rahu’s Dasa will be certainly better than that of Saturri as Rahu is aspected by Jupiter.
Next comes the Lagna Dasa. The nature of this depends much on Jupiter about whom comment has already been made.
The Sun’s Dasa may cause ill health to the native’s children as he is the lord of the 6th and is posited in the 5th.
The only period during which the native will get some peace of mind is that ruled by the planet representing the mind, that is, the Moon. She is best placed, being aspected by Mars, her friend the lord of the 2nd and the 9th. She has escaped the Sun’s aspect (the Moon is in the 6th degree of Makara while the Sun is in the 24th degree of Kataka). The Sun happens to own the 6th.
The Dasa of Mars will also be good as he is aspected by the Moon, the lord of the 5th though not so good as that of the Moon as he is eclipsed by the Sun’s (lord of the 6th) rays.
In conclusion, we shall have to infer that the whole year will not be a happy and a peaceful one. The various incidents which the native will have to come across during this year will make the native put on an appearance of entire resignation towards the doings of these various planets as Jupiter and Saturn-the two philosophical planets–have exchanged positions.
Sloka 36½ – 37½. In this connection, due consideration should also be given to the effects that may be caused by planets transitting during their course the several houses reckoned from the (Janma Rasi) radix Moon-,and the conjoined effects alone should be predicted. I am now going to describe in a fine and easy manner the accurate effects of the several Dasas during a year.
Sloka 37½ – 38½ . When the Sun is strong, there will be accumulation of wealth, acquisition of ornaments and wearing of new apparel. If the Sun be weak, there will be increase of sin and enemies, loss of wealth and springing up of new troubles. When the Moon is strong, there will be royal favour, incessant flowing in of money and a position. When the Moon is weak, more enemies will turn up. The person will suffer from sickness; there will also be change of place, misery and misunderstandings with one’s people.
Sloka 38½ – 39½. If Mars be endowed with strength, there will be royal favour, success in life and domestic happiness. When Mars is weak there will be displeasure from the sovereign, quarrel with one’s own sons, enmity with one’s wife and decay of wealth. When Mercury is very strong, the person concerned will be energetic. He will enjoy more happiness and there will be more gain. If Mercury be weak, there will result misunderstandings with one’s brothers, etc. He will take to bad ways and will do mischief to the Brahmin folk.
Sloka 39½ – 40½ When Jupiter is fully ‘powerful, the person will command good vehicles, and houses. He will be munificent, possess good intellect and much wealth. If Jupiter be weak there will be change of place and also loss of wealth. He will further go into bad ways’ and evil association. When Venus is possessed of much strength, there will be influx of wealth and fame. The native will have good white robes and female company. When Venus is weak there will be loss of wealth, danger from enemies, diseases through female arid ill fame.
Sloka 40½ – 41½. When Saturn is strong, the person will acquire a good house, and be happy; he will become the headman or leader of a wild tribe. If Saturn be weak there will be destruction of wealth, emaciation of the body, disease and ill-fame. When Rahu is strong, he will make the native do good and virtuous acts get good income and rise in his official position. When he is unfavourable, the effect likewise will be bad there may happen the demise of the father. The person will further befriend base people and associate with his enemies.
Sloka 41½ – 42 ½ . When the Lagna Dasa rules, the effect will be good, medium or bad, according to the nature of the decanate occupied and the (Sambandha), Yogas, etc. formed by that lord. Thus have been declared in an elegant and concise manner the effects of the several Dasas in a year. Intelligent men should predict nature of the effects with special reference to the strength of otherwise of the planets concerned derived through their association with benefics, etc.