7. Their rebirth in a (particular) caste depends on the planet which is in the seventh or eighth place; (or), they say that the difference in caste depends on the sign which is in the descendent or which owns the dvadasamsa occupied by the (significant) planet.
8. If the lords of the sixth, seventh, and eighth places are in their signs of dejection or their enemies’ houses in other planet’s navamsas, and if they are overcome and are diminished, dim, or rough, and if they are not aspected by benefit planets, they are seen (to lead) to (instant) death.
9. When these same planets are overcome by malefic planets or aspected by malefics, and are in the houses of malefics, they cause re-birth among animals; the varieties (of animals) depend upon the natures of the (significant) signs.
10. Thus has been described this rule for the whole world relating to conception, birth, livelihood, and death, with its characteristics, its results, and its permutations caused by the planets and the signs in (the course of) time.
11. There is a certain unchanging rule produced by the yogas of planets and signs (in the horoscope) at the birth of men; they call it “his fate”. There is a similar (rule) in the yearly (horoscopes) of men.
12. This (rule) is said by the experts to be of two sorts: “the fixed” and “the portentous.” Anything which is established by the birth-horoscope follows along in order over the course of time and is called fixed.
13. But, as the planets pass through the signs which are said by good men to have been the positions of the seven planets at the (native’s) birth, they exercise an influence which is called “portentous.”
14. That (method) having the nature of eight and possessing many characteristics and meanings, was announced on earth by him who causes the world to revolve; pertaining to genealogy and existing in the courses (of the planets), it is duly said to give results.
15. The planets, by being in the houses of benefits or malefics, of their friends or their enemies, in their exaltations or dejections, or in their own vargas, by their strengths, and by their aspects through the combination of their dasas (with the astavarga), give results which are full of inconsistencies.
16. Benefics planets, when strong, have a good influence; malefic planets, when strong, a bad influence; benefic planets aspected by benefics are good, but malefic planets aspected by malefics are not.
17. If the lord of the dasa has the greatest strength, it destroys any evil that originates in the astavarga. All planets are influential when in the position of that (lord of the dasa); (the lord of the dasa) itself exercises its influence to the full.
1. The Sun in its own place produces brilliance and honor; in the second wealth and prosperity; in the third a struggle with the forces of one’s enemies; in the fourth praise from assemblies of relatives;
2. in the fifth diseases from bile, fevers, old age, and illnesses of one’s sons; in the sixth fear of disease; in the seventh it gives health and slays one’s enemies; in the eighth it causes the acquisition of beauty and strength;
3. in the ninth (it causes) distress from anger and wandering; in the tenth it produces joy and gives wealth; in the eleventh it brings about the attainment of the results of one’s undertakings; and in the twelfth it causes sickness.
4. The Sun in the place of Saturn gives learning and glory; in the second it produces much happiness; in the third loss of wealth and glory; in the fourth fame of one’s family;
5. in the fifth the Sun produces a union between one’s sons and one’sself; in the sixth joy; in the seventh it causes respect from one’s enemies and gives food; in the eighth it produces pleasure in quarreling with one’s enemies;
8. in the fifth the Sun gives friendship with equals, sons, and wealth; in the sixth (the native) subdues his senses; in the seventh it causes delusion, wandering, and illness. in the eighth hostility, diseases, and wandering;
9. in the ninth the Sun gives righteousness (dhama) and money, and (the native) conquers his enemies; in the tenth it produces position and business and gives wealth; in the eleventh the Sun causes honor, happiness, wealth, and success; in the twelfth dishonor.
10. The Sun in the place of Venus gives poverty, disease, and wandering; in the second it produces women, wealth, and grain; in the third the Sun gives quarrels with one’s wife: in the fourth it causes the misery of his family (vamsa) ;
11. in the fifth it gives losses and enemies; in the sixth it produces amusements in many places; in the seventh it gives women and happiness and produces beauty; in the eighth the Sun destroys the pleasure of the body;
12. in the ninth the Sun causes anger and jealousy; in the tenth obstruction in business; in the eleventh glory; and in the twelfth from Venus the Sun brings about success in actions and wealth.
13. The Sun in the place of Mars gives money and sons; in the second it produces many possessions; in the third such things as stealing and breaking; in the fourth beauty, strength, and health;
14. in the fifth diseases from bile, fevers, old age, and illnesses of one’s sons; in the sixth fear of disease; in the seventh it gives health, and (the native) slays his enemies; in the eighth it causes joy and good fortune;