Medicine should be kept in the northeast corner of the house, and a person should face northeast while taking it. It is best to nurse those who are ill in the southwest corner of the house, although the northwest corner is also good.
Rainwater and wastewater should leave the house from the northeast side. It should flow west to east or south to north.
There should be an even number of columns and beams in the house, not odd.
Doors should generally be made from a single piece of wood and should open on the left side.
A television can be placed in the southeast side of a room. An overhead water tank should be located in the southwest side of a building.
Stairways should be on the south, southwest, or west sides of a building.
Certain pictures should not be hung in a house such as nudes, animals fighting, captured elephants, hunting scenes, trees without fruits or flowers, snakes, owls, bats, vultures and pigeons.
Entrance Gate and Main Door
The main door of the house should be larger than the other doors entering the house. The main door should have two shutters and open to the inside of the building. Teak is a good material for the entrance door.
It is best that a house has two entrances. The exit door should be smaller than the entrance, and it should have only one shutter. If there are two external doors for the house, they should not be set in a straight line.
When one enters the house, there should not be a wall in front of the entrance. There should be a door that opens to the next room. A shadow should not fall on the main door. The main door of the house should not be below ground. Neither should the main door be in the center of the house, nor in the extreme corners. If the door is set in the north wall, move it east of center; if it’s in the east wall, move it north of center. If it is set in the south wall, it should be moved east of center; if it is in the west wall, move it south of center. Some authorities say that if the house’s entrance is in the west wall. It should be centered.Some Vastu authorities say that to figure out where to place a main door, divide the house into nine parts. The door should be in the fourth section of the house from the left hand side. From the right side of the house, the entrance is in the sixth division from the right.
The main door should not be situated across from the main door of another house. The entrance doors of two houses should not be exactly opposing one another. Neither should two houses share a common entrance.
If the entrance of the house is to the south, there should not be a balcony or verandah in front of the door.
It is good to set gates to both the property and the entrance to the house on the north or east sides. It is also all right to have the main door on the west wall. It is not advised to have the main entrance on the south side.
It is considered auspicious if the entrance to the property and the main door of the house are on the same side. It is not considered good if the main door to the house is on the opposite side to the entrance of the property.
There should not be an underground tank, septic tank, or canal under the main entrance. There should not be any abandoned, wrecked buildings in front of the main entrance.
It is good to decorate a house’s entrance with pictures or statues of Laksmi, Ganesh or Kuvera and auspicious signs such as OM or the Swastika. Inauspious pictures should not be on the door. Doors should have thresholds. Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side.The door should not be slanted, sliding, or circular.
Overhead Water Tank
The overhead water tank should be in the southwest (best) or west corners of the building. An overhead water tank should not be located in the northeast or southeast corners, or in the middle of the roof. It is also best that it is not located in the northwest unless the tank is small and is located approximately 1m (2 or 3 ft) from the building’s corner. The tank should be elevated at least 1m (2 or 3 ft) above the roof, on a platform.If possible, the tank should not be made of plastic. If it must be plastic, however, it should either be black or dark blue plastic, because such colors aid the absorption of sunlight. A dark water tank while absorbing sun for heat doesn’t encourage microbial growth as quickly as a light-colored tank would do.If possible, there should be different tanks for the kitchen and bathrooms.
The House
It is best if the building’s walls are higher on the west and south sides and lower on the north and east sides. Also, the south and west walls should be thicker than the north and east walls, if possible. The building’s floor and roof should be higher on the south and west sides, lower on the north and east sides. Neither the ground nor the building should be higher in the northeast than in the southwest. Rooms in the House
Worship (Temple) Room
Worship should be done in the northeast, north, or east sides of the house. It is best that the temple room is in the northeast corner of the house. The worship room should not be to the south. The place of worship should be on the ground floor and not upstairs.