10.2 Results of Kuja in the twelve houses
Kuja in 1 – red complexion, sorrowful body, disrespect, rejected by husband, poverty.
Kuja in 2 – irreligious, poverty, crooked husband, excessive, expenditure, passionate, anger, many diseases, few hairs.
Kuja in 3 – prosperity, patience, agreeable relations, respect for good men, impotence; health and dignity.
Kuja in 4 – disappointments, steady devotion, unhappiness, widowhood, houseless, rejected by relations and highly irritable.
Kuja in 5 – crooked issues, immodest, bad company, fond of sinful deeds, issueless and few relations.
Kuja in 6 – happy with husband, foeless, great wealth, friendship with good persons, learned, healthy.
Kuja in 7 – early widowhood, bad character, poverty, repulsive body and mischievous tendencies.
Kuja in 8 – many diseases, emaciated body, without guardian, poverty, cuts and scars, repulsive, fond of tormenting others.
Kuja in 9 – impious, unhappy, sickness, poverty, offensive to good people, and fond of flesh and drinking.
Kuja in 10 – crooked works and views, irreligious and fond of unholy work, shameless, ignorance.
Kuja in 11 – large gains, indifferent to possession of articles, good temper, various enjoyments, fond of husband and righteous conduct.
Kuja in 12 -fond of red grains, misdeeds, expenditure on sinful acts, fond of drinking, cruel, always suffering from some complaint and weak constitution.
10.3 Results of Budha in the twelve houses
Budha in 1 – handsome, devoted to husband, righteous, broad eyes, plenty of food and drink, always loving, truthful.
Budha in 2 – wealth, purity, handsome, fond of God and Brahmins, and sacrificial rites, prosperity, and desire to read and hear Puranas or religious works.
Budha in 3 – riches, devoted to God and religious men, children, self-respect, obliging and good social position and authority.
Budha in 4 – happiness, good and pious friends, servants, devotion to God and holy priests, respectable family, and fondness for charitable deeds.
Budha in 5 – few issues, poor eater, ordinary wealth, quarrelsome, objectless or non-profitable travelling, objectionable conduct, poverty and hatred for good people.
Budha in 6 – hating enemies. kind-hearted, long life, active habits, excessive passion, and unwillingness to help others.
Budha in 7 – dignified, skilful in all works, fond of sastras, feasts and religious rites, good reputation, and loving fellow-creatures.
Budha in 8 – ungrateful and forgetting help, unsympathetic, uncharitable, misunderstandings among people, always sickness, timidity.
Budha in 9 – virtuous. charitable, polite, wealth, reputation, strength, great patience, truthful.
Budha in 10 – righteous conduct, devotion to husband, prosperity, wealth, handsome, just and polite.
Budha in 11 – contented, great gains, good temper, virtuous, popular.
Budha in 12 – perverted and ignorant, Indifferent, quarrelsome, disordered, emaciated body and subject to criticisms from good people.
10.4 Results of Guru in the twelve houses
Guru in 1 – truthful, good enjoyment, dignified speech, good company, beautiful, respect and leadership among females.
Guru in 2 – great wealth, good marital life, agreeable, just, fond of good deeds, good social position, disinterested and without mishaps.
Guru in 3 – want of self-respect, many sins, disgrace, and suffering always from some disease or nervous complaints in the limbs.
Guru in 4 – great happiness. and various foods and drinks, many servants and maids, rich ornaments, fine reputation, handsome features and blessed with virtuous conduct.
Guru in 5 – good and prosperous children, bereft of sinful deeds (this means she will do good), agreeable temperament, fond of religious performances, truthful, respected in all assemblies and gatherings.
Guru in 6 – siding enemies, virtuous, suffering -from various troubles and worries, timid and fearing, engaged in unimportant or trivial works, insincere attentions and politeness.
Guru in 7 – good temperament, meritorious deeds, bright understanding, few enemies, love and regard to husband, desirable reputation.
Guru in 8 – untruthful, houseless, loss of husband. pains in hands and feet, great sorrow, poor meals and many complaints in the body.
Guru in 9 – religious faith, truthfulness, pleasure from building tanks, wells and other charitable works, agreebleness, reputation, love for. holy men, riches, faithful and good servants and gratefulness.
Guru in 10 – works which give reputation, good qualities, amiability, many servants, politeness, loveliness, engaged in virtuous wonderful works.
Guru in 11 – control over passions, unsullied reputation, wealth, fond of skilful works, truthfulness, praised for her amiable qualities.
Guru in 12 – spending money on sinful acts, sickly body, few gains, doing irreligious acts, bad temperament and fond of other religious systems. This means that she will neglect her own religion and faith and join different faiths in antagonism to her normal religion. This is considered to be hateful in the eyes of her co-religionists.