SU. 37. – Sanimatradrish te sanyasabhasaha. If in the above combination there is only the aspect of Sani and there is no other planetary aspect, he will put on the appearance of a sanyasi but will not be a true or real sanyasi. He will be an impostor.
SU. 38.-Tatra ravisukradrishte rajapreshyah. If Ravi and Sukra aspect the Karakamsa the person will be employed by royal or political personages to do their work. He will be their confident.
SU. 39. – Ripphe budhe budhedrishte va mandavat. If the tenth from the Karaka Navamsa possesses the aspect of Budha, he will get similar results as have been given by Sani.
NOTES This means that the person will follow some notable profession. Ripha means, Ra 2, pha means 2 = 22 divided by 12, will give us 10, 10th house is indicated by Ripha.
SU. 40.-Shzubhadrishte stheyaha. If in the 10th from Karakamsa, there is beneficial aspect, the person will be one of great determination and
never capricious.
NOTES The other benefics are Guru and Sukra. It cannot mean anything else.
SU. 41.-Ravow gurumatradrishzte gopalahu. If the 10th from the Karakamsa, there is Ravi possessing only the aspect of Guru and no other aspects, the person will have success through the sales of cow, bulls and other cattle.
SU. 42.-Dare chandrasukradigyogatprasadaha. If the lord of the 4th from the Karakamsa is joined or aspected by Chandra and Sukra, the person will be blessed with storeyed houses.
NOTES Da means 8, Ra means 2 = 82, reversed it means 28, divided by 12 we get 4 balance. This shows signs of wealth. Prasada means houses with compounds,
SU. 43.- Ucchagrahe api. If the fourth from the Karakamsa is occupied by an exalted planet, the person will have many fine and splendid houses.
SU. 44. – Rahusan ibhyam silagriham: If the fourth from the Karakamsa is occupied by Rahu and Sani, the houses will be constructed with rough stones not well plastered.
SU. 45. -KujaKetubhyamaishtikam. If the 4th from Karakamsa is occupied by Kuja and Ketu, the houses will be constructed of bricks, lumps of earth.
SU.46. -Guruna daravam. If the 4th from Karakamsa is occupied by Guru wooden houses will be constructed by the native.
SU.47. – Tharnamravina. If the 4th is occupied by the Sun, the houses will be constructed from thatch and grasses.
NOTES The above three sutras give an idea of the nature of the house property possessed by different persons depending upon the dispositions of planets with reference to Karakamsa.
SU. 48.-Same shubhayogaddharmanityaha satyavaadee gtinubhaktascha. If the 9th from Karakamsa is occupied or aspected by benefics, the person will have truth as his ideal and motto. He will be righteous in conduct, lover of truth and will be faithful and dutiful to elders, preceptors and Gurus.
NOTES Sa stands for 7 and Ma denotes 5 – 75, reversed it is 57, divided by 12, we get a remainder of 9. Sama means 9th from Karakamsa. Ninth is the house of piety and represents devotion and faith in Gods and Goddesses.
SU. 49.-A nyatha papaihi. If the 9th from Karakamsa has evil conjunction or aspects, he will be quite the reverse in character. He will be a liar, uncharitable and sinful, and will have no faith and respect for Gurus and elders.
SU. 50.-Sanirahubhyam gutrudrohaha. If Sani and Rahu occupy or aspect the 9th from Karakamsa, the person will become ungrateful to Gurus and will prove a traitor to them.
NOTES Cheating is a sin. But there are many grades and its heinousness depends upon the nature of the parties concerned.
SU. 51.-Ravigurubhyam girovavisvasaha. If Guru and Ravi occupy or aspect the 9th from Karakamsa, he will not love his parents, elders and preceptors.
SU. 52.-Tatra bhrigwongaraka varge paradarikaha. If the 9th from Karakamsa falls in one of the shadvargas of Sukra and Kuja, he will be fond of others’ wives.
NOTES There are two classes of villains. One set taking sexual gratifications with women of immoral tendencies and another set always tempting the wives of other persons, and ruining their families. Adultery is sinful, but even here there are various grades of sins. `Shadvargas are (1 ) Lagna. (2) Hora, (3) Drekkana, (4) Navamsa, (5) Dwadasamsa, and (6) Thrimsamsa. Adultery with motherly relations, friends, wives, spouses of Gurus and other prohibited relations is more sinful than adultery with other women. Corrupting family and innocent women is a horrible form of sin.
SU. 53.-Drigyogabhyamndhikabhyamamuranam. If Kuja and Sukra join or aspect the 9th from Karakamsa, the person will have the evil habit of seducing and keeping illegal gratifications till the end of his life.
NOTES The conjunctions and aspects are more powerful than ‘the Shadvargas. In the latter he will keep up the vicious habit for some time, but in the former, this vice will continue till the end of life. With some persons, males and females. * This has been clearly described in my work Manual of Hindu Astrology. these morbid sensations of lust and sexuality will continue for some time and then they turn a new chapter in their lives, but there are others, who do not give up the vicious habits till their death. Some are rascals only for a time but there are others who are rascals and cheats throughout their lives. Even on death-beds their thoughts run on unholy deeds.
SU. 54.-Ketuna pratibandhaha. If the 9th from Karakamsa has the conjunction or aspect of Ketu, he will be fond of women for some time and then give up the bad tendency.
SU. 55.-Guruna strainaha. If the 9th from Karakamsa has the conjunction or aspect of Guru, he will be excessively fond of other women..
SU. 56.-Rahunarthanivrittihi. If the 9th from Karakamsa is joined or aspected by Rahu, the person will lose all his wealth by female excesses.
NOTES Even in these vices there are some prudent men financially. Some get money by adultery, some enjoy for nothing, there are others who lose all their wealth and health by such Vices.