SU. 57.-Labhe chandragurubhyam sundaree. If Guru and Chandra occupy the 7th from the Karakamsa, the wife will be handsome and loving.
NOTES La means 3, Bha denotes 4-34, reading backwards we have 43, divided by 12., we have 7 remainder. Labha therefore means 7. It will certainly be a great blessing to have handsome wife provided she is faithful. But when she is fair and unfaithful life becomes miserable. He will have a Hell on Earth. . .
SU. 58.-Rahuna vidhava. If the 7th from the Karakamsa joins with Rahu or has his aspect, the person will have widows for connection.
NOTES There are some worthies who are extremely fond of widows. They hunt after them. They like them in preference to others.
SU. 59.-Sanina vayodhika roginee tapaswinee va. . If the 7th from Karakamsa is occupied or aspected by Sani, the wife will be older or will be sickly or will be a tapaswini or a woman who will be engaged in religious meditations.
NOTES While some persons like younger people there are others both males and females who hunt after old people. Temperaments are curious.
SU. 60. -Kujena vikalangee. If Kuja joins or aspects the 7th from Karakamsa, the wife will be deformed or there will be defect in her limbs.
SU. 61.-*Ravina swakule gupta cha. If Ravi occupies or aspects the 7th from Karakamsa, the wife will be protected from the members of the husband’s family and will have no defects in her limbs. (*Another version reads as Ravina kata gutpthacl Ja.)
SU. 62.-Budhena kalavatee. If Budha joins or aspects the 7th from Karakamsa, the wife will be well versed in music, arts, dancing and other fine accomplishments.
SU. 63.-Chape chandrenanavrite dese. If Chandra occupies the 4th from Karakamsa the first sexual union of the wives, mentioned in the above sutras, will take place in an open place uncovered by root or ceiling.
NOTES Cha means 6, po means 1= 61, reversing we have 16 divided by 12, the balance 4 shows the 4th house from the Karakamsa. There are some people who cannot control their passions and who have sexual unions in open places. .
SU. 64.-Karmani pape shooraha If the 3rd from the Karakamsa contains evil planets, the person becomes courageous and a warrior.
NOTES Ka means 1, Ma means 5 -15, reading backwards we have 51, divided by 12, we have the remainder 3. I n general astrology, the third house from Lagna shows brothers, sisters and courage.
SU. 65.-Subhe kataraha. if the 3rd from Karakamsa has benefics, the person becomes a coward. SU. 66.-Mrityuchintyayoh pape karshakafha. .If the 3rd and 6th from Karakamsa are occupied by malefics, the person lives by ploughing and agriculture.
NOTES Ma 5, ya 1= 51, reversing we have 15. Cha 6, Tha 6 – 66, reversing we have 66. Divide them by 12, we get 3 and 6. Malefics are considered to give auspicious results in 3, 6 and 11. Thrishedaya gatahpapaha.
SU. 67 : Same gurow viseshena. If Guru occupies the 9th from. Karakamsa, he will become a great agriculturist.
SU. 68. – Ucche shurbhe shubhalokaha. If benefics occupy 12 from Karakamsa, the person goes to superior Lokas.
NOTES U 0, Cha 6 = 06., reversed we get 60, divided by 12, we have 12. Indian sciences and religions mention many Punya Lokas or happy regions in the universe.
SU. 69.-Ketow kaivalyam. If a benefic occupies Karakamsa; the person will have Moksha or Final Bliss.
NOTES Ka meana 1, Ta signifies 6 =16. 16 reversed – 61. Divided by 12, we get balance of 1. We may also take ucche from the previous Sutra and say that if Ketu is found in 12th there will be final Bliss.
SU. 70. -Kriyochapayorviseshena. If Karakamsa is Mesha or Dhanus with benefics there, the subject gets Moksha. If Mesha or Dhanus happens to be the 12th from Karakamsa and Ketu is there, the person will get Moksha.
NOTES The commentators have put on two different kinds of interpretations. I shall explain both of them. The splendid power of sutras and their brevity capable of long interpretations are only possible in Sanskrit: No other language in the world possesses such facilities for brevity and at the same time containing a world of meaning. If Mesha or Dhanus becomes Karakamsa with a benefic there, there will be the highest Bliss: If Mesha or Dhanus – becomes the 12th from Karakamsa and Ketu is there, there will be the highest Bliss or Moksha. Ketu is not a full benefic. Ketu becomes a benefic in Chara Dasa and not otherwise. Therefore he cannot be classified as asubhagraha. But astrology ascribes to him the highest spiritual power of emancipation from all births and re-births and gives man Moksha. .
SU. 71:–Papair Qnyatha. : If the 12th from the : Karakamsa is occupied by evil planets, he will go to hell and will have no Bliss.
NOTES Heaven and Hell are not seen. But there is the universal belief in their existence and all religions lend support- to this faith.
SU. 72.-Raviketubhyam shive bhaktihi. If Ravi and Ketu are in Karakamsa, the person will become a Saivite or one who worships Shiva.
NOTES Worship of God is as different a8 there are differences in temperaments. Matha is a peculiarity of Mathi or mind.