SU. 11. -Shubhasambandhatsundaree. If the second from the upapada has beneficial aspects or conjunctions, the wife will be a very beautiful woman. .
NOTES It is both a fortune and misfortune to have a very beautiful wife. Her moral behaviour and the temperament of the husband should decide this complicated problem.
SU. 12.-Rahusanibhyamapavadatyago naso va. If Sani and Rahu occupy or aspect the second house from upapada, the wife will die or will be rejected by the husband for social scandals.
SU. 13. -Stikrakettibhyam raktapradaraha. It Sukra and Ketu occupy or aspect the second from Upapada the wife will suffer from bloody discharges or blood complaints.
NOTES Females have these menstrual and bloody complaints very often and they lead to consumption.
SU. 14.-Astisravo budhaKetubhyam. If the second from Upapada has the aspect or conjunction of Budha and Ketu the wife of the person will suffer from a disease wherein her bones will be melted and dropped down.
SU.15.=Saniraviruhubhirastijvaraha. It Sani, Ravi and- Rahu join or aspect the 2nd house from Upapada the wife will suffer from chronic or persistent low fever.
NOTES In the Ayurvedia system, there is the Raktasrita Jwara or fever found persistent in blood and Astigata Jwara or fever which has penetrated to the bones and which cannot easily be eradicated. , The first fever is milder while the second is more serious. Fever is the monarch of all diseases and brings in its train various complications.
SU. 16.-BudhaKetubhyam sthaulyam. If the second from Upapada is aspected or conjoined by Ketu and Budha, the wife becomes clumsily corpulent.
NOTES I believe great corpulence and accumulation of fat in the body of man or woman is a great misfortune. There is a limit to corpulence. When it is unwieldy it gives great inconvenience.
SU. 17. -Budhakshetre mandarabhyam nasikarogaha. If the second from Upapada falls in one of the signs of Budha, viz., Mithuna or Kanya and possesses the aspect or conjunction of Sani and Kuja, the wife will suffer from nasal diseases or complaints of the nose.
SU. 18.-Ktijakshetre cha. If the second house from Upapada falls in one of Kuja’s houses, viz., Mesha or Vrischika and has the aspect of Kuja and Sani, the same nasal diseases will trouble the man’s wife.
SU. 19. -Gurusanibhyam karnarogo narahaka cha. If the second from Upapada falls in any one of the houses of Kuja or Budha and has the aspect or conjunction of Guru. and Sani, the wife will have ear complaints and also nervous diseases.
SU. 20.-Gururahubhyam dantarogaha. If the second from Upapada falls in any of the houses of Budha or Kuja and has the aspect of Guru and Rahu, the wife will suffer from tooth diseases. .
NOTES In Sanskrit it is stated that four forms of diseases are the most painful to endure, viz., Akshi= eyes, Kukshi= stomach, Sira = head Dants = teeth. These aches are very painful.
SU. 21.-Sanirahubhyam kanyathulayoho Pangurvatarogo va. If the second from Upapada falls in Kanya or Thula and has the aspect of Sani and Rahu, the wife will be defective in limbs or will suffer from windy complaints.
NOTES Ayurveda says that when the three Dhatus Vata, Pitta, and Sleshma-are properly distributed, the body keeps good health. When any one of them is excited, diseases appear.
SU. 22. -Subhadrigyoganna. If in the combinations given above there are beneficial conjunctions or aspects, the evils will disappear and bad should not be predicted.
SU. 23. Saptamamsagrahebhyaschaivam. The above results may also be predicted by the 7th from Upapada; by the Kalatra Karakamsa and by the lords of those houses.
NOTES This means that all the above results good and bad may be predicted by the lord of the 7th from Upapada, and by the 7th house from Upapada, by the Kalatra Karakamsa and also by its lord. For each Bhava so many combinations have to be examined that astrological predictions are not easy matters. Great devotion is needed.
SU. 24.-Budhasanisukreshwanapatyaha. If the 7th from Upapada and its lord and the lord of the Kalatra Karakamsa and its lord-if all these four are aspected or conjoined by Budha Sani and Sukra, the person will have no issues.
SU. 25.-Putreshu ravirahugurubhirbahuputraha. If the 5th house from the 7th, from Upapada, its lord, the Kalatra Karakamsa and its lord have the aspects or conjunctions of Ravi, Rahu and Guru, the person will have many children.
NOTES Rahu seems to exercise very peculiar influences.
SU. 26.-Chandrenaikaputraha. If in the combination given in Sutra 25, the fifth has only Chandra’s aspect or conjunction, the person will have only one son.
SU. 27. Misre yilambatnpuitraha. If the 5th in Sutra. 25 has combinations and aspects, both for many issues and no issues, then predict an issue later on in life.
NOTES What the author means is, when there are combinations for many children and no children, the person will have issues later on in life. The problem of children is curious and various. Some beget children very early in life and get as many as 20 or 25 by one wife. Others get even 30 to 35 children by two or three wives one after the other or simultaneously by several wives. There are some who get only a limited number. Some get an issue early in life and get no more. Some get one child in the middle of their life and there are others who get only one child towards the close of their lives. God’s creation presents puzzles and confusion all round us.