O Thou that hast the universe for Thy form,
O Thou that art ever hale,
O Lord of the Universe,
O Thou of mighty arms,
Victory to Thee that art always ready for benefiting the worlds,
O great Snake!
O huge Boar!
O first Cause!
O Thou of tawny locks, victory to Thee that art Almighty.
O Thou of yellow robes,
O Lord of the cardinal, and the subsidiary points of the compass, O Thou that hast the universe for Thy abode,
O Thou that art Infinite,
O Thou that hast no decay,
O Thou that art the Manifest,
O Thou that art the Un-manifest,
O Thou that art the immeasurable Space,
O Thou that hast all thy senses under control,
O Thou that always achievest what is good,
O Thou that art immeasurable,
O Thou that alone knowest Thy own nature,
Victory to Thee that art deep,
O Thou that art the giver of all wishes,
O Thou that art without end,
O Thou that art known as the Brahman,
O Thou that art Eternal,
O Thou that art the Creator of all creatures,
O Thou that art ever successful,
O Thou whose acts always display wisdom,
O Thou that art conversant with morality,
O Thou that givest victory,
O Thou of mysterious Self,
O Thou that art the Soul of all Yoga,
O Thou that art the Cause of everything that hath sprung into existence,
O Thou that art the knowledge of the selves of all beings,
O Lord of the worlds! Victory to Thee that art the creator of all beings!
O Thou that hath Thyself for Thy origin,
O Thou that art highly blessed,
O Thou that art the Destroyer of everything,
O Thou that art the inspirer of all mental thoughts,
Victory to Thee that art dear to all conversant with the Brahman,
O Thou that art busy in creation and destruction,
O Controller of all wishes,
O Supreme Lore,
O Thou that art the Cause of Amrita,
O Thou that art All-existent,
O Thou that art the first that appears at the end of the Yuga,
O Thou that art the giver of victory,
O Divine Lord of the lord of all creatures,
O Thou that hast the lotus springing from thy navel,
O Thou of mighty strength,
O Thou that art sprung from Thyself,
O Thou that art the great elements in their primeval state,
O Thou that art the soul of all (religious) rites,
Victory to Thee that givest all.
The goddess Earth represents Thy two feet, the cardinal and the subsidiary directions Thy arms, and the heavens Thy head. I am Thy form, the celestials constitute Thy
limbs, and the Sun and the Moon are Thy two eyes. Ascetic austerities and Truth born of morality and (religious) rites constitute Thy strength. Fire is Thy energy, the wind is
Thy breath, and the waters have sprung from Thy sweat. The twins Aswins constitute Thy ears, and the goddess Saraswati is Thy tongue. The Vedas are Thy Knowledge,
and upon Thee rests this Universe.
O Lord of Yoga and Yogis! We do not know Thy extent, Thy measure, Thy energy, Thy prowess, Thy might and Thy origin.
O God! O Visnu! Filled with devotion in Thee, and depending upon Thee with vows and observances, we ever worship Thee as the highest Lord, the God of gods. The Rishis,
the gods, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Pannagas, the Pisachas, human beings, beasts, birds and reptiles were all created by me on earth through
Thy grace.
O Thou having the lotus springing from Thy navel,
O Thou of large expansive eyes,
O Krisna,
O Dispeller of all woe,
Thou art the Refuge of all creatures, and
Thou art their Guide,
Thou hast the universe for Thy mouth,
Through Thy grace, O Lord of the gods, the gods are ever happy.
Through Thy grace the Earth hath always been freed from terrors.
Therefore, O Thou of large eyes, take birth in the race of Yadu. For the sake of establishing righteousness, for slaying the sons of Diti and for upholding the universe do what
I have said.
O Lord! O Vasudeva! That which is Thy supreme mystery, that, O Lord, has been sung by me through Thy grace.
Having created the divine Sankarshana out of Thy own Self by Thyself, Thou didst then, O Krisna, create Thyself as Pradyumna born of Thyself. From Pradyumna Thou didst
then create Aniruddha who is known as the eternal Visnu. And it was Aniruddha who created me as Brahma, the upholder of the Universe. Created out of Vasudeva’s
Essence, I have, therefore, been created by Thee.
Dividing Thyself into portions, take birth, O Lord, among human beings. And slaughtering the asuras there for happiness of all the worlds, and establishing righteousness,
and winning renown, Thou wilt again truly attain to Yoga (Divinity).
The regenerate Rishis on earth and the gods, O Thou of infinite prowess, devoted to Thee, sing of Thy wondrous Self, under those names that belong to Thee.
O Thou of excellent arms! All classes of creatures rest on Thee, having taken refuge in Thee, Thou being the giver of boons. The regenerate ones sing of Thee as the world’s
bridge, having no beginning, middle and end, and as possessed of unlimited Yoga.