You are Hiranyagarbha!
You are Sakuni!
You are Dhanada (bestower of wealth)!
You are Annapati (Lord of cooked rice)!
You are Virat (Universal Being)!
You are Adharmaha (destroyer of evil)!
You are Mahaadaksha (very efficient)!
You are Dandadhaari (holder of staff)!
You are Ranapriya (fond of war)!
You are Tisthan (standing)!
You are Sthira (steady)!
You are Sthanu (stump)!
You are Nishkampa (unmoving)!
You are Sunischala (very still)!
You are Durvaarana (one who cannot be checked)!
You are Durvisaha (who cannot be borne)!
You are Durdarpa (having whisked arrogance)!
You are Duratikrama (one who cannot be made submissive)!
You are Nitya (permanent)!
You are Durdama (one who cannot be suppressed)!
You are Vijaya (victory)!
You are Jaya (conquerer)!
You are Sasa (hare)!
You are Sasaankanayana (having the moon as an eye)!
You are Sitoshna (bearing climatic variations)!
You are Kshut (hunger)!
You are Trsaa (thirst)!
You are Jaraa (old age)!
You are Aadhis (agonies)!
You are Vyaadhis (ailments)!
You are Vyaadhihaa (destroyer of ailments)!
You are Vyaadhipa (the lord of sickness)!
You are Sahya (bearable)!
You are Yajnamrgavyadha (hunter of Yajna in the form of a deer)!
You are Vyaadhinam-aakara (mine of ailments)!
You are Akara (handless)!
You are Sikhandi (tufted)!
You are Pundareeka (lotus)!
You are Pundareekavalokana (one who looks at lotuses)!
You are Dandadhrk (holding staff)!
You are Chakradanda (holding wheel and staff)!
You are Raudrabhaaga-vinaasana (destroyer of terrible share)!
You are Visapaa (one who drinks poison)!
You are Amrtapaa (one who drinks nectar)!
You are Suraapaa (one who drinks wine)!
You are Kshira-somapaa (one who drink milk and soma juice)!
You are Madhupaa (one who drinks honey)!
You are Apapaa (one who drinks water)!
You are Sarvapaa (one who drinks everything)!
You are Balaabala (one who is strong and weak)!
You are Vrsangavaahya (one who is to be carried over the body of the bull)!
You are Vrshabha (bull-leading deity)!
You are Vrshabhalochana (bull-eyed)!
You are Leader of all worlds!
You are Lokasamskrta (consecrated in the world)!
The moon and the sun constitute Your eyes!
Brahma is Your heart!
Agnistoma sacrifice is Your body, embellished by virtuous holy rites!
O Siva! Neither Brahma nor Visnu, nor the ancient sages are competent to know Your greatness precisely like a father protecting his son.
O Siva! Always protect one with the help of Your physical subtle forms. Let them come into my vow.
O Sinless one! Protect me. I am worthy of Your protection. Obeisance to you!
You are sympathetic to the devotees, and I am always your devotee.
May He be my continuous protector, He who stands alone on the shore of the sea after encompassing the miserable state of many thousands of men?
Those who have conquered sleep, those who have mastered their breath, those who abide by their sattva-guna, those who have similarity of vision and those who perform
yoga see That Brilliance! Obeisance to that yogic Atman!
As each yuga is about to end, He devours all living beings, and He lies down in the middle of waters. I resort to Him who lies down in the said waters.
It is the fire of the soma-juice that enters the mouth of Rahu, and drinks the nectar of the moon at night. As Rahu, It devours the sun.
Purusas (souls of individuals) of the size of a thumb are stationed in the bodies of embodied souls. Let them protect me always. Let them always nourish me.
Deities are procreated by Svaahaas and Svadhaas. To those who attain death, Svaahaas and Svadhaas are offered. Svaahaa, Svadhaa and Ahaar eulogize you!
Where the embodied persons ascend to and where the living beings descend from, obeisance be to those who delight but do not drag one!
Obeisance to those who are in the ocean, to those who are on mountains, to those who are in the impassable rivers, to those who are in caves, at the roots of trees, in
cow-pens, in dense forests, in the four cross-roads, in streets, in jungles, in assemblies, in the chambers of elephants, horses and chariots, in old and dilapidated parks and
Obeisance to those who are in five elements, in quarters and intermediary junctions, to those who are in between Indra and the sun, to those who are in the rays of the moon
and the sun, to those who are present in the nether worlds and who have gone beyond them!
You are identical with all. You are the omnipresent Lord, the Lord of all living beings, and the immanent Soul in all living beings. Hence you have not been invited.