Introduction to Vedic astrology
The ancient Hindu way of life looked at the progress of the human soul based on three essential macroscopic parameters. They are: The Karma acquired from your past life, the karma you acquire by virtue of your actions in your present life and based on these your future life. They classified our present life into four broad aspects – Dharma or right living, Artha or the monetary aspect, Kama or the desires and finally Moksha or spiritual progress and liberation. They recognized the importance of balancing these four aspects of life for the proper progress. To understand and improve all these four aspects they gave us scriptures. Astrology or Jyotishya ( Jyoti=light+ Isha=God meaning the light of God to remove ignorance) was given to us as a guide, to get the best results during the most suitable times, in each of the above four areas of life.
The entire basis and theology of our astrology is based on these principles. Hence astrology is not just for knowing your finance prospects or love prospects but excel in all areas of life including the ultimate spiritual goal of union with God. The 9 planets have various ruling Deities and represent the three Gunas, (The three qualities – Satwa, Rajo and Tamas) our sense organs and the Pancha Tatwas or the 5 primordial elements present in Nature. The planetary positions in our birth chart, depending on our past Karma, produce various degrees of success and failure, happiness or sorrow in various aspects of life like profession, marriage, children etc.
Vedic Astrology has a twofold purpose. On one hand it is used as a tool to select the right month the right date and the right time to start various auspicious rites and rituals so that the results are better. On the other hand it is used as a guide to study and improve the destiny of an individual.
Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven. However it does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were born with, what your possibilities are, the limitations, your strong points and your drawbacks. What type of life partners and professions suit you and to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results.
Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad; what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job. After that it is you who have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience.
Fate is like a game of cards where you cannot help the cards that have been dealt to you but how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Don’t blame the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident! In the Mahabharata Lord Krishna gave advise to Arjuna and also to Duryodhana. One listened and the other did not!
The modern scientists do not accept astrology. But it is a known fact that planets do have their effects on us. The doctors of almost all mental asylums accept the fact that during the full moon and the new Moon periods the mental patients behave erratically. The police record the same effects on many criminals. The modern scientists know some of the effects of the ultraviolet rays, gamma rays and beta rays of the planets. But unfortunately they don’t have the divine wisdom of our ancient is to know all the effects fully.
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