Construction: After choosing and purchasing land, plants should be grown on the land. Also, if possible, keep a cow and her calf on the land for a while to make it more auspicious.
Before starting the construction a Bhoomi Pooja ritual should be performed. The land should be installed at an auspicious time, during an auspicious constellation. Mondays and Thursdays are auspicious days for such rituals. Ideally, a qualified astrologer should set the time of installation.
Worship should be done in the northeast corner of the land.
Before installing the land, it should be cleared. Dirt, stones, holes in the ground, and trash should be removed. Thorny bushes should also be uprooted and removed.
The installation should not be done if a woman in the household is more than seven months pregnant. The groundbreaking ceremony for the house should only be done during the Uttarayan period, when the sun is in the northern hemisphere, and when the days are longer than the nights, from June 21 through December 20.
Construction should not stop once it begins. Workers should not be unnecessarily pushed to speed up their work; work for the day should stop at sunset. No construction should be done at night. A qualified engineer should always oversee the construction.
Building materials should be stored in the southwest corner of the property during construction. The storage area or structure can also be built in the southeast corner, at least 1m (3 ft) from the property boundary. The guard should stay in a house in the southeast corner. Thieves will be a danger if the guard stays in the northwest corner, and the guard should not stay in the southwest corner.
Order of construction: the well, the storage house, and then the boundary wall.
Building Material
Only new bricks, wood, and materials should be used when building a new house. Materials from an old building should not usually be used to build a new one in case those old materials repeat negative incidents that occurred in the old house. There is unhappiness in using old things. If there are old materials available, better to sell them and use the money to buy new materials.
Wood from thorny trees should not be used, as it will have a negative effect. Materials that have been stored for a long time should also not be used. Iron grills should only be used when needed.
Well or Water Source
It is advised that the first construction project for the new house is to dig the well. If water is used from this well for the construction, it is auspicious for the family who will live in the house. It is best that the well or water source is on the north or northeast side of the land, or if water comes from the municipality, it should enter from the northeast side. If you draw a line from the southeast corner to the northeast corner, the well should be to the right or left of the line, not on it.
The well can also be in the north or east sides of the property. The well should not be in the northwest or southeast corners, as this is inauspicious. It is especially inauspicious if the well is dug in the southwest corner. It is also inauspicious to have a well in the middle of a house.
Wells should be round. Ideally, the well water should be exposed to sunlight for five hours a day. It is not recommended to share wells between two properties.
The well should be dug after puja (worship) has been performed on the land at an astrologically auspicious time. This will insure that the water will be pure.
The well should be dug under an auspicious star, such as Rohini, Hasta, Uttara Bhadrapada, Uttara, etc. It should be dug on an auspicious day—a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. The well should be dug during a downward-facing constellation or star, such as, Krittika, Purva Phalguni, Mula, Bharani, Ashlesha, Purva Bhadrapada, or Purvashadha.Water departing from the kitchen and bathroom should flow to the northeast and leave the house from this side.
Storage Room
The storage areas should be located in the northwest part of the building, but not in the north or east. The storage room door should not be on the southwest side of the room. Storage cabinets should be located on the west or north sides of the room. Butter, ghee, oil, and cooking gas should be kept in the southeast corner.
Compound Wall and Gate
The compound wall should be built before the house is constructed. Construction should begin during an auspicious constellation, and on a favorable day—a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. It should also be begun during an auspicious day of the lunar month—Pratipada, Panchami, Shashthi, Dashami, Ekadashi, or Purnima. The compound wall should not be higher than the house, and construction of it should begin on the southwest side.
The southwest part of the wall should be higher than the rest of the wall. The walls on the north and east sides should be 53cm (21 inches) shorter than on the west and south sides. If this is not possible, then the north and east sides should be a minimum of 8cm (3 inches) shorter.
Do not set the gate on the south side. It is best that there are two gates to the compound, so evil things entering one gate will exit from the other.
Obstructions in front of the main gate: Several types of obstructions before the main gate must be avoided as they give rise to the following problems according to Brahusanhita & Vasturaja Vallabha.
Big Tree – obstruction to the progress of children,
Gutter or Ditch – grief,
Open well – mental problem,
Corner of another building – mental unrest,
Water drain – draining of income by unwanted expenses,
Straight street – affecting longivity of inmates,
Dilapitated house or walls – affecting prosperity,
Staircase railings – sadness,
Pillars; Electric and telephone post – affecting females.
These are called Vedha Doshas. But in between the plot and obstacles if there is a public road, these deficiencies are nullified.
Similarly, if the distance between the obstacles and the house is two times the height of the house, these deficiencies will have no effect. For example, if the height of the house is 11 feet and if the obstructions are more than 22 feet away, Vedh Dosha does not occur.