31. The Moon in the 7th: One with the Moon in the 7th house will hold the flag of justice aloft. He will be extremely kind, be with a smiling face, wealthy, widely famous and very intelligent.
Notes: The native will be successful in distant lands. He will be associated with many women. Although he may acquire an excellent spouse, she will be a victim of health debacles.
The Moon in the 7th house being weak will kill his spouse early. If simultaneously the 7th lord is strong there will be a remarriage.
One with the Moon in the 7th house will be endangered in his 15th year. He will be soft in his speech and will earn favours from high-ups. In his 32nd year, he will incur troubles relating to his wife. In this same age, he will face disorders of blood vessels or danger from weapons and fire.
Generally, the Moon in the 7th, with all her good qualities is found upsetting one’s marital life, as observed in practical cases.
32. The Moon in the 8th: One with the Moon in the 8th house will not be physically strong, be short-lived, bereft of truthfulness, kindness and friendliness,-be inclined to join others’ wives, will wander fruitlessly and be devoid of understanding.
Notes: The native will not enjoy happiness through conveyances, will incur danger through water and will discard his kinsfolk on account of a female (or on account of his Spouse).
His health will be very poor and he will often be in need of medical aid. He will be financially ill-placed.
33. The Moon in the 9th: One with the Moon in the 9th house will have many friends, be endowed with comforts and food and drinks, be very famous, will combat his foes, be highly praised by virtuous men.
Notes: The native will be associated with philanthropic deeds. But his fortunes will not be stable in general. The middle part of his life will cause much fortunes. The native will have deep interest in language-studies.
If the Moon in the 9th is associated with malefic planets, the native will lose his parents as well as his fortunes.
34. The Moon in the 10th: One with the Moon in the 10th house will win the heart of the king. He will receive honours from his kinsfolk, be fond of guests, will please his preceptors (or elders) and be devoted to superior gods.
Notes: The native will be associated with many women, be very fortunate, will perform good deeds and will gain through his in-laws. His wealth will be subjected to sudden increases and decreases. In his 27th year, he will incur enmity with others on account of his ties with a widow.
The Moon in the 10th in union with a malefic planet or in an enemy’s sign will produce tuberculosis, lung disorders, professional misfortunes etc.
35. The Moon in the 11th: One with the Moon in the 11th house will be shrewd, will have many gains, be good-looking, fond of virtuous men, liberal and will eliminate his enemies.
Notes: The native will attain sudden fame after 50th year of his age. He will suppress the funds kept with him in trust by others, and will obtain progeny even in the advanced years of his life. He will hide his wealth from others’ eyes and be long-lived.
Also, he will have to clear the debts of his progeny.
The Moon in the 11th house along with a malefic, or in a malefic’s sign, will cause diseases.
36. The Moon in the 12th: One with the Moon in the 12th house will be troubled by diseases of blood (particularly high blood-pressure, or heart palpitation), will have many enemies, be short-lived and untruthful.
Notes: One will have a lot of mental worries, will incur disorders of phlegm, digestion and sight and will spend on religious affairs. He will have sexual weakness, will incur venereal diseases, be very sinful, addicted to vices and be unfriendly to his kinsfolk. It will be difficult for him to build up fortunes. His marital life will be bad. His 45th year will bring forth some danger to his life.
These are the effects of the Moon.