97. Rahu in the Ascendant: One with Rahu in the ascendant will be evil in thinking, be compatible to others, will
suffer from head-aches, be lustful, successful in arguments and
Notes: If Rahu is found in the ascendant, the native will obtain dead children or his children will die in early years.
Rahu in union with a malefic planet in the ascendant will produce difficulties galore and the person will face early death.
Rahu in the ascendant which is Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or Cancer will give great fortunes and longevity.
98. Rahu in the 2nd: One with Rahu in the 2nd house will be talkative, will promote strife, destroy his wealth and be poor. He will wander fruitlessly.
Notes: One having Rahu in the 2nd house will be dark in complexion, will incur grief on account of progeny, be poor and will face health disorders. He will earn wealth in dealings offish, meat and the like.
Rahu in the 2nd house with a malefic planet will give two spouses.
Rahu in the 2nd house in Sagittarius will give abundant wealth.
99. Rahu in the 3rd: One with Rahu in the 3rd house will combat his foes. He will in general acquire victory and fame. He will spend away his wealth to acquire happiness, will enjoy various pleasures and will lose his brothers and quadrupeds. He will be a successful wealth-gatherer and be valorous.
Notes: Rahu in the 3rd house will give abundant gains through oils, pulses and cereals. However the native may enjoy very strong a medium life-span only. There will be all-round happiness in his family. He will have strained terms with his co-born. His mother will have eye problems.
100. Hahu in the 4th: One with Rahu in the 4th house will lose all his happiness. He will not enjoy happiness through progeny and friends and be a great wanderer.
Notes: Further, with Rahu in the 4th house, the person will acquire various kinds of landed properties, ornaments etc. He will have two marriages. His mother will be long-lived. He will have only one son. HIS wife will be thin-bodied.101. Rahu in the 5th: One with Rahu in the 5th house will incur mental aberration, will lose his progeny, will have limited education, will suffer disorders of stomach, will wander much and will have numerous enemies.
Notes: The subject will further lose in gambling and speculations. He will incur health problems relating to movements of joints, neck and hip and will adopt a bad path of livelihood. There is also a possibility of one’s losing’ wealth and position due to governmental wrath.
If Rahu joins the Moon in the 5th, the native’s wealth and children will be destroyed.
102. Rahu in the 6th: One with Rahu in the 6th house will have diminished enemies, be with friends, will suffer danger from quadrupeds and pains of the waist, will join foreigners and be very strong.
Notes: The person will also enjoy abundant happiness and fortunes.
If Rahu is in the 6th house with the Moon, the native will be associated with a wealthy woman. But be himself not wealthy.
Rahu in the 6th with the Sun will cause many difficulties from the government.
103. Rahu in the 7th: One with Rahu in the 7th house will acquire a spouse who will be inimical, short-lived, fierce in appearance, irascible, belligerent and sickly.
Notes: The native will acquire two spouses out of whom the first one will face premature death and the second one will incur disorders of the liver. The subject will gain wealth through marriage and will have questionable terms with a widowed or
pregnant woman. The person’s wife will be a spendthrift and will be bent upon enjoying comforts at any cost.
The native will be involved in crimes if Rahu joins another malefic planet in the 7th house.
104. Rahu in the 8th: One with Rahu in the 8th house will be protected from evils (for life-span). He will suffer from secretive disorders and urinary problems, will have large testicles and will destroy his wealth.
Notes: There are different views concerning life-span when Rahu’s position in the 8th is discussed by ancients. Some attribute short life.
According to one specific authority, Rahu in the 8th in a benefic’s sign or with a benefic planet will give 40 years of life; if the 8th lord is also strong, life-span will be extended to 60; ill placed Rahu in the 8th will give severe diseases and kill the person during his 32nd year.
Rahu in the 8th is also found causing untimely and gruesome death of one’s progeny.
105. Rahu in the 9th: One with Rahu in the 9th house will have limited fortunes, will incur enmity with his brothers, be in the grip of poverty (or financial troubles), will experience various evils, will destroy his wealth, be undutiful, will have limited happiness and. incur enmity with his father.
Notes: With Rahu in the 9th, one’s being undutiful has wider implications. Such a native will neglect his religion’s teachings, will not do his duties for his parents and others, and will not follow the codes prescribed for a virtuous person. If the said Rahu is in Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus or Aries as the 9th house, these evils will not be seen.
Further, the person will be associated with a Soodra woman. His father will not be well-disposed to him. He will prosper in distant regions only but not in his birth place.
106. Rahu in the 10th: One with Rahu in the 10th house will have all kinds of happiness, be successful in royal circles but will never be happy in respect of his father.
Notes: One with Rahu in the 10th house will face impediments, in performing final rites to his parents. He will be interested in poetics, be associated with a widowed female and will go on pilgrimages. He will often face hindrances in professional matters.
Our text stipulates all kinds of happiness in general. However, this will come to pass only when the 10th is one of Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.
107. Rahu in the 11th: One with Rabu in the 11th house will acquire all kinds of wealth. He will be happy, will receive various kinds of honours from many kings, be happy in respect of robes, gold and quadrupeds, be successful but indolent.
Notes: The native will enjoy abundant fortunes through his progeny. He will skilfully comment on ancient Sastras. He will himself reach superior heights. His terms with his co-born will be unpleasant. His mother will be endangered by poison (snakes, scorpions etc.) and windy disorders.
108. Rahu in the 12th: One with Rahu in the 12th house will have diseased eyes and injured feet. He will be cunning, be arrogant in speech, ‘wicked, fond of consuming liquor and be proud.
Notes: The native having Rahu in the 12th will often confront illnesses, grief and injuries. He will be ugly, will lose his money on wasteful expenditure, will earn disrepute in the society, will face troubles from government and will have questionable association with members of opposite sex. He will have limited number of children and his spouse will incur abortions. His earnings will be through unfair means.
Thus have been stated the effects for Rahu.