17. Daadima
Names:- Latin Punica granatum
Tamil Mathulai
Telugu Daanimma
Canarese Daalimbe
Malayal Thalimathalam
Urdu Anar
That Swaadu Tridoshaghnam
Trit Daaha Jwara Naasanah
Kashaayaanurasam Graahi
Snigdham Medhaa Balaavaham
Swaadwamlam Deepanam Ruchyam
Kinchit Pittakaram Laghu
Amlamtu Pitta Janakam
Aamavaata Kaphaapaham.
Sweet Pomogranate is Tridoshaghnam. It checks thirst, burning sensation, and fevers. It is also useful in the treatment of diseases of the heart, throat and mouth. It is light, nutritious and an aphrodisiac. It has an auxiliary taste of astringency and is a constrictor. It is oily (Snigdham). It improves intellect and strength.
Pomogranate which is acid and sour improves appetite, and taste. It is light and slightly increases Pitta. Pomogranate which is purely acid creates pitta and checks Aamavaata and Kapha.
Dose:- 10 to 30 grains of the powder of the dried rind of the fruit or of the dried tender fruit.
Of the fruit juice (sweet or sour) diluted with equal parts of water, 8 or 10 oz. for a dose.
Of the flowers mixed with aromatics and astringents such as cinnamon etc in doses of 20 grains.
The juice of the flower as a nasyam.
For tape-worm:-
Of the root-bark ½ to 5 tolas as a decoction or swarasam with 4 times the quantity of water, strained and taken with sugar, honey or castor oil, 2 oz. of the same to be taken every half-hour and then followed by castor oil, if necessary. Repeat the medicine every day till the head of the worm comes out.
Action:- Astringet, anthelmintic specially for tape-worm, nutritive and cooling.
Uses:- The Daadima flower, the rind of the fruit, the tender fruit and the tender leaves are very much used both fresh and dry. The tender fruit or the tender leaves are made into a Putapaakam along with opium and is given in proper doses for diarrhoea and dysentery. Their decoction or swarasam is also given with honey in the same dose. On account of its astringent property this drug is used internally in a variety of diseases, namely, epistaxis, piles, haemorrhage from the mouth, bad taste and indigestion. The fruit juice is a cooling drink and the ripe seeds or the juice of the sour fruit diluted with water according to the taste of the patient is very much appreciated and it relieves thirst and reduces fever. It is also nutritive. Even when all acids are contra-indicated, the acid of Daadima fruit and that of Aamalaki are allowed. It is the least heating of acids according to Ayurveda.
18. Dantibeeja
Names:- Latin Croton tiglium
Tamil Nervaalam
Telugu Nepaalam
Canarese Jayapaala
Malayal Nervaalam
Urdu Jamalgotg
Jayapaala Katurushnah
Krimihaaree Virechakah
Deepanah Kapha Vaataghno
Jatharaamava nasanah.
Croton seeds (Jaya paala) is pungent and heating. It is a purgative. It improves digestion. It checks Kapha and Vaata and is useful in the treatment of Krimi and abdominal diseases.
Dose:- ½ to 2 grains of the purified seed or one seed just charred in a flame.
Action:- Drastic purgative.
Uses:- It is a good purgative. But, it causes gripping and irritation if given alone and if it is not properly purified.
The methods of purification generally used are either soaking the seeds in cowdung, boiling them with milk or frying them in ghee or castor oil. The powdered seed is generally taken mixed with Hareethai, Sunti or Omam and other carminatives. Its special advantage is the small dose and absence of bad taste. It is very much recommended when brisk purgation and immediate low blood-pressure are demanded, specially in diseases such as apoplexy, heart disease etc. In the way in which it is given after purification by Ayurvedic physicians, it does not seem to be dangerous s the croton oil of the British Pharmacopoeia. It is very much recommended in ascites; but I have not tried it enough. It is contra-indicated in pregnancy and irritable conditions of the stomach and kidneys.
19. Daaruharidra
Latin Berberis aristata
Tamil Maramanjal
Telugu Maanupasupu
Canarese Maradarisina
Malayal Maramanjal
Urdu Jarkihaldi
Tiktaa Daaruharidraasyaat
Rookshoshna Vrana mehajit
Rujaan Kandoomcha naasayet.
Daaruharidra is bitter. It is rookha and heating. It is useful in the treatment of Vrana, Meha, diseases of the ear, eye and mouth and in itching.
Dose:- 10 to 60 grains as a powder with honey or sugar in small doses or as decoction or like tea with milk and sugar in large doses.
Action:- Internally – antimalarial, febrifuge and blood-purifier.
Externally – Antiseptic and antiphlogistic.
Uses:- It enters into the combination of fever powders and mixtures. It is a mild diuretic and purifier of urine. It stimulates the liver and is particularly useful in fevers caused by torpid liver. It is a favourite of some physicians who use it frequently in Malaria and other fevers. It is used very much as an antiseptic wash, ointment or plaster. For relieving pain in the eye and for contracting the pupil the solid extract is mixed with opium and applied round the eye.
The powder of the liquid extract (Rasout) forms an ingredient of many antiseptic ointments. It is recommended in erysipelas (Visarpa). It has got almost the same properties as of Haridra or turmeric and is more used internally than the latter.