23. Draaksha
Names:- Latin Vitis vinifera
Tamil Draaksha
Telugu Draaksha
Canarese Draaksha
Malayal Mundiringa
Urdu Munakha
Aamaa Swalpa gunaa gurvee
Saivaamlaa Rakta Pittalam
Draakshaa Pakwaa Saraa Seetaa
Chakshushyaa Brinhanee Guruh
Swaadupaakah Rasa Swaryaa
Tuvaraa Srishta Mootra Vit
Koshta Maaruta hrit Vrishyam
Kapha Pushti Ruchi Pradaa
Hamti Trishna Jwara Swaasa
Vaata Vaataasra Kaamalaah
Kricchraasra Pitta Sommoha
Daaha Sosha Madaatyayaam
Raw Draaksha fruit is heavy to digest and it is acid; it increases Rakta Pitta. It however possesses the properties of the ripe fruit in a small measure. A ripe Draaksha fruit is quickly assimilated, cooling and strengthening. It is heavy (Guru). It is good for the eyes. It has Madhura Rasa and Vipaka, it is slightly astringent and it improves the voice; loosens stools and urine; aphrodisiac. It improves taste and it increases Kapha and makes one plumpy. It sets right vitiated Vata in the bowels.
It checks thirst, fever, hard breathing, Vaata, Vaata Rakta, Kaamala, difficulty in passing urine, Rakta pitta, intoxication (Sammoha), burning sensation, wasting (Sosha) and drunkenness. 50 small or 25 big dry fruits are soaked in a tumblerful of hot water for half an hour, squeezed and filtered. The drink is given with a little sugar or honey at night. It induces soothing sleep in nervous patients.
Dose:- 1 to 3 tolas to be soaked in boiling water for fifteen minutes, crushed, filtered and taken as an anupaanam for other medicines or with milk, sugar or honey as a drink.
Action:- Refringerant, demulcent, cooling, mild laxative, mild diuretic and tonic.
Uses:- This is one of the most useful drugs of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia. It enters into the consumption of various febrifuge and diuretic decoctions. It is generally used to sweeten the medicinal preparations and given to relieve thirst in fever and inflammatory swellings and constipation. In cases of mild constipation it is successful when continued for a long period. The fruit is used in lehyams as a tonic and as a pleasant vehicle. For its nutritive properties, it is valued in consumption and diabetes where its sweetness is not contraindicated. In Raktapitta and anaemia its use is also indicated. As an article of diet for children with liver disorders it is of great value. It relieves Mutrakrichra due to excessive heat and produces sleep in atonic conditions of the nervous system.
24. Ela
Latin Elletaria cardamomum
Tamil Elakkai
Telugu Elakkai
Canarese Eleki
Malayal Elakkayi
Urdu Elaichi
Elaa tiktaacha Laghwee Syaat
Kapha Vaata Visha Vranaam
Vasti Kandu Riyohanti
Mukha Mastaka Sodhanee.
Dhanvanthari Nighantu.
Ela (cordamom) is slightly bitter, light to digest; It checks Kapha, Vaata and poisons and is good for wounds (antiseptic). It relieves itching and pain in the bladder. It cleans the mouth and improves mental faculties.
Dose:- 5 to 15 grains as a powder with honey was a decoction with a little sugar or milk or a syrup diluted with water.
Action:- Carminative, cooling, mild diuretic, aromatic and mild expectorant.
Uses:- It is much used in India as a vehicle for other medicines. As a corrective it is given in flatulence.
Vagbhata Sushruta advise Ela to be taken with Madhya or wine as a diuretic. It improves the appetite and taste and checks vomiting sensation.
25. Eranda Thailam
Names:- Latin Oleum ricini
Tamil Vilakkennai, Aomanakkennai
Telugu Aamudam
Canarese Harelennai
Malayal Aamanakku enna
Urdu Chiterindi-ka-thel
Eranda Thailam Madhuram
Saramchoshnam Guru Smrutah
Gulma Vaata Kaphaam schaiva
Sodhamcha Vishama Jwaram.
Erandaa Thailam (Castor oil) is sweet (Preparations fried in castor oil are really sweet. It is also sweet in Vipaka. It is quick in action, heating and heavy. It is useful in checking Gulma, Kapha Swelling and Malarial fever.
Dose:- 1 to 8 fluid drams to be taken with a little milk or equal parts of Inji swarasam and milk or equal parts of pure honey or with an equal quantity of decoction of Hari-thaki or Sunti and honey or s an enema mixed with milk.
Action:- Purgative. In small doses it is a lubricant to the intestinal canal and relieves inflammation.
Uses:- Castor oil is the best of purgatives for children. It may be used every day in teaspoonful doses mixed with mother’s or cow’s milk. In inflammatory conditions of the abdomen it is the safest purgative to be given.
In combination with gum acacia and syrup or honey spiced with Ela or ginger it is a pleasant and specific cure for dysentery and other ulcerated conditions of the intestinal canal. In the treatment of sprue (apthaeous condition of the mouth) it has no equal if buttermilk or buttermilk and rice or sweet fruit-juice is given as a light diet. It is recommended in combination with Rasna and Vatahara-oushadhas in hernia and hydrocele. Ayurvedic Physicians consider Eranda thaila (castor oil) as a specific for Aamavata as it helps to remove the poison from the body (“Aamavata gajendrasya sareera vanacharina, Eka eva nihantyaasu eranda gajakesari” Bhaavaprakaasa).
If I am asked to take only one drug with me, I would prefer to select castor oil as the safest and most useful one.
Externally the application of the oil is a very good treatment for cracked skin and fissures and burning sensation in the soles of the feet. Mixed with chunnam it makes an excellent application as a plaster for itch or small boils to expedite opening.