Interpretation of Different Planets as Drekkana Lord
Sun as Dekkana Lagna Lord
In drekkana of the Sun the native is nasty, brave, love by women, cruel, courageous, hot tempered, wicked, stupid, miser, immoral, deceitful, extrovert, quarrelsome, sinful, over talkative, “disrespectful to noble people and elders, unhappy; involved’ in gambling and in the company of bad people; illicit relationship with the wife/husband of his/her teacher; charitable.
Moon as Drekkana Lagna Lord
If the drekkana lagna is Cancer, Moon becomes drekkana lagna lord. The native is, attractive, noble hearted, over talkative, artistic, religious, expert in foreign trade, rich, fortunate, famous, devoted to elders and noble people; blessed with sons and good friends; respected by brothers and relatives; little interest in shastras and scriptures; if the Moon is waning the results will be weak.
Mars as Drekkana Lagna Lord
If Aries or Scorpio is drekkana lagna, Mars becomes the drekkana lagna lord. The native is nasty, cruel, poor, immoral, brutal, harsh, merciless, over talkative, boastful, hot tempered, sickly, prone to injuries, dull, invincible and addicted to vices; serves others; few sons; suffers loss of wife and brothers; virtuous.
Mercury as Drekkana Lagna Lord
If Gemini or Virgo is drekkana lagna then Mercury will be the drekkana lagna lord. The native is intelligent, skilled, respected by rulers, long lived, has many children, powerful, famous, calm, humble, pious and religious, appreciated by superiors, respectfully attached to noble persons, well versed in shastras and scriptures, knowledgeable, active, leader of community, contended, very rich arid prosperous, free from attachments; sickly; quick in finishing the assigned job.
Jupiter as the Drekkana Lagna Lord
If the drekkana lagna is Sagittarius or Pisces, Jupiter becomes the drekkana lagna lord. The native is healthy and long lived, intelligent, attractive, virtuous, religious, independent, aware of his Moksha (emancipation or final liberation), calm, kind, gentle; good wife or life partner; rich, adulterous; blessed with comforts and luxuries of life; loves and cares for the family.
Venus as the Drekkana Lagna Lord
If Taurus or Libra is the drekkana lagna, Venus will be the drekkana lagna lord. The native is expert, kind, truthful, pious and religious, wealthy, charming; close contacts with rulers or people in power, omniscient, loving and caring; does charities; respects noble people; possesses gems and jewels and continues to become prosperous; calm, truthful, generous, well versed in shastras; free from sins and diseases; blessed with children and good life partner.
Saturn as the Drekkana Lagna Lord
If the drekkana lagna is Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn is drekkana lagna lord. The native is nasty, cruel, involved in smuggling of metals, wicked, miser, virtueless, immoral, brutal, hot tempered, unhappy, grief stricken, over talkative, atheist, ugly and lecherous; illicit relations with teacher’s wife/husband; suffers loss of wealth, siblings and children; accepts services of low level; has a few friends.
Comments :
- The rationale behind giving the above interpretations is the consideration of natural malefics and benefics. Sun, Mars, Saturn are considered natural malefics and therefore we find mostly negative qualities attributed to their drekkana. Similarly Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics and apparently we find positive characteristics related to their drekkana.
- The terms such as victorious or valiant in wars and battlefields should be liberally applied to interpret competitive tendencies also.
- The term ‘leader of community’ can have a broad meaning, from being monitor in the class room to being a leader of a locality/union/society ete.
- ‘Shastras’ in modern times is different sciences, various disciplines of education. ‘Scriptures’ are specifically used for ‘Puranas’ or the knowledge of ancient times. This may be interpreted as holy scriptures, history or books related to the knowledge of an ancient period.