Comments :
- The lord of first, fourth and seventh navamsha is Deva, of second, fifth and eighth is Nara and of third, sixth and ninth is Rakhshasha.
- The Deva (lord of 1st, 4th and 7th navamsha) means the divine, shining or the celestial. He is to be worshipped and honoured since he is a god and a deity. Deva signifies virtue, charity, generosity, power, wealth, happiness, glory, help and kindness. So we may conclude that the native born in the Deva Navamsha is virtuous, chaste, respected, generous, glorious, kind, charitable, religious and powerful.
- The Nara (lord of 2nd, 5th and 8th navamsha) means a man or a person or a piece of chess. The man is kind, social, just, managing, leading, expert, powerful, virile, religious, helpful, hard working, protective, respected, reputed and, expert. So we may conclude that the native born in the Nara Navamsha is endowed with the above virtues.
- The Rakhshasha (lord of 3rd, 6th and last navamsha) means the demon or an evil spirit. He is malefic, cruel, violent, sinful, unattractive, fearful, envious, vile, adulterous, greedy, stupid, selfish and. slanderous. So we may conclude that the native born in the Rakhshasha Navamsha may inherit such negative qualities – obviously owing to other malefic or benefic influences.
The strength of navamsha depends. upon the natal chart. If a bhava (house) is weak, strong or medium in natal chart it affects the navamsha accordingly.
- The navamsha chart is equally’ important in analyzing different aspects in the life of a native.
- If the natal chart is weak and the navamsha chart is promising, the results of the navamsha chart would certainly neutralize the weakness of the natal chart.
- If a planet is exalted in the natal chart and in the navamsha chart it goes into debilitation, it does not give results like an exalted planet.
- If the navamsha chart is neither powerful nor weak in comparison to the natal chart, the results of the natal chart will prevail.
Navamsha chart is very important in analyzing the quality of married life of a person.
If the navamsha lord is either exalted or occupies its own sign in the navamsha chart, or if the unafflicted navamsha lord is exalted and remains’ unafflicted in other divisional charts too, and is posited/aspected with benefics, then the native suddenly meets a talented, virtuous and attractive life partner.
If the navamsha lord is posited in a kendra house the native marries in the 16th year; if in a trikona then in the 24th year; if in a malefic house with malefics then either in the 32nd year or remains unmarried.
If the navamsha lord is debilitated then the native marries a vile person; if exalted then a virtuous person.