Nine Navamshas of Taurus
First Navamsha
In the first navamsha of Taurus (Capricorn) the native is attractive, well built, dark complexioned; has pitiless eyes;
Second Navamsha
In the second navamsha of Taurus (Aquarius) the native is dull, lazy, over-talkative and a liar; participates in questionable activities; bends head forward while walking; has serious’ look m eyes.
Third Navamsha
In the third navamsha of Taurus (Pisces) the native has a strong body with soft skin; has shapely nose and beautiful eyes; involved in religious rites’ and homa; film in doing work; supporting.
Fourth Navamsha
In the fourth navamsha of Taurus (Aries) the native is temperamental, poor, greedy of others wealth; has slim waist and pale eyes like those of a sheep.
Fifth Navamsha
In the fifth navamsha of Taurus (Taurus) the native is tall, fair, and broad shouldered; thick curly hair, pointed and shapely nose and long arm; has a very fine personality; luxurious.
Sixth Navamsha
In the sixth navamsha of Taurus (Gemini) the native is steady, humorous, expert, a crook and over-talkative; lean and thin with smooth skin, beautiful hair and serious and expressive eyes.
Seventh Navamsha
In the seventh navamsha of Taurus (Cancer) the native is passionate; jealous of near ones, suffers loss of children; tall, small feet, scanty hair; big nose and eyes.
Eighth Navamsha
In the eighth navamsha of Taurus (Leo) the native is invincible, over-talkative; avoids hard work; tall; fluttering nose, lion-like eyes; beautiful teeth, big nails and shining bluish hair.
Ninth Navamsha
In the last navamsha of Taurus (Virgo) the native is wrathful, coward, full of anger, has complexes, deceptive and a trickster in making money; famous, respected; attractive, lean and thin.