Female Horoscopy and Trimamsa
For Aries and Scorpio Ascendant
If the birth lagna in a female chart is either Aries or Scorpio, the results for each trims hams a are as under :
In Mars trimshamsa : She is wicked and freely chooses sexual partners.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She is like a housemaid.
In Jupiter trimshamsa : She is virtuous and righteous.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is illusive.
In Venus trimshamsa : She is licentious and immoral.
For Taurus and Libra Ascendant
If the birth lagna of a female chart is either Taurus or Libra, the results for each trimshamsa are as under :
In Mars trimshamsa : She is wicked.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She either becomes a widow or divorces her husband and remarries again.
In Jupiter trimshams : She is meritorious.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is learned and expert in music and dance
In Venus trimshamsa : She appears chaste but is lusty.
For Gemini and Virgo Ascendant
If the birth lagna in a female chart is either Gemini or Virgo, the results for each trimshamsa are as under :
In Mars trimshamsa : She is cunning.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She is cold and averse to sex.
In Jupiter trimshamsa : She is virtuous and righteous.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is gifted in musical talents.
In Venus trimshamsa : She is oversexed and adulterous.
For Cancer Ascendant
If the birth lagna in a female chart is Cancer, the results for each trimshamsa are as under :
In Mars trimshamsa : She solicits customers like a prostitute.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She may torture or kill her husband.
In Jupiter trimshamsa : She is highly meritorious.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is technically trained and meritorious.
In Venus trimshamsa : She is lusty and characterless.
For Leo Ascendant
If the birth lagna in a female chart is Leo, the results for each trimshamsa are as under;
In Mars trimshamsa : She is extrovert and least feminine in appearance and behaviour.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She has loose morals.
In Jupiter trimshamsa : She is married to a kingly person.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is wicked and behaves like a man.
In Venus trimshamsa : She is seducing and adulterous.
For Sagittarius and Pisces Ascendant
If the birth lagna in a female chart is either Sagittarius or Pisces, the results for each trimshamsa are as under :
In Mars trimshamsa : She is talented and wonderful.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She is stupid and can be easily satisfied in sex.
In Jupiter trimshamsa : She is commendable and realistic.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is wise and has a scientific temperament.
In Venus trimshamsa : She is very beautiful and sexually liberated.
For Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendant
If the birth lagna in a female chart is either Capricorn or Aquarius, the results for each trimshamsa are as under:
In Mars trimshamsa : She is like a maid serrant doing low level jobs.
In Saturn trimshamsa : She gets involved with low level men.
In Jupiter trimshamsa : She is chaste and committed to her husband.
In Mercury trimshamsa : She is mean and wicked.
In Venus trimshamsa : She may be sterile.