In the horoscope of legendary football player Lionel Messi who captains both Barcelona and the Argentina, the lagna lord Venus is also the 6th lord of sports and competition, is in lagna and forming a superb rajayoga with exalted 3rd lord of courage and skills Moon, the 2nd lord of wealth Mercury is in its own house and forming another superb rajayoga in conjunction with the auspicious 4th lord Sun and 7th lord Mars (he earns about 3.5 crore Rupees per day!) , the yogakaraka for his lagna Saturn is powerfully placed with full digbala in the 7th house and the 8th lord Jupiter in the 12 is giving him a vipareeta rajayoga. Rahu in the 11th house and Ketu in the 5th are also very auspicious. It is rare to find a horoscope where all planets are so well placed. No wonder he is a legend and considered the all time greatest footballer.