41. …-Ketu. Opulence and glory, learnedness, gain of knowledge of Shastras, worship of Lord Shiva, performance of Havan, devotion towards preceptor.
42. …-Venus. Freedom from diseases, enjoyments, increase in wealth, happiness from wife and children.
43. …-Sun. Disorders of wind, bile and phlegm, pains, due to disorders of juices in the body.
44. …-Moon. Acquisition of Chatr with royal symbol, opulence and glory, increase in children, eye and stomach troubles.
45. …Mars. Danger of administration of poison by wife, imprisonment, foreign journeys, confusion of mind.
46. …Rahu. Distress from diseases, troubles from thieves, danger from snakes, scorpions etc.
47. ….Saturn-Saturn: Loss of luster, due to fevers, leprosy, stomach troubles, danger of death from fire.
48. …-Mercury. Gain of wealth and grains, profits in business, reverence, devotion towards deities and Brahmins.
49. …-Ketu. Death-like distress, creation of turbulence by evil spirits, insult from a woman, other than ones wife.
50. …-Venus. Enjoyments through wealth, son and beneficence of the king, performance of Havanas, marriage etc.
51. …-Sun. Troubles in the eyes and forehead, danger from snakes and enemies, loss of wealth, distress.
52. …-Moon. Sound health, birth of a son, relief, thriving strength, devotion towards deities and Brahmins.
53. …-Mars. Affliction with Gulma, danger from enemy, danger of death during hunting, danger from snakes, from fire and from poison.
54. …-Rahu. Going away from the homeland, danger from the king, bewitchment, taking of poison, troubles from wind and bile.
55. …-Jupiter. Attainment of the position of a Commander in the Army, gain of land, association with ascetics, reverence from the king.
56. ….Mercury-Mercury. Increase in enjoyments, wealth and religious-mindedness, even-mindedness in all living beings.
57. …-Ketu. Danger from thieves, from fire and from poison, death-like suffering.
58. …-Venus. Supremacy over others, increase in wealth, reputation and religious-mindedness, devotion to Lord Shiva, happiness from son.
59. …-Sun. Agony, fevers, lunacy, affectionate relations with wife and kinsmen, receipt of stolen property.
60. …-Moon. Happiness from wife, birth of a daughter, gain of wealth and enjoyments all-round.
61. …-Mars. Tendency to indulge in nef6thous activities, pain in eyes, teeth and stomach, piles, danger from death.
62. …-Rahu. Gain of clothes, ornaments and wealth, separation from ones own people, antagonism with Brahmins, delirium.
63. …-Jupiter. Sublimately, progress in education, increase in wealth and good qualities, profits in business.
64. …-Saturn. Danger of death from thieves, poverty, beggary.
65. ….Ketu-Ketu. Danger of fall from a conveyance, quarrels with the enemy, committing a murder inadvertently.
66. …-Venus. Gain of land and conveyance, happiness, destruction of enemy, increase in cattle wealth.
67. …-Sun. Danger from fire and enemy, loss of wealth, mental agony, death-like suffering.
68. …-Moon. Devotion towards deities and Brahmin, journeys to distant places, gain of wealth and happiness, eye and ear troubles.
69. …-Mars. Bilious troubles, enlargement of veins, delirium, antagonism with kinsmen.
70. …-Rahu. Antagonism with son and wife, going away from home, loss in ventures, due to rashness.
71. …-Jupiter. Injuries from weapons, wounds, heart disease, separation from wife and children.
72. …-Saturn. Confusion of mind, tendencies towards nef6thous deeds, imprisonment on account of addictions (in drugs etc.), distress.
73. …-Mercury. Enjoyments of bed, perfumery, ornaments and sandal, good food and availability of all kinds of comforts.
74…… Venus-Venus. Learning, devotion to deities, satisfaction, gain of wealth, increase in the number of children.
75. …-Sun. Good reputation in public, loss of happiness in respect of children, heat troubles.
76. …-Moon. Devotion towards deities, competence, relief by the application of Mantras, increase in wealth and fortune.
77. …-Mars. Fevers, wounds, ringworms, itches, devotion towards deities and Brahmins.
78. …-Rahu. Distress from an enemy, eye and stomach troubles, antagonism with friends.
79. …-Jupiter. Good longevity, sound health, happiness from wealth, wife and children, acquisition of Chatr and conveyances.
80. …-Saturn. Danger from the king, loss of happiness, critical disease, controversy with menials.
81. …-Mercury. Satisfaction, reverence from the king, gains of land and wealth from many directions, increase in enthusiasm.
82. …-Ketu. Loss of life, wealth and reputation, only some money is left for charities and sustenance.