Obhayachari Yoga
Definition.-If planets other than the Moon are present on either side of the Sun, Obhayachari is caused.
Results.- The person will be an eloquent speaker. He will have well-proportioned limbs, will take delight in everything, will be liked by all. wealthy and famous.
Remarks.-One or more of the above three Yogas caused by the Sun would be present in almost every horoscope. Mercury is always confined within a certain elongation from the Sun unless the Sun is in the last part of a sign and Mercury has attained his greateste longation, in which case, he will be in the 2nd or 12th house from the Sun’s position, Vesi or Vasi Yoga will invariably be present. Obviously. these Solar Yogas cannot be compared in their eminence to Rajayogas. They indicate more or less the ‘ego’ development of the individual concerned. Some times the Solar Yogas may be merged into other more important Dhana or Raja Yogas with the result their interpretation is always subject to a closer analysis of the more powerful combinations obtaining in the horoscope.