Slokas 53-54. Meshurana (the 10th), Udaya( the 1st), Kalathra (the 7th), and Rasathala (the 4th) are called by any one of the designations – Kendr, Kantakaa nd.Chathusthtaya. The 9th and the 5th houges from the Lagna are
called the Thrikona houses. They (astrologers) call the 9th from the Lagna Thrithrikona. The lst, 4th, 7th and the 10th are called Kendras. The 2nd, 11th, 5th and the 8th are called Panaparha houses. The 12th, 6th, 9th and
the 3rd are Apoklima houses. The 8th and the 4th are the Chathurasra signs.
According to some, the biped, the quadruped and the reptile
signs become strong when they happen to be in Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima houses respectively. This view is not accepted by Badarayana.
According to Balabhadra, the terms Kendra, Panaphara etc are applied only to Bhavas and not Rasis. For he says in this chdpter the terms used to indicate one or the other of the twelve houses or a number of them may be divided into two classes, ie, 1. those which are used as mere conventional
names serving no other purpose than that of denoting the particular house or houses they have been specially elected to designate and 2 those which, besides serving such purpose, also, denote the, functions of the houses they signify.
Of the former class may be mentioned the following:- Hora for the Lagna; Duschikya for- the 3rd house; Meshurana for the 10th; Ripha for the 12th; Chaturasra for the 4th and 8th houses ; Kantaka, Kendra and Chatushtaya for the lst, 4th, 7th and 10th houses: Panaphara for the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses; and Apoklima for the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses.
The following belong to the latter class. Thanu for the Lagna, (meaning thereby that everything about ths body-its growth or decay health etc, has to be ascertained from the lagna; Kutumba or Swa for the 2nd house, thus indicating that information regarding one’s family, dayadins and wealth
has to be predicted from the 2nd house ; Sahaja or Vikrama for the 3rd house; Bandhu, Vesma or Griha, Sukha for the 4th house; Dhi or Buddhi Putra etc., for the 5th house: and so on.