In the above chart let us consider Guru as a Jeevakaraka because the native is a male and analyse the character and appearance of the person.
Guru is located in Simha along with Sukra, Surya and Budha
Chandra is located in the 12th sign from Guru (Rear sign)
There are no planets in the 2nd sign from Guru (Front sign)
There are no planets in the 5th sign from Guru (same direction)
Kuja and Sani, both are located in the 9th sign from Guru (same direction)
There are no planets in 3rd, 7th and 11th sign from Guru (same direction)
As Surya is located along with Guru in the same sign, he was politician, social worker,Political party leaders. He was very popular.
As Budha is located along with Guru in the same sign he was a good speaker, good writer, very intelligent.
As Sukra is located along with guru in the same sign he was a actor, he was writing cinema script, drama script.
As Kuja is located in the 9th sign from Guru, he was very bold, he was fighting with government for various purpose.
As Chandra is located in the 12th sign from Guru, he had lot of travelling aspect.
As the signifactor of forehead Budha is aspected by Guru, he was having baldy head.
As Chandra and Sukra are located in successive signs, he was having plumpi cheek.
As Rahu is located in 2nd sign from Kuja, he was having uneven teeth settings.
(KUJA is a significant of teeth).