This native has the Moon-Saturn combination in the house next to that of Mercury. This indicates troubles in educational career. All the same, because of the exchange of places between Moon and Jupiter (in exaltation) the native will occupy a high place. Educational activity will extend upto 27-The presence of Rahu in Mars house adjoining the position of Saturn indicates employment in an institute or treasury. However low he may start business and will rise up at 38-40 age. When Saturn transits Jupiter in his second round the native will rise to a great position. He will marry at 28-30. He will study law. He will visit holy places, do charities, win fame and live upto 80. The Sun conjunct the MoonSaturn shows the father to be a dealer in sweetmeats and later he will take to another profession. The father will have little marital happiness as there are no planets on either side of Ketu-Mars.