1. DAWN on us with prosperity, O Usas, Daughter of the Sky,
Dawn with great glory, Goddess, Lady of the Light, dawn thou with riches, Bounteous One.
2. They, bringing steeds and kine, boon-givers of all wealth, have oft sped forth to lighten us.
O Usas, waken up for me the sounds of joy: send us the riches of the great.
3. Usas hath dawned, and now shall dawn, the Goddess, driver forth of cars
Which, as she cometh nigh, have fixed their thought on her, like glory-seekers on the flood.
4. Here Kanva, chief of Kanva’s race, sings forth aloud the glories of the heroes’ names,-
The. princes who, O Usas, as thou comest near, direct their thoughts to liberal gifts.
5. Like a good matron Usas comes carefully tending everything:
Rousing all life she stirs all creatures that have feet, and makes the birds of air fly up.
6. She sends the busy forth, each man to his pursuit: delay she knows not as she springs.
O rich in opulence, after thy dawning birds that have flown forth no longer rest.
7. This Dawn hath yoked her steeds afar, beyond the rising of the Sun:
Borne on a hundred chariots she, auspicious Dawn, advances on her way to Men.
8. To meet her glance all living creatures bend them down: Excellent One, she makes the light.
Usas, the Daughter of the Sky, the opulent, shines foes and enmities away.
9. Shine on us with thy radiant light, O Usas, Daughter of the Sky,
Bringing to us great store of high felicity, and bearning on our solemn rites.
10. For in thee is each living creature’s breath and life, when, Excellent! thou dawnest forth.
Borne on thy lofty car, O Lady of the Light, hear, thou of wondrous wealth, our call.
11. O Usas, win thyself the strength which among men is wonderful.
Bring thou thereby the pious unto holy rites, those who as priests sing praise to thee.
12. Bring from the firmament, O Usas, all the Gods, that they may drink our Soma juice,
And, being what thou art, vouchsafe us kine and steeds, strength meet for praist and hero might.
13. May Usas whose auspicious rays are seen resplendent round about,
Grant us great riches, fair in form, of all good things, wealth which light labour may attain.
14. Mighty One, whom the Rsis of old time invoked for their protection and their help,
O Usas, graciously answer our songs of praise with bounty and with brilliant
15. Usas, as thou with light to day hast opened the twin doors of heaven,
So grant thou us a dwelling wide and free from foes. O Goddess, give us food with kine.
16. Bring us to wealth abundant, sent in every shape, to plentiful refreshing food,
To all-subduing splendour, Usas, Mighty One, to strength, thou rich in spoil and wealth.
1. E’EN from above the sky’s bright realm come, Usas, by auspicious ways:
Let red steeds bear thee to the house of him who pours the Soma, juice.
2. The chariot which thou mountest, fair of shape, O Usas light to move,-
Therewith, O Daughter of the Sky, aid men of noble fame today.
3. Bright Usas, when thy times return, all quadrupeds and bipeds stir,
And round about flock winged birds from all theboundaries of heaven.
4. Thou dawning with thy beams of light illumest all the radiant realm.
Thee, as thou art, the Kanvas, fain for wealth, have called with sacred songs.
HYMN L. Surya.
1. HIS bright rays bear him up aloft, the God who knoweth all that lives,
Surya, that all may look on him.
2. The constellations pass away, like thieves, together with their beams,
Before the all-beholding Sun’
3. His herald rays are seen afar refulgent o’er the world of men,
Like flames of fire that burn and blaze.
4. Swift and all beautiful art thou, O Surya, maker of the light,
Illuming all the radiant realm.
5. Thou goest to the hosts of Gods, thou comest hither to mankind,
Hither all light to be belield.
6. With that same eye of thine wherewith thou lookest brilliant Varuna,
Upon the busy race of men,
7. Traversing sky and wide mid-air, thou metest with thy beams our days,
Sun, seeing all things that have birth.
8. Seven Bay Steeds harnessed to thy car bear thee, O thou farseeing One,
God, Surya, with the radiant hair.
9. Surya hath yoked the pure bright Seven, the daughters of the car; with these,
His own dear team, he goeth forth.
10. Looking upon the loftier light above the darkness we have come
To Surya, God among the Gods, the light that is most excellent.
11. Rising this day, O rich in friends, ascending to the loftier heaven,
Surya remove my heart’s disease, take from me this my yellow hue.
12. To parrots and to starlings let us give away my yellowness,
Or this my yellowness let us transfer to Haritala trees.
13. With all his conquering vigour this Aditya hath gone up on high,
Giving my foe into mine hand: let me not be my foeman’s prey.