HYMN CXXXV. Vayu, Indra-Vayu.
1. STREWN is the sacred grass; come Vayu, to our feast, with team of thousands, come, Lord of the harnessed team, with hundreds, Lord of harnessed steeds!
The drops divine are lifted up for thee, the God, to drink them first.
The juices rich in sweets have raised thern for thy joy, have raised themselves to give thee strength.
2. Purified by the stones the Soma flows for thee, clothed with its lovely splendours, to the reservoir, flows clad in its refulgent light.
For thee the Soma is poured forth, thy portioned share mid. Gods and men.
Drive thou thy horses, Vayu, come to us with love, come well-inclined and loving us.
3. Come thou with hundreds, come with thousands in thy team to this our solemn rite, to taste the sacred food, Vayu, to taste the offerings.
This is thy seasonable share, that comes co-radiant with the Sun.
Brought by attendant priests pure juice is offered up, Vayu, pure juice is offered up.
4. The chariot with its team of horses bring you both, to guard us and to taste the well-appointed food, Vayu, to taste the offerings!
Drink of the pleasant -flavoured juice the first draught is assigned to you.
O Vayu, with your splendid bounty come ye both, Indra, with bounty come ye both.
5. May our songs bring you hither to our solemn rites: these drops of mighty vigour have they beauti fied, like a swift veed of mighty strength.
Drink of them well-inclined to us, come hitherward to be our help.
Drink, Indra-Vayu, of these Juices pressed with stones, Strength-givers! till they gladden you.
6. These Soma juices pressed for you in waters here, borne by attendant priests, are oficredup to you: bright, Vayu, are they offered up.
Swift through the strainer have they flowed, and here are shed for both ofyou,
Soma-drops, fain for you, over the wether’s fleece, Somas over the wether’s fleece.
7. O Vayu, pass thou over all the,slumberers, and where the press-stone rings enter ye both that house, yea, Indra, go ye both within.
The joyous Maiden is beheld, the butter flows. With richly laden team come to our solemn rite, yea, Indra, come ye to the rite.
8. Ride hither to the offering of the pleasant juice, the holy Fig-tree which victorious priests surround: victorious be they still for us.
At once the cows yield milk, the barleymeal is dressed. For thee,
O Vayu, never shall the cows grow thin, never for thee shall they be dry.
9. These Bulls of thine, O Vayu with the arm of strength, who swiftly fly within the current of thy stream, the Bulls increasing in their might,
Horseless, yet even through the waste swift-moving, whom no shout can stay,
Hard to be checked are they, like sunbeams, in their course. hard to be checked by both the hands.
HYMN CXXXVI. Mitra-Varuna.
1. BRING adoration ample and most excellent, hymn, offierings, to the watchful Twain, the bountiful, your sweetest to the bounteous Ones.
Sovrans adored with streams of oil and praised at every sacrifice.
Their high imperial might may nowhere be assailed, ne’er may their Godhead be assailed.
2. For the broad Sun was seen a path more widely laid, the path of holy law hath been maintained with rays, the eye with Bhaga’s rays of light.
Firm-set in heaven is Mitra’s home, and Aryaman’s and Varuna’s.
Thence they give forth great vital strength which merits praise, high power of life that men shall praise.
3. With Aditi the luminous, the celestial, upholder of the people, come ye day by day, ye who watch sleepless, day by day.
Resplendent might have ye obtained, Adityas, Lords of liberal gifts.
Movers of men, mild both, are Mitra, Varuna, mover of men is Aryaman.
4. This Soma be most sweet to Mitra, Varuna: he in the drinking-feasts, shall have a share thereof, sharing, a God, among the Gods.
May all the Gods of one accord accept it joyfully to-day.
Therefore do ye, O Kings, accomplish what we ask, ye Righteous Ones, whate’er we ask.
5. Whoso, with worship serves Mitra and VaruiIa, him guard ye carefully, uninjured, from distress, guard from distress the liberal man.
Aryaman guards him well who acts uprightly following his law,
Who beautifies their service with his lauds, who makes it beautiful with songs of praise.
6. Worship will I proress to lofty Dyaus, to Heaven and Earth, to Mitra and to bounteous Varuna, the Bounteous, the Compassionate.
Praise Indra, praise thou Agni, praise Bhaga and heavenly Aryaman.
Long may we live and have attendant progeny, have progeny with Soma’s help.
7. With the Gods’ help, with Indra still beside us, may we be held self-splendid with the Maruts.
May Agni, Mitra, Varuna give us shelter this may we gain, we and our wealthy princes.
HYMN CXXXVII. Mitra-Varuna.
1. WITH stones have we pressed out: O come; these gladdening drops are blent with milk, these Soma-drops which gladden you.
Come to us, Kings who reach to heaven, approach us, coming hitherward.
These milky drops are yours, Mitra and Varuna, bright Soma juices blent with milk.
2. Here are the droppings; come ye nigh the Soma-droppings blent with curd, juices expressed and blent with curd.
Now for the wakening of your Dawn together with the Sun-God’s rays,
juice waits for Mitra and for Varuna to drink, fair juice for drink, for sacrihce.
3. As ’twere a radiant-coloured cow, they milk with stones the stalk for you, with stones they milk the Soma-plant.
May ye come nigh us, may ye turn hither to drink the Soma juice.
The men pressed out this juice, Mitra and Varuna, pressed out this Soma for your drink.
1. STRONG Pusan’s majesty is lauded evermore, the glory of his lordly might is never faint, his song of praise is never faint.
Seeking felicity I laud him nigh to help, the source, of bliss,
Who, Vigorous one, hath drawn to him the hearts of all, drawn them, the Vigorous One, the God.
2.Thee, then, O Pusan, like a swift one on his way, I urge with lauds that thou mayst make the foemen flee, drive, camel-like, our foes afar.
As I, a man, call thee, a God, giver of bliss, to be my Friend,
So make our loudly-chanted praises glorious, in battles make them glorious.
3. Thou, Pusan, in whose friendship they who sing forth praise enjoy advantage, even in wisdom, through thy grace, in wisdom even they are advanced.
So, after this most recent course, we come to thee with prayers for wealth.
Not stirred to anger, O Wide-Ruler, come to us, come thou to us in every fight.
4. Not stirred to anger, come, Free-giver, nigh to us, to take this gift of ours, thou who hast goats for steeds, Goat-borne! their gift who long for fame.
So, Wonder-Worker! may we turn thee hither with effectual lauds.
I slight thee not, O Pusan, thou Resplendent One: thy friendship may not be despised.
HYMN CXXXIX. Visvedevas.
1. HEARD be our prayer! In thought I honour Agni first: now straightway we elect this heavenly company, Indra and Vayu we elect.
For when our latest thought is raised and on Vivasvan centred well,
Then may our holy songs go forward on their way, our songs as ’twere unto the Gods.
2. As there ye, Mitra, Varuna, above the true have taken to yourselves the untrue with your mind, with wisdom’s mental energy,
So in the seats wherein ye dwell have we beheld the Golden One,
Not with our thoughts or spirit, but with these our eyes, yea, with the eyes that Soma gives.
3. Asvins, the pious call you with their hymns of praise, sounding their loud song forth to you, these living men, to their oblations, living men.
All glories and all nourishment, Lords of all wealth! depend on you.
The fellies of your golden chariot scatter drops, Mighty Ones! of your golden car.
4. Well is it known, O Mighty Ones: ye open heaven; for you the chariotsteeds are yoked for morning rites, unswerving steeds for morning rites,
We set you on the chariot-scat, ye Mighty, on the golden car.
Ye seek mid-air as by a path that leads aright, as by a path that leads direct.
5. O Rich in Strength, through your great power vouchsafe us blessings day and night.
The offerings which we bring to you shall never fail, gifts brought by us shall never fail.
6. These Soma-drops, strong Indra! drink for heroes, poured, pressed out by pressing-stones, are welling forth for thee, for thee the drops are welling forth.
They shall make glad thy heart to give, to give wealth great and wonderful.
Thou who acceptest praise come glorified by hymns, come thou to us benevolent.
7. Quickly, O Agni, hear us: magnified by us thou shalt speck for us to the Gods adorable yea, to the Kings adorable:
When, O ye Deities, ye gave that Milch-cow to the Angirases,
They milked her: Aryaman, joined with them, did the work: he knoweth her as well as I.
8. Ne’er may these manly deeds of yours for us grow old, never may your bright glories fall into decay, never before our time decay.
What deed of yours, new every age, wondrous, surpassing man, rings forth,
Whatever, Maruts! may be difficult to gain, grant us, whate’er is hard to gain.
9. Dadhyac of old, Anigiras, Priyamedha these, and Kanva, Atri, Manu knew my birth, yea, tbose of ancient days and Manu knew.
Their long line stretcheth to the Gods, our birth-connexions are with them.
To these, for their high station, 1 bow down with song, to Indra, Agni, bow with song.
10. Let the Invoker bless: let offerers bring choice gifts; Brhaspati the Friend doth sacrifice with Steers, Steers that have many an excellence.
Now with our ears we catch the sound of the press-stone that rings afar.
The very Strong hath gained the waters by himself, the strong gained many a resting-place.
11. O ye Eleven Gods whose home is heaven, O ye Eleven who make earth your dwelling,
Ye who with might, Eleven, live in waters, accept this sacrifice, O Gods, with pleasure.