In the horoscope of former BJP union finance minister Arun Jaitly, his lagna lord Saturn is exalted in the 10th house of profession and is involved in a parivartana rajayoga which is a very powerful combination for great power and authority. His bhagyadhipati9th lord Mercury in in the labhasthana 11th house giving him great luck. Jupiter in the 4th house gets full digbala. Eighth lord Sun in the 12th house is a great vipareeta rajayoga. 4th and 11th lord of masses and popularity Mars who is also the 11th lord of gains in the dhanasthana 2nd house is a great yoga for wealth. 7th lord Moon is superbly placed by being exalted in the auspicious 5th house. Rahu in Makara lagna is very good but ketu badly placed in the maraka sthana 7th house caused the death Arun Jaitly on 24th August 2019.