X, 6. Praise of the virtues of amulet of khadira-wood in the shape of a ploughshare.
1. The head of the hostile rival, of the enemy that bates me, do I cut off with might.
2. This amulet, produced by the ploughshare, will prepare an armour for me: full of stirred drink it has come to me, together with sap and lustre.
3. If the skilful workman has injured thee with his hand or with his knife, the living bright waters shall purify thee from that, (so that thou shalt be) bright!
4. This amulet has a golden wreath, bestows faith and sacrifice and might; in our house as a guest it shall dwell!
5. Before it (the amulet as a guest) ghee, surâ (liquor), honey, and every kind of food we place. The amulet having gone to the gods shall, as a father for his sons, plan for us growing good, more and more day after day!
6. The amulet which Brihaspati tied, the ploughshare dripping with ghee, the strong khadira, unto strength, that Agni did fasten on; that yields him ghee more and more day after day: with it those that hate me do thou slay!
7. This amulet which Brihaspati tied that Indra did fasten on, for strength and heroism; that yields him might more and more, &c.
8. The amulet which Brihaspati tied . . . that Soma did fasten on unto perfect hearing and seeing; that verily yields him lustre more and more, &c.
9. The amulet which Brihaspat, tied . . . that Sûrya did fasten on, with that he conquered these directions of space; that yields him prosperity moreand more, &c.
10. The amulet which Brihaspati tied wearing that amulet Kandramas (the moon) conquered the golden cities of the Asuras and the Dânavas; that yields him fortune more and more, &c.
11. The amulet which Brihaspat’ tied for swift Vâta (wind), that yields him strength more and more, &c.
12, The amulet which Brihaspati tied for swift Vâta, with that amulet, O Asvins, do ye guard this plough-land; that yields the two physicians (the Asvins) might more and more, &c.
13. The amulet which Brihaspati tied for swift Vâta, wearing that, Savitar through it conquered this light; that yields him abundance more and more, &c.
14. The amulet which Brihaspati tied for swift Vâta, wearing that, the waters ever run undiminished; that verily yields them ambrosia more and more, &c.
15. The amulet which Brihaspati tied for swift Vâta, that comforting amulet king Varuna did fasten on; that verily yields him truth more and more, &c.
16. The amulet which Brihaspati tied for swift Vâta, wearing that the gods did conquer all the worlds in battle; that verily yields them conquest more and more, &c.
17. The amulet which Brihaspati tied for swift Vâta, that comforting amulet the divinities did fasten on; that verily yields them- all more and more, &c.
18. The seasons did fasten it on; the divisions (of the year) did fasten it on. Since the year did fasten it on, it guards every being.
19. The intermediate directions did fasten it on; the directions did fasten it on. The amulet created by Pragâpati has subjected those that hate me.
20. The Atharvans did tie it on, the descendants of the Atharvans did tie it on; with these allied, the Angiras cleft the castles of the Dasyus. With it those that hate me do thou slay!
21. That Dhâtar did fasten on: (then) he shaped the being. With it those that hate me do thou slay!
22. The amulet which Brihaspati tied for the gods, destructive of the Asuras, that has come to me together with sap and lustre.
23. The amulet . . . has come to me together with cows, goats, and sheep, together with food and offspring.
24. The amulet . . . has come to me together with rice and barley, together with might and prosperity.
25. The amulet has come to me with a stream of honey and ghee together with sweet drink.
26. The amulet has come to me together with nourishment and milk, together with goods and fortune.
27. The amulet . . . has. come to me together with brilliance and strength, together with glory and reputation.
28. The amulet . . . has come to me together with all ‘kinds of prosperity.
29, This amulet the gods shall give me unto prosperity, the mighty amulet that strengthens sovereignty and injures the rivals!
30. An (amulet) auspicious for me thou shalt fasten upon (me), together with brahma (spiritual exaltation) and brilliance! Free from rivals, slaying rivals, it has subjected my rivals.
31. This god-born amulet, the sap milked from which these three worlds revere, shall render me superior to him that hates me; it shall ascend upon my head unto excellence!
32. The amulet upon which the gods, the Fathers, and men ever live, shall ascend upon my head unto excellence!
33. As the seed grows in the field, in the furrow drawn by the ploughshare, thus in me offspring, cattle, and every kind of food shall grow up!
34. Upon whom, O thou amulet that prosperest the sacrifice, I have fastened thee (that art) propitious, him, O amulet, that yieldest a hundredfold sacrificial reward, thou shalt inspire unto excellence!
35. This fire-wood that has been laid on together with the oblations do thou, Agni, gladly accept: may we in this kindled Gâtavedas (fire), through (this) charm, find favour, well-being, offspring, sight, and cattle!
IV, 16. Prayer to Varuna for protection against treacherous designs.
1. The great guardian among these (gods) sees as if from anear. He that thinketh he is moving stealthily–all this the gods know.
2. If a man stands, walks, or sneaks about, if he goes slinking away, if he goes into his hiding-place; if two persons sit together and scheme, king Varuna is there as a third, and knows it.
3. Both this earth here belongs to king Varuna, and also yonder broad sky whose boundaries are far away. Moreover these two oceans are the loins of Varuna; yea, he is hidden in this small (drop of) water.
4. He that should flee beyond the heaven far away would not be free from king Varuna. His spies come hither (to the earth) from heaven, with a thousand eyes do they watch over the earth.
5. King Varuna sees through all that is between heaven and earth, and all that is beyond. He has counted the winkings of men’s eyes. As a (winning) gamester puts down his dice, thus does he establish these (laws).
6. May all thy fateful toils which, seven by seven, threefold, lie spread out, ensnare him that speaks falsehood: him that speaks the truth they shall let go!
7. With a hundred snares, O Varuna, surround him, let the liar not go free from thee, O thou that observest men! The rogue shall sit, his belly hanging loose, like a cask without hoops, bursting all about!
8. With (the snare of) Varuna which is fastened lengthwise, and that which (is fastened) broadwise, with the indigenous and the foreign, with the divine and the human,–
9. With all these snares do I fetter thee, O N. N., descended from N. N., the son of the woman N. N.: all these do I design for thee.
II, 12. Imprecation against enemies thwarting holy work.
1. Heaven and earth, the broad atmosphere, the goddess of the field, and the wonderful, far-striding (Vishnu); moreover, the broad atmosphere guarded by Vâta (the wind): may these here be inflamed, when I am inflamed!
2. Hear this, O ye revered gods! Let Bharadvâga recite for me songs of praise! ‘May he who injures this our plan be bound in the fetter (of disease) and joined to misfortune!
3. Hear, O soma-drinking Indra, what with burning heart I shout to thee! I cleave, as one cleaves a tree with an axe, him that injures this our plan.
4. With (the aid of) thrice eighty siman-singers, with (the aid of) the Âdityas, Vasus, and Angiras–may our father’s sacrifices and gifts to the priests, aid us-do I seize this one with fateful fervour.
5. May heaven and earth look after me, may all the gods support me! O ye Angiras, O ye fathers devoted to Soma, may he who does harm enter into misfortune!
6 . He who perchance despises us, O ye Maruts, he who abuses the holy practice which is beiog performed by us, may his evil deeds be firebrands to him, may the heavens surround with fire the hater of holy practices!
7. Thy seven in-breathings and thy eight marrows, these do I cut for thee by means of my charm. Thou shalt
go to the seat of Yama, fitly prepared, with Agni as thy guide!
8. 1 set thy footstep upon the kindled fire. May Agni surround thy body, may thy voice enter into breath!
VII, 70. Frustration of the sacrifice of an enemy.
1. Whenever yonder person in his thought, and with his speech, offers sacrifice accompanied by oblations and benedictions, may Nirriti (the goddess of destruction), allying herself with death, smite his offering before it takes effect!
2. May sorcerers, Nirriti, as well as Rakshas, mar his true work with error! May the gods, despatched by Indra, scatter (churn) his sacrificial butter; may that which yonder person offers not succeed!
3. The two agile supreme rulers, like two eagle-s pouiicing down, shall strike the sacrificial butter pf the enemy, whosoever plans evil against us!
4. Back do I tie both thy two arms, thy mouth I shut. With the fury of god Agni, have I destroyed thy oblation.
5. I tie thy two arms, I shut thy mouth. With the fury of terrible Agni have I destroyed thy oblation.
II, 7. Charm against curses and hostile plots, undertaken with a certain plant.
1. The god-begotten plant, hated by the wicked, which wipes away the curses (of the enemies), like water a foul spot it has washed away all curses from me.
2. The curse of the rival and the curse of the kinswoman, the curse which the Brahman shall utter in wrath, all that (do thou put) under our feet!
3. From heaven her root is suspended, from the earth it rises up; with her that has a thousand shoots do thou protect us on all sides!
4. Protect me, protect my offspring, protect our goods; let not ill-will overcome us, let not hostile schemes overcome us!
5. The curse shall go to the curser; joint possession shall we have with the friend. Of the enemy who bewitches with (his) eye we hew off the ribs.
III, 6. The asvattha-tree as a destroyer of enemies.
1. A male has sprung from a male, the asvattha (ficus religiosa) from the khadira (acacia catechu). May this slay my enemies, those whom I hate and those who hate me!
2. Crush the enemies, as they rush on, O asvattha, ‘displacer,’ allied with Indra, the slayer of Vritra, (allied) with Mitra and Varuxa!
3. As thou didst break forth, O asvattha, into the great flood (of the air), thus do thou break up all those whom I hate and those who hate me!
4. Thou that goest conquering as a conquering bull, with thee here, O asvattha, may we conquer our rivals!
5. May Nirriti (the goddess of destruction), O asvattha, bind in the toils of death that cannot be loosened those enemies of mine whom I hate and who hate me!
6. As thou climbest up the trees, O asvattha, and renderest them subordinate, thus do thou split in two the head of iny enemy, and overcome him!
7. They (the enemies) shall float down like a ship cut loose from its moorings! There is no returning again for those that have been driven out by the ‘displacer.’
8. I drive them out with my mind, drive them out with my thought, and also with my incantation. We drive them out with a branch of the asvattha-tree.
VI, 75. Oblation for the suppression of enemies (nairbâdhyam havih).
1. Forth from his home do I drive that person yonder, who as a rival contends with us: through the oblation devoted to suppression Indra, has broken him to pieces.
2. Indra, the slayer of Vritra, shall drive him to the remotest distance, from which in all successive years he shall not again return!
3. He shall go to the three distances, he shall go beyond the five peoples; he shall go beyond the three ethers, whence he shall not again in all successive years return, while the sun is upon the heavens!
VII 37. Curse against one that practises hostile charms.
1. The thousand-eyed curse having yoked his chariot has come hither, seeking out him that curses me, as a wolf the house of him that owns sheep.
2. Avoid us, O curse, as a burning fire (avoids) a lake! Strike here him that curses us, as the lightning of heaven the tree!
3. He that shall curse us when we do not curse, and he that shall curse us when we do curse, him do I hurl to death as a bone to a dog upon the ground.
VII, 13. Charm to deprive enemies of their strength.
1. As the rising sun takes away the lustre of the stars, thus do I take away the strength of both the women and the men that hate me.
2. As many enemies as ye are, lookina out auainst me, as I come on–of those that hate me do I take away the strenorth, as the sun takes away the strength of persons asleep (while it rises).