10. Bala
Latin Sida cordifolia
Tamil Chitaamuttie
Telugu Lunjapatnala chettu, Chittaa-mutti
Canarese Kadira beru
Malayal Kurunthttie
Urdu Bariar
Balan Snigdhaa himaa Svaaduh
Vrishvaa balyaa tridoshanuth
Raktapitta Kshayam hanti
Balaujo vardhayatyapi
Dhanvanthari Nighantu
Bala is greezy, cooling and sweet. It is an aphrodisiac and strengthening. It checks the three doshas, Rakta, Pitta and Kshaya. It improves strength and Ojas also.
Dose:- Generally used as a decoction – 1 Tola of the drug boiled with 8 times the quantity of water down to one fourth and given along with a pinch or two of pippali or Thrikatu choornam or with milk and sugar as a pleasant soothing beverage or as a compound in Quatha choornams.
Ksheerabala Thailam – Bala – Whole plant 1 part, water 4 parts, make decoction and filter. Add milk equal parts, oil 1.4 part – Boil till oil remains.
Action:- Vaataharam.
Uses:- It is believed to remove the poisons of auto-intoxication such as those caused in rheumatism or fevers. The decoction is given as an anupanam for other medicines such as pills and is expected to relieve pains in the body and also wind in the bowels. It is believed to have a soothing tonic effect on the nervous system and is used as an oily extract boiled hundred times with milk and known popularly as Ksheerabala thailam.
11. Bhallathaka.
Names:- Latin Semecarpus amnacardium
Tamil Shengottai
Telugu Nalla jeedi vittu
Canarese Gerika beeja
Malayal Cherkuru
Urdu Bhilava
Bhallatakah Katutiktoshno
Madhurah Kriminaasavat
Gulmaarso grahanee Kushtam
Hanti vaata Kaphaaniavaan.
Dhanvanthari Nighantu.
Bhallataka is pungent and sweet and heating. It destroys Krimi, Kapha, and Vaata diseases. It is useful in the treatment of gulma, Asras (piles), grahanee (Dysentery) and Kushta.
Dose:- 1 to 4 seeds boiled with 8 oz. Of milk, strained and taken with a little ghee and sugar.
Or as a decoction with 8 times the quantity of water, reduced to 1/8 and the filtrate taken with milk after smearing the mouth and throat with ghee (Charaka) or as a Lehyam.
Diet:- Rice with ghee and milk. Sugar may be used. Salt and tamarind are to be excluded.
Action:- Stimulant, carminative, antirheumatic, antisyphilitic, anodyne, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac and tonic.
Locally caustic and vesicant.
Uses:- Bhallathaka is one of the drugs, which in the hands of certain physicians produces extraordinarily beneficial results. The processes of treatment by the drug are heroic and the results are in some cases miraculous. Bhallathaka is one of Charaka’s most favourite Rasayanas (tonics). “Kaphajo na sa rogosthi, na vibandhosti kaschana, yam na bhallathakam hanyath, seeghra magnibalapradam” (Charaka).
In rheumatism, in almost all cases, it acts as a specific in relieving the pain and inflammation. As an antisyphilitic in all the three stages, it is used as a popular remedy today in rural areas. The diet restriction seems to be necessary or at least helps to expedite the cure. In cancer or inoperable tumours, it relieves pain and in some cases resolves the tumour. It is used ordinarily in piles, indigestion, worms, asthma, enlargement of spleen, leucoderma, rheumatism, etc. The seed is heated in the flame of a lamp and the oil is dropped in a cup of milk and given in cough due to relaxed throat and uvula.
Externally, it is used as an application for alopecia ground with honey into a paste. Boiled with oil and scented stuffs, it is used as a hair oil and is reputed to promote the growth of hair. The dark acrid oil exuding from the seeds is used as a blistering agent by the poorer classes. The blistering and poisonous properties are counteracted by smearing gingelly oil locally.
Workers with the drug in the pharmacy smear gingelly oil to their hands and they are free from the poisonous effects. Otherwise, itching sensation, blisters and swelling of the whole body, specially of the face, may result by mere proximity not even without touch of the drug, whereas combined with ghee, oil or milk internally and with oil, externally, the drug is safe.
Antidotes for poisoning by Bhallathaka:-
1. Internally, swarasa or the juice of the bark of Butea frondosa (Palaasa)
2. Swarasam of the roots of Duraalabaa
3. Swarasam or decoction of Taanikaaya
4. Swarasam of Chirrikoora with kalkanda
5. Kalkanda and milk.
12. Bharngi
Latin Clerodendron siphonanthus
Tamil Gantu Bharangi
Telugu Gantu Bharangi
Canarese Ghantu Bharangi
Malayal Sirutekku
Urdu Bharangi, Brahmaneti
Bharngisyat Swarasetiktaa
Choshna swaasa Kaphaa pahaa
Gulma Jwaraa srik Vaataghni
Yakshmaanaam hanti peenasam
Dhanvanthari Nighantu
Bharangi is bitter, and heating. It checks hard breathing, Cough and Kapha. It is useful in the treatment of Gulma, Jwara, diseases of blood, Vaata, Consumption and chronic nasal inflammation.
Dose:- It is used as swarasam ground with water 8 parts, filtered and taken with honey or may be taken with equal parts of ginger and prepared in the same manner or the powder may be taken with ghee and honey. Dose 10 grains to 1/4 tola.
Action:- Stimulant, antispasmodic and tonic.
Uses:- It is given in a variety of diseases in combination with digestives, expectorants and drugs intended to allay Vaata symptoms. Sushruta recommends its use as a paste in scrofulous diseases for external application and as an arishta or wine in Apasmaaram or epilepsy. Its greatest reputation is for relieving suffering due to hard breathing (Swaasetu Bhaarngi thu oushadham – Yogaratnaakara).
13. Brahmi
Latin Hydrocotyle asiatica
Tamil Vallarai
Telugu Saraswataaku
Canarese Timare
Malayal Brahmi
Urdu Bereli, Brahmamanduki
Braahmyaa Yushaa himaa medhyaa
Kashaayaa tiktakaa laghuh
Swaryaa Smrit pradaa Kushta
Paandu Mehasraa Kaasajit.
Brahmi is astringent, bitter and light. It is cooling and improves intellect. It also improves Voice and Memory. It is useful in the treatment of Kushta, Paandu, Meha, blood diseases and Cough.
Dose:- The green leaf, ¼ to 1 tola, with tamarind or lemon juice, salt and other condiments as a chutney.
A teaspoonful to 1.2 ounce of swarasam with honey or ½ to 2 ounces of the infusion of the dried leaf made in proportion of 1 to 8 parts of hot water.
A teaspoonful of the dried leaf made into an infusion like tea with a cup of boiling water and taken with milk and sugar.
Ghritam or syrup prepared in the usual manner – dose 1/4 tola.
Action:- Milk diuretic and brain tonic.
Uses:- It is a reputed tonic for tiresomeness after mental work and is specially used for loss of memory. It has also a reputation for developing the power of speech in those who have defective speech and to improve the power of poetic imagination (Appakaveeyam). It is also used in epilepsy and mental disorders.