29. Guggulu
Latin Balsomodendron mukul
Tamil Kungiliyam, Mahishaakshi Guggulu
Telugu Guggulu
Canarese Guggulu
Malayal Guggulu
Urdu Guggul
Guggulur visadah Tikto
Veeryoshnah Pittalah Sarah
Pidakaa Grandhi Sophaarso
Gandamaalaa Krimeenjayet.
Brihannighantu Ratnaakaram.
Guggulu is clear, bitter, heating and quickly assimilated. It increases Pitta. It is useful in the treatment of abscesses, Tumours, Glands, Swellings, Piles, Scrofula and worms.
Dose:- 5 to 15 grains to be taken with a little ghee or milk.
Action:- Alternative, stimulant, tonic, antispasmodic and emmenagogue.
Uses:- It is often combined with aromatics and given in rheumatism, scrofulous affections and nervous diseases. The compound pill known as Yogaraja-guggulu is used as an alternative in enlarged glands in the neck, chronic rheumatism, dropsy, gleet etc.
It should be taken for a long period in order to observe its results. It may be given in early tuberculosis, scrofulous glands, late syphilis and in chronic rheumatism when other drugs fail.
It has got a very good action in cases of low fevers. It appears to increase phagocytosis and the power of resistance of the individual. It is also recommended as an aphrodisiac tonic. In glandular diseases given very early, specially in children, it acts like a specific.
30. Guduchi
Latin Tinospora cordifolia
Tamil Shindalkodi
Telugu Tippatege
Canarese Amirtaballi
Malayal Amirta
Urdu Gulbel Gilay
Gudoochee Katukaa Tiktaa
Swaadu Paakee Rasaayanee
Samgrahanee Kashaayoshnaa
Laghvee Balyaagni Deepani
Doshatrayaama Trit Daaha
Meha Kaasaamcha Paandutaam
Kaamala Kushta Vaataasra
Jwarakrimi Vamit haret.
Gudoochi is pungent and bitter. By Vipaaka, it becomes sweet. It is a tonic. It is also astringent and styptic. It is light and stimulant (Ushna). It gives strength and improves appetite. It is useful in treatment of the vitiation of the 3 doshas, Aama (unripe condition), thirst, burning sensation, Meha, Kapha, Paandu, Kaamala, Kushta, Vatarakta, Jwara, Krimi and Chardi (vomiting).
Dose:- ¼ to 1 oz, as a swarasam to be taken with honey or ½ to 2 tolas to be taken boiled with 8 times the quantity of water and reduced to one fourth as a decoction with honey or sugar.
5 to 30 grains of the Satwam with honey or sugar and ghee or Draksha swarasam.
Action:- Febrifuge, antiperiodic, alternative, aphrodisiac and bitter tonic.
Uses:- It is very commonly used in fevers of any origin. Fresh stem is more efficacious than the dry one. It is a good bitter tonic, alternative and given in debility caused by repeated attacks of fever. As an alternative, it is given in secondary syphilis, rheumatism, leprosy and in jaundice. The juice of the stem and that of Pashaanabhedi is given with honey in gonorrhoea. It is a good blood-purifier and hence it enters into the combination of blood purifying decoctions. The leaves are recommended to be taken as a vegetable curry as a liver tonic and given in piles and low fevers. (Chakradutta).
Guduchi satwam, the glucoside extract prepared out of Guduchi, a favourite tonic of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, is much used in practice as an aphrodisiac and s an alternative and tonic after an attack of fever. For its nutritive properties, it is much used in consumption, diabetes and other wasting diseases.
31. Hareethaki
Names:- Latin Terminalia chebula
Tamil Kadukkai
Telugu Karakkaya
Canarese Anilekai
Malayal Kadukka
Urdu Halda, Harade
Pathyaa Pancharasaa Yushyaa
Chakshushyaa Alavanaa Saraa
Medhyoshnaa Deepanee Dosha
Sodha Kushta Jwaraapahaa.
Hareetaki (Pathyaa) has five tastes except salt. It prolongs life. It improves eye sight. It is quick in action (Sara). It improves intelligence. It is comparatively heating and improves appetite. It checks vitiation of the Doshas, Swelling, Kushta and fever.
Dose:- ¼ to 1 tola of the powder to be ground with water, strained through cloth and taken with honey as a laxative.
5 grains with honey as an application to the sore-throat.
10 to 30 grains as a tonic.
¼ to 1 tola as a decoction boiled with 8 times of water, reduced to one-fourth, filtered and taken with honey as an anupaanam to other medicines.
Action:- Laxative, digestive, astringent and tonic.
Uses:- It is a very valuable laxative where a safe drug is required which without irritating the alimentary canal moves the bowels just once or twice. By its astringent property it has peculiar curative action in dysentery and diarrhoea. It is a reputed tonic specially more used as such in the combination of Thriphala and is specially recommended in digestive disorders, diabetes and eye diseases.
Externally, it is a good antiseptic and slightly caustic. By its astringent action, it is a favourite remedy for eye-sores and granular ophthalmia. A weak decoction is very useful to bathe parts with extensive burns.
32. Haridra
Names:- Latin Curcuma longa
Tamil Manjal
Telugu Pasupu
Canarese Arasina
Malayal Manjal
Urdu Haldi
Haridraa swarase tiktaa
Rukshoshnaa Vishakushta nuth
Kandoomeha Vranaan hanti
Dehavarna Vidhaayinee
Visodhanee Krimiharaa
Peenasaaruchi naasanee.
Dhanvanthari Nighantu.
Haridra is bitter, dry (Rooksha) and heating. It is useful in the treatment of Visha, Kushta, Itching. Mehavrana (Diabetic wounds), Krimi, Peenasaa (Chronic inflammation of the nose) and anorexia. It is a cleaning agent. It gives complexion to the skin.
Dose:- 5 to 15 grains of the powder to be taken with water and honey or boiled with milk and taken with honey and sugar.
Action:- Aromatic, vermicide, antiseptic, blood-purifier and tonic.
Uses:- Internally it has been recommended in Prameha, Kushta and Sleepada. In Prameha or diabetes it is to be taken with Amalaki swarasa and honey. In Kushta it is said to be taken with cow’s urine. It is generally used in compound powders along with Daruharidra or in its place. In ulcers due to small-pox and skin diseases it is applied as a paste with oil or with oil and neem leaf. Mixed with chunnm and water and made into a nice paste. It is applied hot to boils as a poultice. It has been recommended as a reliable antiseptic for external application to wounds, as a dressing for washing ulcers and inflamed conjuctiva as a weak lotion. It is also used for washing impervious floors in the same dilution and is a disinfectant and deodorizer. It is reputed to be an antidote to poisons and is specially used to purify the poisoned atmosphere. A large quantity of Haridra is burnt where enemies poison the atmosphere of battle-fields. It is used as a condiment and is believed to be a vermicide and digestive and is a safe coloring agent. In sore-throat it is boiled with milk and taken internally or used as an inhalation from boiling water or as a smoke through a pipe in combination with Omam. The following paste is a very popular antiseptic poultice for inflammatory swellings. Garlic or onion 16 parts, Omam 4 parts, Turmeric 1 part. Grind with water into a nice paste. Boil the paste with oil into a poultice. Apply comfortably hot and cover with a tender plantain or lotus leaf and bandage.