41. Kantakari
Latin Solanum xanthocarpum
Tamil Kantankattiri
Telugu Vakudu
Canarese Nelabadane
Malayal Kantakari
Urdu Dorla
Kantakaaree Katuh tiktaa
Tadhoshnaa Swaasa Kaasajit
Aruchir Jwara Vataama
Dosha hritgada naasanee.
Kantakaari is pungent and bitter. It is heating. It checks hard breathing and cough. It checks bad taste, fever, Vaata, Aaamadosha and heart diseases.Dose:- Of the root, 5 to 15 grains of the powder with honey or ¼ to 1 tola of the decoction 1 in 4 when green or double the dose when dry.
Of the leaf and stem, ¼ to 1 tola of the swarasam when fresh or double the above dose when dry as a decoction.
Of the fruit ¼ to ½ tola as a swarasam, with 1 in 4 of water, strained and taken with honey. The root mild, stem, is medium and the fruit is very active both s expectorant and emetic.
Action:- Stimulating expectorant and mild laxative. Probably the root is also diuretic.
Uses:- This is one of the most potent drugs for use as an expectorant when phlegm is liquefied and ready for evacuation. Small doses also help to liquefy the phlegm in the chest and prepare it for evacuation. It is therefore a very popular remedy in all fevers attended with phlegm in the chest. In Influenza it has been of immense use. It is one of the Dasamulas and probably the most reliable of the Dasamulas for the relief of Vaata as well as Kapha. When Kapha is very predominant, the emetic doses may be used with advantage. It does not increase Pitta and is therefore very frequently used in Sannipata fevers or fevers of a complicated nature. In asthma and bronchitis, it may be given as a syrup or as a confection for continued use.
42. Karpuram – (Pacchakarpuram)
Latin (English) Camphor
Tamil Karpuram
Telugu Karpuramu
Canarese Karpura
Malayal Karpuram
Urdu Kafur, Patckafur
Karpoorah Seetalo Vrisyah
Chakshushyo Lekhano Laghuh
Surabhir madurah Tiktah
Kapha Pitta Vishaapaha
Daaha trishnaasya Vairasya
Medo Dourgandhya naasanah.
Karpoora is cooling and aphrodisiac. It is good for the eyes. It is cutting (Lekhama) and light (laghu). It is pleasant sweet and bitter. It checks Kapha, Pitta and Visha. It is useful in the treatment of Daaha (burning, thirst, bad taste in the mouth, Medas (fat), and for overcoming bad smell.
Done:- (1) ¼ to 5 grains.
(2) ½ to 2 oz. as swarasam with water 1 in 1000.
(3) as a syrup with lemon juice, ginger juice, fruit juice, sugar or honey according to taste, ½ to 1 tumbler with or without ice.
Action:- Cooling, aromatic stimulant, expectorant, antiseptic, diuretic, diaphoretic and aphrodisic in small doses and sedative, and depressant in large or poisonous doses.
Uses:- It is very much used as a cooling agent in fevers of summer. Combined with musk, it is used as a stimulant and expectorant in pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis. It is used as an aphrodisiac with thambula, milk or as pill with Jatiphala etc. Alone it is not advisable to use it in large doses but combined with other drugs it is a nice flavouring agent and stimulant. Mixed with Chandanam 1 grain to 1 oz. of the paste it is applied as a cooling agent to the body in fevers, itch, prickly heat and burning sensation due to inflamed nerve terminals and is also given internally for inflammatory conditions of the mucous membranes such as leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea etc. It is used as a cooling stimulating eye ointment for relieving inflammation. It is used as an intestinal antiseptic and also as a blood-purifier and tonic. Mixed with thymol it forms a liquid preparation useful in relieving tooth ache.
It is used as an oral antiseptic and fragrant in tooth powders. The liniment made with 1 in 4 of oil is a pleasing application to boils, ulcers and cuts. It may be applied for headache and other painful ailments as a rubefacient and anodyne as an oil or as a paste with water along with Sati in Pitta types and with dry ginger in Vata and Kapha types. The lotion, 1 in 1000, may be used for washing ulcers or mucous membranes. If stronger solutions are desired it may be mixed with Omam water.
43. Kasisa
Names:- Latin Ferri sulphas
Tamil Annabedi
Telugu Annabedi
Canarese Annabedi
Malayal Annabedi
Urdu Hira kashish
Kaaseesamtu Kashayoshnam
Amlam Naata Balasajith
Vishanethra rujah switram
Hantikushta Vranaanapi.
Kaseesam (Ferri Sulphas) is stringent, and acid. It is heating. It checks Vaata and Kapha. It is useful in the treatment of Visha, diseases of the eye, Leucoderma, Kushta and wounds.
Dose:- 1 to 4 grains in pill or mixture with water.
Action:- Astringent haematinic.
Uses:- It is considered in high esteem as a haematinic in cases of anaemi and bloodlessness (Refer Kasisa Basma). It is also given as a substitute for other preparations of iron. For its astringent properties it is given in combination with other drugs in cases of dysentery, diarrhoea and haemorrhage. In certain cases of jaundice and anaemia it is considered as a specific. It improves the colour and vigour of the body by enrichening the blood.
As an external application it is used as a ghrita for ulcers and as a lotion for irrigation of inflamed mucous membranes.
44. Kasthuri
Latin Musk
Tamil Kasturi
Telugu Kasthuri
Canarese Kasthuri
Malayal Kasthuri
Urdu Mishik
Kastoorika Katuh tiktah
Ksharooshnaa Sukrals guruh
Kaphs Vaata Vishacchardu
Suta Dourgandhya doshajit.
Kastoori is pungent, bitter and caustic (Kshaara). It is heating and increases sperm. It is heavy (guru). It is useful in checking Kapha, Vaata, Visha, Vomiting, cold and bad smell.
Dose:- ¼ to 5 grains to be given with human milk, milk, honey, betel leaf juice and honey or in combination with other medicines.
Action:- Stimulant, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, digestive, brain tonic and is said to improve eye-sight.
Uses:- It is a powerful diffusible stimulant which may be relied on and which does not subsequently depress the patient like alcohol, if given in proper doses and watched. For this purpose it is used in pneumonia, high fevers, cholera, to women after confinement and as a preventive and cure for cold, influenza and other infectious diseases. It is given in almost all Vaata and Sannipaata diseases, and forms the chief ingredient of aphrodisiac and tonic pills. It is one of the popular constituents of the thambula intended as a tonic and aphrodisiac.