74. Rasna
Names:- Latin Alpinia officinarum
Tamil Chittarattai
Telugu Sannaraashtramu
Canarese Rasagadde
Malayal Aratta
Urdu Kulanjan
Raasnaa tiktoshnagurvee syaath
Visha Vaataasra Kaasajit
Sopha Vaatodara sleshma
Samanyaamasya paachanee.
Rasna is bitter, heating and heavy (to digest). It checks Vaata, Raktapitta and cough. It is useful in the treatment of swellings and abdominal distention. It subdues Kapha and matures Aama dosha.
Dose:- 5 to 15 grains of the root rubbed in honey or of the powder or swarasam prepared as usual with honey,
Or ¼ to ½ tola as decoction with honey or sugar,
Or boiled with milk, strained and taken with sugar.
Action:- Expectorant and carmiantive and vaatahara.
Uses:- There is a great doubt about the identification of this drug in different parts of India. The root used in the Madras Presidency is very popular and is specially used in sore-throat and cough due to throat troubles. The root is rubbed with honey and licked slowly morning and evening.
It is specially reputed as Vaataharam. Charaka mentions a pill made up of 1 part of Rasna, and 1¼ part of Guggula, to be given with ghee in Gridhrasi vaata or sciatica. Rasnaadi Quathams are many and contain among other drugs Rasna, Sunthi, Devadaaru, Gudoochi and Dasamoolams. The decoction of this compound powder is generally given with castor oil. It is recommended in hydrocele and hernia (“Mootra vriddhim….. Vriddhim antrodbhavan Jayet” Saarangadhara). It is used in intestinal distention, in pulmonary troubles as well as for relief of nervous pain. It is a very popular drug in Southern India for the treatment of rheumatism (Aamavaata) and it is combined with castor oil.
75. Rasona
Names:- Latin Allium sativum
Tamil Vellaipoondu
Telugu Vellulli
Canarese Bellulli
Malayal Vellulli
Urdu Lasun
Rasono brimhanah Vrishyah
Snigdhoshnah paachanah Sarah
Rase paakecha Katukah
Teekshno Madhurako Matah
Bala varnakaro medhaa
Hito nethryo Rasaayanah
Hridroga jeerna jwara Kukshi Soola
Vibandha gulmaaruchi Kaasa Sophaan
Durnaama Kushtaa nalasaada jantu
Sameerana swaasa Kaphaan cha hanti.
Lasuna (Rasona-garlic) is oily, heating and digestive. It quickly penetrates. In rasa and vipaaka, it is pungent and it is also sweet. It is teekshna (acute). It is aphrodisiac and makes one plumpy (Brimhanam). It improves strength and complexion. It is good for eye sight, intellect and as a tonic. It is useful in the treatment of heart diseases, chronic fevers, colic, constipation, Gulma, anorexia, kaasa, sopha, piles, Kushta, loss of appetite, Jantu (Vermicide) and swaasa. It checks Vaata and Kapha.
Dose:- Of the oil ½ to 2 minims.
Garlic 1 part, oil 8 parts, milk 32 parts. Boil till the oil remains.
Or,Garlic 1 part, oil 8 parts. Heat the oil and strain.
Dose:- 3 to 10 minims of the oil with milk and sugar.
The swarasam of Lasuna is generally extracted by crushing the bulbs along with bran and expressing through thick cloth. 1 to 3 minims with milk and sugar.
Garlic ½ to 1 tola, milk 4 to 16 oz, water double the quantity of milk, mix and boil down till the milk remains, filter, add honey or sugar and take every morning.Action:- Internally, stimulant, diuretic in small doses, galactagogue, emmenagogue, intestinal antiseptic, expectorant, antimalarial, antifilarial, antitubercular, antispasmodic in asthma, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac and tonic in proper doses.
Externally, antiseptic, rubefacient, counter-irritant and blistering.
In large doses, it is an irritant and produces flatulence, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea etc.
Uses:- Garlic is used in a variety of diseases, specially as a stimulant in Vaata diseases. It is a reputed home remedy and is popularly called the musk of the poor man.
Its action on the bronchial mucous membrane and as an antispasmodic in asthma, is marvelous in some cases. It is also used in consumption and in the early stages, it acts as a specific. Milk boiled with Lasuna has been very much extolled as a tonic. It is the regulation of the dose that is the most difficult part in the administration of Lasuna. The same dose does not suit all constitutions and in some cases disagreeable symptoms are noted which necessitate withholding of the drug. Charaka recommends its use in elephantiasis.
An external application of the oil is antiseptic and stimulant to the wounds. The swarasam of Lasuna is powerfully caustic and when introduced into sinuses produces inflammation and powerful reaction resulting in a high temperature, some times upto 1050. In some cases, the sinus is healed by one application. In ear-ache, the oil is prepared along with Hingu (Refer Hingutrigunataila) and dropped comfortably warm into the ear. As a poultice ground with Omum, turmeric and castor oil ad boiled with water, it makes a nice application for relieving inflammation. As an external application in pneumonia and pleurisy, it has produced excellent results, sometimes cutting short the duration of the diseases. It is mixed with camphor and turmeric and rubbed all over the body when the limbs become cold due to collapse or in hysteria. It is a favourite of old physicians in the after treatment of puerperal women. If properly used, Lasunam is one of the most useful drugs of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia.
In Malarial fevers, Lasuna has been used with great success. It is used as a secret remedy in many villages in South India. Grind equal parts of Arka (Calotropis gigantia), lasuna and pepper into a mas and make into 5 grain pills. One to 3 pills may be given two or three times a day for the treatment of Malarial attacks. It is a bit heating and so the effects must be carefully watched in each case. Ordinarily, it is good to stop its use temporarily after using the pills for 2 or 3 days. It is most useful in Vaata and Kapha types.