Azim Premji, the chairman of Wipro and famous for his philanthropy, has his 2nd lord of wealth and 11th lord of gains Mercury powerfully placed in lagna, the great auspicious 5th lord jupiter in in the 2nd house, his bhagydipati 9th lord Mars is in conjunction with the 10th lord of profession Venus forming a superbly powerful rajayoga and 7th lord Saturn in the 11th and Moon in the 5th are also great.
In 2020 he donated 52,750 crores to charity. This brings the total value of his donations so far to 1,45, 000 crores – appx 21 billion dollars – the largest by an Indian and among the largest in the world.
The 9th house in a horoscope has a lot to do with charity and generosity and the 4th house which rules ones heart or nature of a person also has a lot to do with charity. The great auspicious planets Jupiter and Venus are also important for this. In his horoscope the 4th and 9th lord Mars is superbly placed in the auspicious 10th house and it is conjunct with the auspicious Venus and is being aspected by the auspicious Jupiter!!