After seeing the horoscope of Barack Obama, the twice elected 44th president of United States, many astrologers have expressed their doubts about whether this birth data is correct. The reasons they gave are as follows:
In his birth chart Lagna and 2nd lord Saturn is in its own house but it is afflicted by the neech dusthana 12h lord Jupiter. The 4th lord of masses and popularity Mars who is also the labhsthana 11th lord is badly placed in the dusthana 8th house. The 5th lord of children and seat of power and authority Venus who is also the very important 10th lord of profession is also placed in the dusthana 6th house. The Sun is the worst in the 7th house of marriage and he is also the dusthana 8th lord. Bhagyadhipati 9th lord Mercury is good in the 7th but he is afflicted by 8th lord Sun. The 7th lord Moon in its house of exaltation Taurus but as its degrees are 10 it is only Moolatrikona condition and not exaltation. So with hardly any good yoga present and with so many important house lords badly placed and afflicted, how can he rise to such a high position and have nice wife and children is what they question!
In Vedic astrology what may be bad from one point of you may be good from another point of you due the duel. In Obama’s birth chart 2 dusthana lords .. 6th lord Mercury and 8th lord Sun are conjunct and they are aspecting and being being aspected by another dusthana 12 lord Jupiter and this triple association of all the 3 dusthana lords is a super powerful vipareeta rajayoga.
According to all the Vedic Astrology scriptures,if a planet is not well placed in the birth chart but well placed, well conjunct and well aspected then it is very good. That is the beauty and greatness of Vedic astrology and that is the beauty and greatness of Barak Obama’s chart.
In is most important Navamamsa chart, the Navamamsa lagna lord Sun, the 4th and 9th lord Mars and the 2nd and 9th lords are combining in the 5th house of children and seat of power of authority. His 2nd and 11th lord Mercury is in its house of exaltation. Saturn is in its own house and vargottama, Jupiter is in its own house, Moon is well placed in the bhagyasthana 9th and Rahu and Ketu are in their moola trikonas. This is what made imgreat.
He got married in 3 October 1992 …Rahu/Sun period and Sun is in his 7th house of marriage, both his children were born during the Jupiter dasa which is karaka for children and he became president in January 20, 2009 during the mars antardasa period and Mars is his most important Atma Karaka.
So this proves his birth data is accurate.