He that is armed with the discuss,
He that is endued with great prowess,
He whose sway is regulated by the high precepts of the srutis and the smritis,
He that is incapable of being described by the aid of speech,
He whom the Vedantins have striven to express with the aid of speech,
He that is the dew which cools those who are afflicted with the three kinds of grief,
He that lives in all bodies, endued with the capacity of dispelling darkness,
He that is divested of wrath,
He that is well-skilled in accomplishing all acts by thought, word and deed,
He that can accomplish all acts within the shortest period of time,
He that destroys the wicked,
He that is the foremost of all forgiving persons,
He that is the foremost of all persons endued with knowledge,
He that transcends all fear,
He whose names and feats, heard and recited, lead to righteousness and merit,
He that rescues the righteous from the tempestuous ocean of the world,
He that destroys the wicked,
He that is Righteousness,
He that dispels all evil dreams,
He that destroys all bad paths while leading His worshippers to the good path of emancipation,
He that protects the universe by staying in the attribute of sattva,
He that walks along the good path,
He that is Life,
He that exists overspreading the universe,
He that is of infinite forms,
He that is endued with infinite prosperity,
He that has subdued wrath,
He that destroys the fears of the righteous,
He that gives just fruits, on every side, to sentient beings according to their thoughts and acts,
He that is immeasurable Soul,
He that bestows diverse kinds of fruits on deserving persons for their diverse acts,
He that sets diverse commands (on gods and men),
He that attaches to every act its proper fruit,
He that has no beginning,
He that is the receptacle of all causes, as well as of the earth,
He that has the goddess of Prosperity ever by his side,
He that is the foremost of all heroes,
He that is adorned with beautiful armlets,
He that produces all creatures,
He that is the original cause of the birth of all creatures,
He that is the terror of all the wicked asuras,
He that is endowed with terrible prowess,
He that is the receptacle and abode of the five primal elements,
He that gulps down His throat all creatures at the time of the universal dissolution,
He that smiles in the form of flowers,
He that is always wakeful,
He that stays at the head of all creatures,
He whose conduct consists of those acts which the righteous do,
He that revives the dead (such as Parikshit),
He that is the initial syllable Aum,
He that has ordained all righteous acts,
He that displays the truth about the Supreme Soul,
He that is the abode of the five life-breaths and the senses,
He that is the food which supports the life of living creatures,
He that causes all living creatures to live with the aid of the life-breath called prana,
He that is the great topic of every system of philosophy,
He that is the One Soul in the universe,
He that transcends birth, decrepitude and death,
He that rescues the universe in consequence of the sacred syllables Bhuh, Bhuvah, Suvah and the others with which homa offerings are made,
He that is the great rescuer,
He that is the sire of all,
He that is the sire of even Brahma,
He that is of the form of Sacrifice,
He that is the Lord of all sacrifices,
This is an allegory to Visnu being the great deity that is adored in all sacrifices.
He that is the sacrificer,
He that has sacrifices for his limbs,
He that upholds all sacrifices,
He that protects sacrifices,
He that has created sacrifices,
He that is the foremost of all performers of sacrifices,
He that enjoys the rewards of all sacrifices,
He that causes the accomplishment of all sacrifices,
He that completes all sacrifices by accepting the full libation at the end,
He that is identical with such sacrifices as are performed without desire of fruit,
He that is the food which sustains all living creatures,
He that is also the consumer of that food,
He that is Himself the cause of His existence,
He that is self-born,
He that penetrated through the solid earth,
He that sings the samans,
He that is the delighter of Devaki,
He that is the creator of all,
He that is the lord of the Earth,
He that is the destroyer of the sins of His worshippers,
He that bears the conch (Panchajanya) in His hand,
He that bears the sword of knowledge and spiritual illumination,
He that sets the cycle of the yugas to revolve without end,
He that invests Himself with consciousness and senses,
He that is endued with the mace of the most solid understanding,
He that is armed with a circular wheel,
He that is incapable of being agitated,
He that is armed with all kinds of weapons,
Aum! Salutations to Him!