The planets which indicate brothers and sisters ie. Venus, Mars and Mercury are all in Scorpio. The next house is occupied by Saturn and Moon. As Venus contacts Saturn first and later Rahu in his movements, so the sisters cannot enjoy married life for long and they have to face some trouble or other, all along. The native’s wife will be a noble and devoted lady. The wife will have pain and trouble in the loin region. The native will have one or two daughters-(several houses are vacant between Saturn and Rahu and Rahu and Jupiter). When Saturn transits Libra he will be aspected by Jupiter in Cancer and later contact Rahu in Pisces, a dual sign. As a result the native is likely to get employment in an airways company. Mercury is with Venus and Mars which indicates keeping accounts and Handling cash. Just before entering Virgo, Saturn will see to it that the native is marriec and will give him an employment when transiting Virgo. When Saturn comes to the conjunction of Jupiter in his 2nd round, the native will get a big lift. Saturn will cause ill-health every time he transits Scorpio. As Jupiter contacts Ketu first in his round he will propitiate some Goddess. He will have abundant faith in the Goddess. If the Moon be in any of the 4 places from Sagittarius to Pisces, the native will be a thrifty person and may have a polluted mind, and always without peace of mind. His wife will predecease him round about the age of 56-60. Between 51-54 he will acquire a house and improve his status in life. When Saturn transits his house, Capricorn in his second round, the native will retire from his profession. His daughters will not die as Sumangalis (Le. they will not die before the demise of their husbands). He will live upto 65 years.