In this chart the Sun is in exaltation in Aries, with Venus placed in the next house Taurus, and Jupiter in exaltation in Cancer. The native’s father was a master of arts. Both of them will be highly devotional. But the native will suffer severely all through and will not be happy.
The disciple questions, ‘Sir, with the Sun and Jupiter’ exalted Venus and Saturn placed in their own houses, with Venus in the 5th and Jupiter in the 7th from Saturn, I do not understand why the native is not happy”.
The Master answers–True, the Sun is exalted in Aries. But there is Rahu in Pisces–With Mars and Mercury fighting with each other and caught up by Rahu. The Sun will be shadowed by this unhappy combination in the adjoining bouse. Rahu’s help makes Mercury win in the fight and Mars is defeated. This shows that the native lost her husband at an early age (7th to Venus is owned by Mars). Next take the case of Venus who is to give happiness. He has his enemy the Sun in the preceding house, and another staunch enemy Jupiter exalted in the 3rd house to Venus. As Venus is trapped between these planets he is unable to be of any help. As a result the husband was employed in Government (the Sun next to Mars). Mars is with Mercury, a brother. The native will get some money as a result of the death of the partner but there will be legal problems as the Sun is between Venus and Mars. It is the brother of the husband that will be benefited much by he legacy.
When Jupiter comes to Leo in the second round the native will be married. When Jupiter transits Libra, ,the native will become a widow. Although, Jupiter is exalted he has the opposition aspect’ of the Moon in Capricorn. This indicates loss of power for Jupiter. Jupiter in his transit contacts Ketu first before joining the Moon in Capricorn. So, she will take up to propitiation of God and as a result, .she will go to happy astral planets. As Mars is in con junction with Mercury and Rahu, there will be an operation at 46. At 31-32, when Jupiter will be transiting Pisces she will be stung by a poisonous creature. She will also suffer headaches very often oh account of excess heat in the system. After 46-47, when all troubles will be over, she will stay with her brother (Jupiter’s transit in Virgo). At 48, she will acquire some landed property but it will go over to a brother. Between 48-50 she will visit some holy places. After 55-56, upto the age of 70 she will live a fairly peaceful life.
In the case of a male with the same placement of planets, the native will
be employed in a machinery concern at first on a lo’w salary and later he will rise to a good post, but the native will not be very lucky even in his high