This native will be highly devotional and dedicated to his masters, charitable in nature and one who will feed Brahmins. Jupiter’s placement in Leo along with Ketu leads to taking Sanyas under Royal favour as it is the Sun’s house.
The disciple wonders and questions how the native can take to Sanyas when Venus is placed in the second house to Jupiter.
The Master answers-Jupiter is in a king’s house and holds Chief Minister’s post. The other occupant is Mars who is reddish in colour and there is Ketu with a tail So, the native will have the name of a faithful servant having a tail. With Venus placed in the 2nd to Jupiter we can infer his name to be Sugriva.
The native’s father after undergoing trials and troubles through relatives and being devotional in nature, attained liberation by the grace of God. Saturn in his movements first contacts Venus in Virgo, his sign of debilitation, then has Sun’s contact and finally touches Rahu in Aquarius. This shows that his father passed away, when the native was about 23-25.
The disciple questions the Master, “What is the effect of the exchange of places of the Sun and Mars in this particular case?”
The Master answers, “The father had many friends. There were low caste people and who were after women when the Master was away. The father had plenty of money.”
The disciple agrees and further questions, “Master, as there is Jupiter in Leo Venus is in the 2nd to him in debilitation, what will happen when the Sun reaches Leo?”
The Master answers-Even if the Sun gets Simhamsa (stay in Leo) on account of Jupiter’s contact with Ketu in the same house no good is likely to happen to the father So Jupiter only can give Liberation. Jupiter and Venus are enemies. So are the Sun and Venus and the Sun does not enjoy the company of a planet in debilitation. Thus, Mars is left all alone and being in full vigour in Leo he goes forward and holds Venus in embrace being overcome by Kama . Simply because Mars is in Leo and Venus is in Virgo, you cannot predict the same thing in all cases. This is a peculiar case. The representing father (the Sun) in Scorpio is on a duty at his machinery head quarters, his wife was alone (in Virgo). Mars enters and enjoys her. Mars has no faith in Moksha (Jupiter-Ketu combination) and Venus was alluring. Hence the situation ended like that.
The Master further gives another example. fu that case the person concerned was born 3 years and 8 months before the birth of the above native. Mars, the Sun and Mercury were in Pisces, Venus in Aries, Ketu in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Cancer and Rahu in Scorpio. Mars was lord of Aries where Venus was placed all alone in the 2nd house to Pisces which Mars occupied. Mars was in conjunction with Mercury in debilitation. Hence, the native did not have a happy home life. Jupiter had exchange of places with Mercury, but Jupiter did not help the native. When Jupiter moved to Cancer he contacted Saturn. The next house he. Leo indicates Government. The next contact was to be with the Moon and Rahu in Scorpio.(house of Machinery). There is so much similarity; but Mars was weak too and so was the Sun-both fiery planets in a water)’ sign. Hence, there was no aggressiveness in that case.
Now, coming to the present chart, the native will have two issues as Jupiter is with Mars and Ketu with Venus in the 2nd to him. The son will join the father’s machinery department and work there. But, he will gain education in a foreign place (exchange of the Sun and Mars). His daughter represented by Venus will be well versed in arts and very intelligent. She may have troubles at the beginning; but she will live happily in later life. As age advances the native will become very devotional in temperament and attain liberation by his own efforts. He will live up to a good old age of 70 and spend the life in comfort.